
Hermann Carmiol EL CONGRESO HONDUREÑO DEROGO LAS DIS Thames during coronation are coming too.
20 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 13 march 1937 PROBABLE CHANGES IN BRITISH CABINET LONDON. Discussing that the Chancellor of the that the first Lord of the Ad Cabinet changes which are Exchequer, Mr. Neville miralty, Sir Samuel Tioare. o. expected to take place after Chamberlain, will besore will become Chancellor of the Coronation, the Con: Priemier, that the Secretary the Exchequer.
American Dentist vative Provincial organ of War, Duff Cooper, will Sir John Simon, according Yorkshire Post claims tolbe succeeded by Minister of Graduate of Harvard University to the Yorkshire Pos. is have reliable information Health, Kingsley Wood, and one of the candidates mentioned for the post of Lord The most up to date Dental and Ray Clinic FLOATING HOTELS FOR 50. 000 DURING President of the Council but BRITISH CORONATION it is also possible that he aud Palace Building (Adjoining Palace Theatre)
not Sir Samuel Foare ray SAN JOSE COSTA RICA LONI ON. The Sunday There have even been become Chancellor of the Express writes that nearly. heavy bookings from pro Exchequer since Liberals 50, 000 people will stay in minent people in Siam and would prefer the appointthe the West Indies. Icelandersment of Sir John to the latter post.
Japanese boats will bring POSICIONES QUE HABIAN RESTRINGIDO EL About 100 launches, tug3 visitors representing the aris Report that Winston Chu COMERCIO GANADERO tenderi and rowing boats tocracy of Japan. The worchill would succeed Sir 37will take them to and from men will wear native cere muel Hoare at the Admiralty the shore.
monial dress.
is called mere guess work Thirty great One of Japan Corona by the paper which, howeliners of tion tourists which arrived ver, asserts En Managua es muy comentada la resolución from 17, 000 to 22, 000 tons that Neville when que abre un nuevo e importante mercado a will be anchored to speciai last week spent hours in Chamberlain would her stateroom a beautiful new Cabinet consider fitness buoys in midstream stretching from Gravesend up woman she industria ganadera is preparing for ministerial task as more to Greenwich Buoys.
her hair and making up her important than the fact of face with Many of enamel before adherence to a certain par.
them will be crack foreign liners from all coming down the gangway. ty or party group.
El señor Cónsul General de Nica no encontrarán los obstáculos y rogua en Honduras ha comunicado restricciones que hasta ahoro harla parts of the world.
al Ministerio de Relaciones Estesidban en sus transacciones, There will also be huns que la Asamblea Legislativa de onduras ha derogado la ley nu En general, la derogatoria de en and motorboats, warships Tero 84 del año 1934 en virtud de ley que era un obstáculo formida and scores of smaller liners cual se gravaba la introducción ble a nuestro comercio con Hondu.
nearer to London.
Todo habitante de nuestro país que sienta verdadero a ganado vacuno, caballar y mu ras, debe ser acogida con extrema One liner which is coming beneplacito, esperandose que ella cariño por él, está obligado a comprar únicamente la from the Far Sast will bring En consecuencia, Honduras vuel sea el primer paso en el camino a va a ser magnifico mercado para emprender para el establecimienio an Arab potentate with his muestra ganaderia, noticia que no del libre comercio o intercambio co, harem. His wives will have puede por menos que ser halagado mercial con la hermana república a part of one deck especials para nuestros ganaderos que del norte, roped off for them.
que es la que produce la renta para el sostenimiento del Hospital de San Juan de Dios y del Asilo Chapui.
Debe tenerse en cuenta que protegiendo a los que padecen, nos protegemos nosotros mismos dreds of tomada private Nacht LOTERIA NACIONAL LOTERIA NACIONAL Italy anxious for increased Birth Rate No hay que sembrar hoy Puzzling Difference en as The Council program as In Lighter Vein ROME. The Grand: The communique also out Council program to incre lines the creation pf Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON ase the birth rate in Italy special institution whereby cacao.
disclosed the urgency of the loans would be made avai.
population problem, due to lable to young couples con. Viene de pág, 4)
inteligentes han ensayado con basAbogado y the failur eof previous in templating marriage, in ad hice la semana pasada Si otros pien tante éxito; y no debemos perder ducements for the creationdition to the State provid an de otra manera, santo y bueno de vista el coco que podria Lenar Notario Público of large families.
ing dowries for the brides. Pero yo siento la satisfacción de la deficiencia de la producción de In its commun que the It would also provide insu haber cumplido con un deber, co manteca de cerdo ya que del coco Oficina: Altos Pas Council said: We solemnly rance for young workmen.
mo estudiante asiduo que soy de se saca una de las mejores grasas remind all Fascists that the The Council also proposes nuestros problemas agricolas. para la cocina. En la Seiba, Honcual Ingianna problem of life and its con the creation of Big FaNo debemos olvidar que en Adurºs, hay una fábrica de manteca tinuation is really the pro milies Associations. throug frica Occidental los jornales son de coco que produjo y vendió lel blem of problems.
hout the country.
muy bajos y por eso el cacao se año pasado la cantad de 742 859 Without new life, there As well as the creation of produce eor: un costo muy inferior libras de manteca, aparte de otros can neither be youth nor mi a central organ through al nuestro; no debemos olvidar productos, para lo cual la empresa litary power, and neither can which to control the devel tampoco que tras la Industria ca compro a los particulares la cantiseems to me, that out of all we hope to attain without it opment of the regime po caotera de los nativos de la Costa dad de 026. 117 libras de copra.
e puzzles in creation, further economic expansion puịation policies, de Oro. regicnes contiguas, están! Esta manteca se consume hoy Tiere nothing quite as baffing or render secure the future el Gobierno inglés y el Gobierno Honduras de preferencia a la de of the Fatherland.
francés, mientras que tras el culti cerdo y, como producto vegetal, es is marriage transformation.
vo de cacao de Costa Rica sólo esta mucho más sana y digeril que outlined in its communique, la Divina Providencia; no debe aquélla, Before we wed, he sit for hours which deals principally with Have you ever had a book mos olvidar que nuestra Costa Todo esto lo estudiará cuidadosaAnd gaze into my eyes.
ways and means for increas which you simply could not cántica puede producir otros cosas mente la junta nacional de CoopeAnd often we were late for meats. ing the nation population put down? asked one gen. que babano y cacao, que algún dia ración Agrícola que está ahora dan Hos mind was not on pies! includes giving priority in tleman of another.
va a convertirse en una zona ganado apenas los primeros pasos para Oblivious of passiog time, the obtainance of employOh, yes, was the reply, my dera y que ya se pertilan nuevas su organización. para todo eso Ho say: Oh! you re so sweet. ment to the fathers of nume. Bank Book, for if ever left industrias como el abaca y el cau el pais con el apoyo decidid del But now when come near he rous children; to adopt mea it about my wife would be cho, aparte de los granos, frutas y yells: sures under which fathers sure to start writing checks. verduras que algunos agricultores. Pasa a la pág. 12)
16, Gosh! when do we eat? would receive greater salaIaow the way won his heart ries in proportion to the num Yeah, Alice is crazy for was just by being cute, ber to their children; and, me to teach her to swim.
But holding him different to revise the existing proBut thought you taught thing.
visions in orde to assure a her last summer. il have to feed the brute.
she stable living for large famiI did, that why LOW PRICES LYLA MYERS. lies.
wants me to again teach her this summer.
40 Litro Corrugated Milk Pans, Rubbers for Covers, Milking Buckets husband and wife were Blue Striped Jute Sacks of and Cajuelas having breakfast one bright for Potatoes and Coconuts.
morning, when the man in Ploughs (X) and all accessories; Collins the case found a hair his Cutlasses: Nails and Staples in all Sizes: biscuit.
My dear, he said, her: is Fencing Wire; Iron Cooking Stoves for Wood.
one of your hairs in my bisEstablecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes y cuit.
She looked at it for a moEl más surtido en Matina menų then said. No, dar. LA COPA BLANCA Ironmongery ling, it looks exactly like one Box 12 CARTAGO Telephone 11 of yours. It must have come off the rolling pin.
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