
11 Saturday 6th, March 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE ITALY WATCHES RED SUSPECTS Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Political activity contrary tent om account of precarious King Postpones Visit To Indian Empire חר Britain Huge Defense Plans.
FOR SALE Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads. Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month ROME The Italian Go.
vernment has intensified its de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not police surveillance through Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which out the country in order to de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
prevent possible infiltration of Bolshevist agitators into the Kingdom. All suspected persons are constantly der watch of the politial police.
sporadic and few and have had no politcal repercussions to the régime is a The move is the result of because no organized oppo crime. Charges of anti fas avoided.
intensified propaganda and sition to the government cism are tried out in the Tri The fact that communism of the Spanish civil war re exists. They were purely bunal for the Defense of the has been checkmated in Ita ther than of widespread personal initiatives quickly State, and long terms in jail ly has not prevented Signor LONDON. It is officially Communist manifestations suppressed by the police and or exile to the islands are Mussolini from combating it announced that the King has in Italy. The manifestations the OVRA, Italy secret po dealt out to those found abroad. He has, no doubt, postponed his visit to India in this country have been litical organization. guilty.
seen in theaggressive Com which was scheduled to take Since the outbreak of the munist propaganda in Spain place in November this year war in Spain Communist France, Belgium, Czechoslo when his Coronation and Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association agents iare reported to have Ivakia and other countries a Dunbar would be held.
entered Italy with forged potentioal danger to the passports. But the only case security of his Fascist State. It is explained that His AVISO NOTICE of subversive activities of Hence his recent resolve Majesty feels that the any importance in recent vith Hitler to fight the Queen health would not months occurred at Terni, Third International beyond stand the strain of the LonSeguridad ante todo; Hágase Secure yourself and family where more than 20. 000 his own borders. He has de don coronation ceremonies socio de la Sociadad Benefcencia de Costa Rica, para paby becoming a member workers are employed in finitely embarked on anjif followed so shortly by the gar los gastos de entierro; Esof the only reliable Buammunition factories. few aggressive anti Communist Indian Dunbar. He added tablecida en Limón, el de rial Society established laborers printed posters call policy which led to the re. that he hopes to hold the Mayo de 1928.
in Limon May 5th, 1928, ing upon the Italian working cognition of the Franco go Dunbar later.
men to unite and to aid their vernment at Burgos.
To page Spanish brethren fighting for their freedom against Genera Franco Insurgents These posters were distribut ed among fellowworkers. In From page to supply garrisons in pea a few hours the effort was muel Hoare, First Lord of setime for home and over stopped by less than a dothe Admiralty, pointed out Iseas; forces which will be izen arrests.
in this connection that since able to support the policy of Fine Farm at Madre de Dios cultivated with Cacao, Some months ago a few Bananas and various Fruit Trees.
the Washington and London the Home government in the residents in labor districts. Property Carries naval treaties expired on defence of the Empire and sought to air their politicali Registered Title.
December 31st. there was no the discharge of all interviews by appearing on the further limitation on naval national obligations.
Also treets wearing bright red eonstruction and that Great! This enormous ontlay by neckties that were exactly Several horned and maned Arinals Three Houses Britain intends to follow the Britain has greatly alarm like those displayed by Comand a well stocked Shop.
proposed qualifield limita ed Italy, which she alleges munists in pre Fascist days.
Owner compelled to sell in consequence tions in the constructions of is particularly aimed aga It did not take the police of failing health her warships.
inst her as it is only since she long to convince people that The Estimates for main declared her conquest of red is a very unpopular co Apply Farquharson taining the Army during the Abyssinia and Germany hasſlor in Italy. Some wearers Madre de Dios coming year were also predefinitely commenced her were jailed.
oooooooo sented. These amount ses. 49066. to campagn for the return of Apart from rare cases of 82, 174, 000 which is an in her Colonies, that such a po this type Communist and So Las fiestas en el club social.
crease of 26, 293, 000 over licy was initiated. The Ita cuis manifestations have those of the previous year. lian Press also declare that been unknown in Italy since Viene de la pág. mo una copa de champin y otras In a memorandum attached England friendship with 1926, the year in which the dad Pacheco, Reina de los Camás cuya sola presencia fue el me to the estimates, the Minis Haile Selassie, coupled with Communist party was a vales, toda llena de encantos, a Jajor adorno de los salones de Club.
ter of War stated that the the invitation given him for banded by decree.
At the preciosa Myriam Francis Brenes, increase was mainly due to the Coronation ceremonie, begºnning of the Spanish espléndida de gracia, princesita de baile de campesinos the expansion adn accelera are further proofs that these trouble the ensueño government y de sión; a Olga Marta El lunes se llevó a creato el ation of the programme for huge apprpriations are di granted nation wide wage Pacheco, bella cual una 1:0 nunciado baile de campesinos para bringing Britain military rected against Italy. As a increases averaging un templo azteca; a la encantadita el cuci existia enorme entusiasmo per preparations up to date. The consequence we find a four cent to industrial and com Carmencita Brenes, esbela y pa en la sociedad cartaginesa, aim of the government, the nations agreement being comercial workers as well as cil como un junco en for: Coemen Los salones del club Social fue.
Minister stated, ie to produ me to between Italy, Ger to State and city employes Escalante, morena como uma espiron acomnados con motivos tipicos ce military forees adequate many, Austria and Hungary. In this way, possible discon lea madura; Ruby Preto robia para servir mejor de nuevo a las lindos damitas que lucian, con donaire sin igual, el traje tipico costarricense. Las encantadoras con chitas de camisa de gola y amplins enaguas de vivos colores, rozagantes y frescos cual flores del campo KEEPS SHOES SMARTER formaban un conjunto de inolvidable sabor criollo.
Muchas horas duró la fiesta, 7menizada por una marimba cuyo Don forget to NUGGET yours shoes repertorio musical fué del agrado de toda la concurrencin.
every morning and save your NUGLa fiesta del martes WATERPROOFREE FROM ACID GETlids, which can be exchanged También hubo un alegre Saile la noche del martes pasado, ultifor beautiful and useful gifts at the mo dia de carnaval. De este modo, el Club Social de Cortago CITÁ. con broche de oro su programa de LIMON TRADING COMPANY, Limón.
festejos sociales durante los IRtro dias de fiestas en la antigua INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES metropoli. La sociedad cartaidesa correspondió ampliamente esfuerzo de la Directiva del Cljo Exclusive Dish ibutors.
al ofrecer estas reuniones. Nues a San José.
más sincero felicitación al conile organizador por el magnifico exto obtenido Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    BolshevismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniSpainSpanish Civil WarSubversive

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