
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY 6th, MARCH 1937 BOOTH European War Not Expected by ALLAN SIMEALLAN SIME JAPAN 1936 New Contemporary FOREIGN TRADE Best WASHINGTON. The ſing the leading European Baked State Department refuses to nations is about to occur. LIMON, LIMON, Berlin believe that Europeis about decline to believe that any Importación Bread to commit the suicidal ad such suicidal adventure 13 Buns venture of war, notwiths imminent.
Imports and Exports tanding the Biscuits Cakes alarming re. On the contrary, am Exportación ports.
convinced that the leaders The People Bikery This opinion was given by jof those nations, knownia Depósito de Madera Box 179. Limon Walton Moore, Acting what a perhaps fatal blow Lumber Deposit Secretary of State, in res lanother extensive war would Compra de Cacao en ponse to questions at a press ibe to the fabric of European grano Where is the World coreference, Obviously his civilization, will find some Cocoa Purchased views reflected the tenor of common sense method of ad Gold Stored?
official dispatches from Eu justing all controversies.
ropean capitals to the de Of course, all the world Cables coming from Wash partment.
would be glad to see the ciangton and dated the 1st ins. do not think the repo vil strife in Spain wholly lo.
tant bring a most unwelcome rts coming in from Europe calized. news. In view of the scarcity of We have been favoured with a Goal. We find that the Supremae should cause undue alarm copy of The Comet. a weekly Court or the United States bas Mr. Moore said. decline to! It was forthe reason of news Magazine of West Airia.
crisidered it necessary to create believe that a war involv contributing to the localizaInis is certainly a most entrane a sensational incident, tion of the Spanish civil war mg beautifully got up Magazine in conformity with the jud. Japan forment banded down in 1931 the New Deal and National Recovery ing an arms embargo to that an all time high figure of 89 Broad Street, Lagos, went Act, the Court has now declared conflict. Officials are now 5, 725, 875 yen, it was an Africa, null and ved all Contracts sti.
satisfied that pulating for Payments being ma American nounced.
de in Gold or in its equivalent in arms will not reach Spain of the total, the equiva it gives some very interesting ate gobi mctiey of the United lent of 796, 000, 000 repre news or African By our concemporary the Exthrough third countries.
activities, and sutrient amount of the yellow press we note a letter from a la They are convinced that sented exports, while im deserves the patronage of Ne As this naturally significs that a purporting to have been Mexico will not provide such ports amounted to 834. groes out west, as an exchange ed from its hiding place to meet staunch Garveyite, who had been a channel, as a result of a 000, 000, the excess of imof thoughts and aspirations.
metal cannot be found or extract written to 1or conations nom reiteration of her attitude ports totaling 38, 000, 000.
the requirements of commercial berself and friends in aid of that she will not permit Unit Imports increased 45, 390, transactions, in case of a demand, Garvey Five Years Plan. The be 1000 over 1935 and exports wa are considering what may be reply of this one time devotee teed States munitions to the rate of our Banana Contracts the cause Alric redeemed by the cleared for Spain through 88, 350, 000.
Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON nere which include such a stipu u. was curt and cut her ports in view of the neu ung. She said she was now de trality legislation in this lation.
The published statistics voted the cause of suffering country.
indicated rayon production Lthiopia in which Garvey did not during the year reached the Abogado y seem interested any longer, her. ee José Achion Ng record total of 274, 500, 000 nothing could be obtained frcan pounds, surpassing that of Notario Público Der toward his cause Comerciante Detallista all other countries, includOficina: Altos PasIt is evident that due to the ing the United States, which, GUACIMO GUAPILES many miscarriages in the Licores, Abarrites, Cristale it was estimated, produced cual Ingianna this Society 13 slowly but ria, Artículos de Ferreteria 270, 000, 000 pounds.
Cantina, Licores aurely drifting toward last y Eléctricos; todo Extranjeros y del país.
end. So far as imon is concern cuentra en este establecied no Negro with any self res.
Tienda bien surtida pect would think allowing is Abarrots en general or her name to be associated any PRECIOS DE SITUACION longer with the Association, hen.
RADIO LIMON PR COS sin COMPETENCIA ce, no doubt, the seathing reply olthe one time staunch supporter.
Interest In Gar neutrality legislation apply eign trade in 1956 reached aited by air. Duse Monamed All veyiam Waning LUIS WA CHONG 15 Se enmiento a PHILCO 1937 Among The Lodges LIMON TRADING COMPANY on THE CORONATION PROGRAMME May. 5, Their Majes. Their Majesties at Buckingham Palace. 15. RecepCalidad garantizada por la ties hold Courts at Buckingham Palace for British Com tion for, and Departure of, gham Palace. 10. Arrival monwealth representatives. Foreign Envoys and DepuFábrica de Radios más grande del Mundo in London of Envoys and De Dinner Party by the Duke tations. 19. Their Majesties drive to the City of Lon putations. State Banquet at of Gloucester.
Buckingham Palace, don and Lunch at the Guil12. The Coronation. 11. GENTE PARA LIMON: Presentation of Addresses 13. State Banquet at Bu dhall. 20. Naval Review by and Loyal Greetings by Pri ckingham Palace. 14. Din the King at Spithead. 24.
VICTOR EMILIO ECHEVERRIA me Ministers of Dominions ner to Their Majesties by the Their Majesties attend Emand by representatives of Secretary of State for For pire Day Service at St. Paul Apartado 92 India and of the Colonial eign Affairs at the Foreign Cathedral. 25. Dinner to Empire. Luncheon Party by Toffice. Court Ball at Buckin Their Majesties by the Prime Minister at 10 Downing 296009913099. 00 0009980010 0 100Street. 26. Queen Mary Birthday. Court Ball at Bu ckingham Palace. 27.
Their Majesties attend a Reception by the London Coun As listed, Monday efficiently carried out by ty Council at County Hall night, February 22nd. the Bro. Nelson, LUMBER YARD 22. Garden Party in the members of the Union Dis King holds Levees at St. Ja trict of Costa Rica met for After this was concluded, mes Palace, thd di patch of important several important commuWe have opened a Lumber Yard June. Official. cele business, the chief item be nications were discussed and bration of the King Bir ing the installation of resolved and the meeting where we carry in stock a complete thday. Trooping the Colour Fitzbert Barrett and closed to re open on the 26th assortment of all kinds of Native on Horse Guards Parade. This Officers which was very instant for special bussiness.
10 11. The King holds InLumber. Special sizes to order.
o vestitures. 22. The King We also have Portland Cement, Roof holds a Levee at St. James e Palace. Garden Party in the Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpengrounds of Buckingham PaNACIONALES tine and all other building materials. lace 27. The King reviews FRANK MADURO Jr.
Ex Service Men.
July. Their Maje ties PROP.
Send in yours orders hold a Court at Buckingham Frank Maduro hijo, Palace. 12. Their Majes.
ties visit Scotland. 14 15.
Best native lumber Their Majesties visit Wales.
Maderas del país. ExisLimon Division. 22. Garden Party in he tencia permanente grounds of Buckingham Pa nuestro depósito.
at moderate prices lace.
Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas derivinisterio de Cultura y juveniuu, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarSpainSpanish Civil War

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