
COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Prospects of Costa Rican Fruit Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association AVISO NOTICE FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
Recent Visits of Officials were cte LUIS WA CHONG there for fifteen days una Louis In For World GUACIMO GUAPILES Championship In all the controversies over C:Why cant we do likewise? Even cao, Coffee, and Bananas, our far peppers ano ackees (vegetable mar mers of the Atlantic Zone esants row) or in Spanish, queso vegetal, take little or no heed of such fruit are being shipped by the dozens LIMON Seguridad ante todo; Hagase Secure yourself and family os Oranges and other citrus fruit, and hundreds of crates. Why cant. socio de la Sociedad Banefiby becoming a member mangoes, pears, cashew, etc. we, when Bananas are fejling cencia de Costa Rica, para pas of the only reliable Bugar los gastos de entierro, Es.
We find that the government is plant these things: some of them Fábrica de Hielo tablecida en Limón, el de rial Society established anxious to secure all the oranges do well as shade for Cacao, whynot Mayo de 1928, in Limon May 5th, 1928, Refrescos it tan for the manufacture of adopt them?
wines, ete, the cashew (mara) Of course, some will say we have is also much in demand The Na no market for them but we could tional Liquor Factory has used up continue to cultivate them until nearly a million oranges in recent we have them in commercial quanmonths, hence its scarcity in our tities, when one or more or pur exmarkes and the accompanying reporting firms would soon find a During the past week of the Resguardias and the sult that olmost any kind of ran market so long as they were guar many high functionaries of Investigation Bureau gave LA FLORIDA ge represents five cents today. Yet anteed a regular supply State have been among us. rise to much speculations our settlers do not plant these Right now we find the long for There was the Director of but it appears they Fábrica de Hielo fruit in their small holdings, and gotten Wild Rubber, as ours is the Investigation Bureau hunting down certain uidif they do have a couple of trees called, being enquired about by with many Police and De irable aliens who were reVenta de Leche they allow the misletbe and offer Mr. Emil Sohle of Hamburg Hetectives; as also Mr. Zava ported to have re entered noxious creópers to destroy therx. wishes to know in what quantities leta, the Inspector General the country after having y Maderas On another page of this issue it and at what prices is can be plae of Resguardias. Don Jorge been deported for their acwilbe seen that a fortnight or so ed in Hamburg.
Aragon also ran into the tivities during the late iab.
ago Jamaica shipped away 20:531 It has always been a surprise to City one day and left the our disturbances in this procrates of Grapefruit; and even th. cl us that while formerly the price next; he came, we underst vince. Thirteen of them were Excursionists fo: Jamaica ordinary Seville or Sour Orange, for Costa Rica rubber went as high and, to inspect what steps captured and have been came in its share of attention as as three colones per pound, not were being taken in cpanec iranspo. led to Puntarenas The Launch Bocas del 1, 087 crates were forwarded even fifty cents is today offered tion with the settlers on the from whence they are to be Toro arrived here early England. Why cant we fellow suit for it. Surely it can be manufac Milla Maritima Lands. sent out the Republic.
Wednesday morning from and stir up a market for these tured into something. even though The presence of the Chiefsi Bocas for the purpose of things, or why cant we cultivale there is a superior grade? Mr.
transporting the excursio sufficient of them for our own Sohle now finds he can use it, and nists for Jamaica as organiz consumption? Oranges and goed so we advise owners mare their King Approves Special Corona ed by the Pathfinders Cablimes cannot now be had aron trees, someday they will be of she left at p. the same Limon, even at the high prices pre much value.
tion Stamps day for Colon with qui an vailing.
The Atlantic Voice will se LONDON. The King has Lime Juice, Orange Juice, appreciable number The stamps will be of the on board.
are exported froin Jamaica by the glad to get in touch with one wao approved a special issue of same shape and size as the knows to plant and graft oranges. stamps for the Colonies to 1935 Silver Jubilee issue, At Colon the Excursionis. hundreds ci puncheons annun!
ts will embark for the isle commemorate the Corona and will be printed in single of Springs on one of the re.
tion. They will take the pla colours. The design includes gular liners going across the ce of the stamps in a stan portraits of both King Geor; will remain dard King head desiga ge and Queen Elizabeth in which were to have formed a setting of Coronation emconect with one part of the new permarent blems including the Crown, of the issues for the Colonies.
Cantina, Licores Dutch Boats Orb. Sword of State and coming here direct.
Extranjeros y del país. The new issue will cons Sceptres.
ist of three denominations Tienda bien surtida It has been definitely deThe date of the Corona.
cided that on 22. vi. Joe in one common design. tion is inscribed at the top Abarrctes en general. will be on sale from May 12 and the name of the issuing will engage Braddeek PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA to December 31, when all territory at the base, with remainders will be with duty labels in thelower corCOMERCIANTE for the World Champio ship drawn from issue and des. ners.
in Fistic affairs.
por más de 20 años troyed.
Establecido en la Provincia Venue al letal. Vinos y LiIn consequence of this siga Crown Prince Asfaou to cores extranjeros y del pais.
ing up for the fight in Chi Represent Father at Coronation abarrotes en general cago, Braddock may have to MISCELANEA answer a civil suit is the LONDON Lic, Francisco Fonseca Ch.
The Ethio Establecimiento esquina proprietors of Madison Squ pian Legation here today Norte del Mercadu, are Gardens who claim he announced that Emirror Entre 45 had agreed to fight diax Haile Selassie eldest son, Abogado y Notario Público Lawyer Rotary Public Schmeling in New York be Crown Prinee Asfaou Wofore he would meet Louis san, will attend the coroni KILLING CANBE Jimy however is not in the tion of King George VI, as Oficina contigua a la Office: Adjoining to the City Ring for fun, he is there for the representative of the Public brary CHRISTIAN Gold as well as fame. Ethiopian emperor. b icteca Erglish Speken fight with Louis means a mi LONDONN ho nettbollion dollars to him, wis or Fermer Judge 01 the Limón District Court Tork asserted it can he close: while a fight with the Just as my girlfriend and Christian duty to un oprov. German would only Ong were kissing last nigħi, her ing the Church a Lng cases him two hundred thousand father rushed in with a sot bly de isloh Liat Turistine Hence the says come tizens many rizot int service Joe, come what may.
of their country.
Did your flesh creep? I ll say it did. Every inch LONDON. According to for attendance at the saroI think it is trusted to deposit the sum of twa sofa.
Schmeling has since offer of it crept right under the latest reports, the Due of nation, ceremonies is beslis agitatior is increases the danger Windsor and Mrs. Simpson. assailed.
of war, said th arcubiss the hundred and fifty thousand will be married on May The middle elnss. which scost Rev. Wiluan emplo dollars to the order of trad On my trip to South Anie preceding the coronation of is for Edward, has been jgvoicing anys oprainn dock in whatever Bank he rica certainly saw a io of King George VI, by ten days nored, and the coppersuye the Very Rev. Shepseleets, if he will forego the beautiful panoramas. thus overshadowing the tra stores, competing with the and, canon am preantor or fight with Louis and met Ah, and yet you proraised ditional pomp planned for middleclass merchants, are St Paul Cathedrat ninavsed him, Sehmeling, instead is you would not run around the occasion.
well supplied with tickets.
with those native girls. The distribution of tickets!
We believe that with a label ot 13 Oye om te neva is no les3 devastating Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dersorol ata We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back and no more Chelst than one de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
dropped by tlus or that dista Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bil must be paid at our office cina dentro de los primeros 10 días After hearing a mangainit all forms of pain which de cada mes the Right Rep. Arthm Be so good as to comply with this reguest and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena agton ingrara, Bishon oblige us to suspend our service, a step which don, wiimed to real dangers tu de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
the peace of the weld tv The path the assembly adopt ed resolu. on supporting Great Err prenasenes poliny Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
EDGAR YOUNG Louis, the Detroit Stede Duke of Windsor May Marry May 2nd 21 on gun before the 10th of the month Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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