
Another Cacao Exporter 1937 ALLAN SIMEALLAN SIME reLaudable and Beneficial Thought an can y ork Siste LIMON TRADING COMPANY ADERAS compre todas las MADERA MADERA Most weicome has been the sixlit rieties in the grade and colour of planted to meet the reuirements of our different markets and LIMON, have of Mr. Lester Norton of Siquirrus our Carao that it was no wurde: LIMON, San José teme man of his 10:ivi the Trinidad, African and Venezue these properly fermented and curImportación ties a our comercial life. wat lan products are now. quoted at filed under one fixed system so as to y Imports and Experts can be his attractions now in teen cents in the foreign markets produce a uniformity of appearanmon we thought; it cannot be for while the best obtainable for the ce. The crection of more. Driers Exportación health or he would have gone to Costa Ricau is ten cents. It woula should also be advised; say, one at climas más apropicdes. So, on be more in order, continued our Bonifacio, one at Estrada and anoth Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit approaching our friend, we were friend, if Mr. Martinez suggested er at Siquirres. These, coupled most agreeably surprised to find governmental supervision and vigi with the existing ones, the Com Compra de Cacao en he was on the Cacao Deal. New lance, by imported Expertes, for pany in Limon; Niehaus at WalFil grano Cocoa Purchased Deal, in a new market, for the up the class of Cacao planted and the deck and Lindo at Rio Hondo, ac keep of our Cacao price methods of curing and grading a would avoid the complaints On interviewing Mr. Nortons dopted at the factories, so as to give garding lack of facilities for proper garding the prospects of Cacao, in our product a uniform grading, for fermentation and grading, and review of his much appreciate lementation and colour. We could sult in better prices being obtained ter in one of our Dailies in vaply, then find markets for our inferior in the foreign markets.
to the advice of Mr. Martinez that and superior grades and classes We are very pleased to see Mr. magnificent scheme, for tue, all classes, from the age of 15 we shuold not plant another root, justs is done for our tercerillas, Norton in the competition in the pport of our labouring class, to 65 years, should contribute to he said that noted Journalist wps pergaminas and oro Safes, Why open market he having, we underile and female, after they shall a specific fund so that when they mistaken in his ideas of Cacno pro tells us not to plant Cacao on our stand, secured the interest of ve arrived at the age of sixty are incapable of working they the years and no longer will be entitled to a monthly al. duction. It is not, he emphasiz sd, wornout Banana properties, with influential produce firm in 1s We note, beingowance on which they can exist the overproduction of this pruct out advising us what to substitute United States. This bespeaks better rmulated; it is now having the withouth having to solicit alms The which Mr. Martinez should attack therefor: attention to our Cacao farmers and nsideration of the Special Com scheme also provides that the gav but the curing and grading of 100 There are several classes of Ca brighter prospects for our agriculIsh ittee of Congress in charge of rnment as well as private en so as to enable better prices to be cao. What should be done is to ad tural pursuits, rojects intended to afford eco ployees, who benefit by the demanded. There are so many vai vise that only the best grains be pie relief, etc. whose members strength and labour of these wor onsist of such well known le kers, should make monthly con, 2000 csosseees00:1999. 11 y slators as don Carlos Maria JL tributions Maternity charges are eenez, don Ernesto Martin, don Elso included.
eodoro Picado and don The Croket Cup Competition OTO How laudable the idea! We can only hope no Colour question will As announced in a previous This most beneficial schem be brought in to mar the humane issue, the Season starts cn as initiated by don Jose Maria Intentions of so great an under Easter Sunday the 28th. instree of the National Insurance taking.
LUMBER YARD tant ank; it provides that workers of The many admirers of the old Wanderers Club wi.
be pleased to learn that as We have opened a Lumber Yard a result of the efforts of Mr. where we carry in stock a complete Rivers, the President, en el and Mr. Stanley Butler, the assortment of all kinds of Native Captain, the Club has bcen Lumber. Special sizes to order.
NUEVO DEPOSITO DE MADERAS enrolled as a competito.
This, of course, gives new We also have Portland Cement, Rooflife and netus to the Con ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenMADERAS DEL PACIFICO DEL ATLANTICO test, among all Cricket loPrecios los más bajos de plaza tine and all other building materials.
vers, as the Wanderers HAGANOS UNA VISITA is composed of a forni.
dable team who are always Venta permanente Send in yours orders de Cemento Alsen determined to get the best JOSE FERNANDEZ of the same against a LIMON TRADING COMPANY correr Limon Division Read SO20000 0000000000000000000 The Allantic Voice By the Gleaner we note 171 bags Ginger: 185 casks that within the past fort Logwood: 50 bris. Coffee; night or so the Jamai. 55 puncheons Rum; 59 cases ca Producer. one of the Orange Oil: 77 crates Sweet Dr. Alejandro Vargas Araya ships owned and operated Oranges; 50 crates Limes: by the Jamaica Producers 12 crates Citrus Fruit: 20 OSTEOPATH It is noted that old man, day next with a view of Association, sailed for Loncasks Orange Juice: 25 125 Yarda North of the Botica Oriental Masters of Cahuita was call sentencing the parties found don with the following subscasks Grape Juice; 12 cm.
ed to Court to acquit him guilty of Fraud in the Mat.
San Jose, Costa Rica tantial assortment of that tes Vegetable Marrow (ACself of certain interrogato. ter.
Island products on board: kee. bags Annotto; en Treats al Diseases without the useries put him by his one time The public is watching 22, 331 crates Grape fruit; ses Cigars; crates Fruit: of Drugsespecially those which Legal adviser, Mr. this issue with great inter1, 087 crates Sour (se rilie) crates Carrots and 75. 67 have not yielded to medicines and Polson, who is claiming that est and much apprehensions Oranges; 475 bags Coconn bunches Bananas.
injections. Fractures and other re Masters owes him two thou as there are many compli.
ts: 218 bags coconut sheil This disclose but a por sulta of accidents also treated sand colones for professio cations especially among the charcoal: 324 bags Copra:tion of the great variety of nal entanglements.
witnesses. One lady, or SPECIAL ATTENTION 326 casks Honey: 213 era agricultural products of Masters disaeknowledged example, has sworn that he tes Egg Plant; 281 ciates which the little Isle of Spr Given Patients from the Lines any compromises whatever document of sale to Perry in this direction. He declar has been in her care Peppers: 1, 767 crates Irishings is capable and Potatoes: 100 bags Pimento ed that the only entangle keeping since January 1996, teeing a Bail Bond to set was drawn up in February Polson at liberty in connec 1936 and to which they tion with the criminal in subscribed as witnesses, Brazil sees a ted plot Obects vestigation to American Lawyer still pending Much sympathy is felt for Importante conocer Important Notice Arrival for Revolt Trial against him: he however wi Cousin Perry, as it seem he RIO DE JANEIRO, David thdrew his Surety on becom was inveigled into a trap due Aceite verde Green Oil Levinson, American lawyer, who ing acquainted with the real his ignorance of the came here to defend Luis Carlos intrigues in the case, hence Spanish language.
Prestes and Harry Berger, on this unjust thought.
trial for alleged connection with Many heated remarks the revolt in November, 1935, can were made during the disPara la picazón del Warranted to cure not take charge of the defense, cussion, and the daughter of Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquiña lich, Mange, and other according to Julge Barros Bac the old man is alleged to Comezones.
Skin diseases.
Wee. Le reto, president of the security tril bunal that is trying the revolters have told the Court it is the Brazilian law does not allow fault of the Judiciary to ESTRADA Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in gelting a foreign attorneys to appear unless allow such men to practise Búsquelo en todas Bolile on Sale in all registered at the Brazilian Bar before the Tribunals.
Abarrotes y Licores Asacciation, Judge Barros Barreto Artículos del País las Farmacias Drug Stores said.
In the long pending Af Precios Económico The press charges Mr Levinter Death Sale. final inteson is an agent of the Commisj rrogations will be taken by LA IBERIA tist International the Criminal Court on MonEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Large Shipment of Jamaica Products Before The Law Courts Brazil Sees Red Plot ment he had was by guaran while others have sworn it Press SALOMON CHIN


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