
A Much Needed Improvement The Atlantic Vaice Madrid Still Centre of Conflict (The Banana Club Tragic End of Well known Medico Now that so many ideas of communal comforts and improvements are being thought of for our City, may Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone we suggest a very much needed one to our Municipal Editor English Section: NATION Fathers? Public Shed, or Caballeriza, where the peasants who come to market can tether their horses or Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 13 March 1937 No. 135 mules while trading their produce. There is a muricipal law which prohibits animals being tied to the trees on the market square and it is also prohibited to hitch them to the poles of the Electric Light Company, We thought that while having the sidewalks around the city repaired our Municipal nen would have sugDespite their avowed adhesion, wath these etorts will ha Thureday, to the North and North to the international neutrality ve on the assistance being given west of ihe city which threatens gested small iron rings or hooks (Argollas) being in Poct and the prohibited decrees sympathizers.
to complete its entire isolation serted in the walls of the watertables to which animals ensiall by the several into During the past five or sibe forces of Geikral Moia are could be tied while their owners are delivering their rested nations, large numbers of days, the loyalist faction bave reported to have reached a 018 allen volunteers a cuninned suffered a series of losses by the lance of five kilometros Trom milk, cacao, vegetables, etc. nothing, however, seer to pour into Spain; as late 23 Salling into the hands of the the city of Guadalajara, and it to catch the eye of our Municipal Officers or Sanitas y the 8th. instant, Madrid announc nationalists of much material shotiy; this would be a serious Inspectors save the Pound Fees. It is a mean imposition ed that between 6, 000 and 8, 000 and munitions destined to their plow to the cause of the loyalists to demand a Poundage Fee of eight colones from our Italians had entered by way of aid, the most important of which is thought that its fall will occur small settlers, who supply the market with the necesthe Fortugude frontier for SP was the sinking the Cantabrias it constitutes one of the most vice with the inprgeats, while co with a cargo alleged to con important positions in line saries of life, for hitching, their animals to posts in the it is alleged that more than dot Lain 37 airplanes, 48 million call of defense.
streets for a few short minutes, when it is konwn that ble these numbers are particpat cridges, 7, 000 rifles and 1, 000)
no conveniences are provided by the Municipality for 11 in the conflict now bir machine guns, etc.
Madrid was again sub ected waged around the Spanish Cagi In addition to the intensive to a heavy barabardment this necessity. It would be well for don Manuel Flores front tal Towever, he international and con. inuous fighting wich has the air yesterday, which caused and his colleagues to cast a glance around the station the combatants by their foreign been proceeding for more than mue damage in the comercial at Juan Viñas and observe the thoughtfulness of those blockade goes of definitely into a week now around Madrid, the area in addition to the loss concerned in the construction of a fine shed where into effect at 12 otock tonignt, nationalists are said to have com many lives.
trafficers to the station can hitch their animals while and it will thereafter De seen menced anothe: okiesrive, since attending to their business, and have a somewhat sirin lar shed erected here for the convenience of those who ITALY PLANS GIGANTIC must come to the city on horseback, RE. ARMAMENT PROGRAMME Orficers: ROME. Premier Mus pain and France of having Armando Martinez, President.
The Police department is very, very considerato lini has completed the drafti started the feverish world Frarut Riley, vice president to these unfortunate, unprotected traders; for if our of a gigantic armament pro copetition in arms building. Wm genial Colonel Arias did not instruct his men from a Leary, Secretary gram, calling for heavy in Il Duce prepared his far releito, Sandoval, Treasurer. humanitarian standpoint, they would very often find creases in aerial and naval reaching scheme for the con Rues Committee.
themselves in the great dilema of having to pay eight construction to keep laly in sideration of his Grand Carl krautn.
colones for the release of their animals after selling a threatening position in Council, which is sail to be Winsome Scottock the new world arms of perhaps ten or twelve colones worth race designed primarily to assu Dr. Salisbury yams, potaWith Fascist circles accus. re Italy dominances the Bertram. Bookout toes, plantains, etc. We have seen Police Officers odCommittee Chairmen: ing the United State. Brit air.
vising these unfortunates to take away their stock so Dances, van Phipps Entestai: inet, Dean Smith as to avoid inconveniences, and for which kindness and Library, Agnes. Bowden consideration these Limbs of the Law must be congraThe Executive Committee UT tulated.
the Club met on Febriary It is with the preCoundest rechem shee and mortally wounded 1937 and agreed on the follow It is certainly hoped that the eyes of our affetle gret we annour. ce the death of the Doctor, who was unarmed ing: Governor, don Ricardo, will catch this article and, beer doctor Manuel Rojas at Puer Doctor Ro as was well known Name: The Banana Ciut. ing the Justice contained in it, cause the oversight to to Castilla in the republic of Hondu in this community having been Dues: Membership 33 the be remedied.
ras onay last, under the attached to the start of this Hos Club shall be 5. 00 monthly most tragic circumstances. pital for some ten years. He was Library: Membership incl; los According to the advices whicn ne of its most popular medicosi che privileges n; the Library.
nave been received here. one Na The remains of the doctor will Danrez. The amount of the thaniel Sisgyish, an employe, of lit is expected, arrive here next subscription to dances and the Trujille Railway Company. Moncay on board the Sicials shall be determined by the which is affiliated with tbe Uni xaola, for trar sportation to San Committee.
Re eur cacao ce, which is quoted at 62 ted Fruit Company, entered the José, where the intermert will We want the Club to be en March 9th 1937 abrced allow us to pay, believe office of Doctor Hojas 1:1 the take place.
direly representative of the Cos Dear Mr. Editor: Com 51. 00 to 53. 00 hospital at Puerto Castillo and as The Atlantie Voice tfers its ta Rica Division ană urge yo tu be Re! Your caption on our cocca quintal.
a consequence of a violent discus deepest sympathy to the widow come a member now. you problem beg to rear you to Thanking you in advance LOC sion which took place betwee and other sorrowing relatives kidly sign your name on the the interview. given by me to the quoting this letter in your text ne below which will be your au Tribuna, in San José, in whicb number, please count me as you thorization for us to arrange mon previous to what Mr Nurtos. Sait Friend always.
thly deductions from the jay dearly statet that that recomen RAMOS kindly effective March 1987. Atto pant, to go on planting cocoa Manager, Sant ter signing, please Yeter inis as the only solution, of paper to the Secretary.
Socoa problem nut one province SERVICIO DE VAPORES the of pery Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA New Orleans Service yetition brought forward by the bank, the only one which prices Marshall Graziani is reand fluctuations are governed b: ported to have left Adida LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Much satisfaction bas been the changes in the foreigi: mar Ababa for Asmara on tho created among our farmers EUROPEOS AMERICANOS 10th. instant on his way to the ce ision of the Fruit Compa also point to your attention ny to resume their New Orleans that my article in the Atlantic Rome.
VAPORES SALIDAS gervice, as it wall give them the voice written when the It is generally believed price opportunity to wspose of an addi in town was 15. 00, Rctually.
that he will not be able to QUIRIGUA 14 de Marzo tioral guantity of their Bana the quotations abroad have climb resume his position in Abys PETEN 21 de Marzo nas now being produced. The ser ed as high as 10. 50 dollars Csinia as a result of the inget vise is scheduled to start on New York rund Aki. the ries he received in the recent VERAGUA 28 de Marzo Monday next, and will be weekly New German international devil bomb explosion.
The very appreciable amount of 165, 000 stems will leave this port ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
during the four days er ding Monday. Yesterday the Suleco GUILLERMO ARIAS DELGADO SULACO 12 de Marzo sailled with J5, 000 stems Ier England: Llevando café solamente para Londres.
tomcrrow the Quant JORGE ALVARADO PIZA gua) will load 55, 000 for Nev APOGADOS y NOTAQICS LIWYERS PUBLIC NOTARIES York ani on Monday the Sixao Tienen el gusto de ponerse a les ALVARADO CIA. A.
ia will be given 35. 000 for New Take pleasure in offering their proordenes del público en esta provincia fessional services to the peeple of Orleans.
This province Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
We hope that no OFICINAS San Jose Frente a lo untoward exquira Foreste del edificio de CoOFFICPS San José: in front circumstances will again arise Noriheast Corner of Post Office Bit Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Tres y Te égr. los Limón: Cantiguo ding. Limon Adjoining the British to suspel this service. as apart al Vice consulado Brlenico: Vice consulate Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica. rom other considerations, It San José: 1463 affords a large number of TELEFONO 3156 Apartados: Boxes Tabourers the near to augment Liaon.
84 ing their weekly earnings.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Re Our Cacao Industry UNITED FRUIT Co.
our problem, as it is the only activity Grazianni Leaves Fruit Company Resumes open to everyt, dy ant nos, un Abyssinia coni by ket on Our


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