
The Atlantic Vaice time of great tribulation Regarding European Matters Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone Editor English Section: NATION Today, in the breast of which shall have the suprem every worker, in every part acy?
of the uorld, there is a disNo. 156 Some few weeks ago the Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 20 March 1937 content brewing which stagi Western set board of the gers humanity.
United States was paraliz As we write this articie ed by one of the most exten the Republic of Spain, one sive maritime strikes of of the proudest nations of history. Hundreds of ships Attacks and counter attacks ale tor, despite the persistent and in filct, as a counter balance for the the Universe, growns under laid idle in the harbours for stin the order of the day around tecive attacks of the nationalists rid being afforded the insurgents the destruction being wrou many months, perishable, Madrid, where along various ct to dislodge them.
y Germany and Italy. The oiter ght within her borders by cargoes had to be jettisontha ghting fronts both contes. gr at sensation was produ. nas however been definitely re tho raging of the conflicted, the work being performtants continu, making every ef ed in the various diplomatic cenfus u by both governments. It is for the supremacy of Commu ed by labourers obtained fort secure the supremacy. No tres wh nit became known tua: believed that the publicity of the nism over Capitalism, for from Mexico and other materie change has, however, ne government of Valencia had order will seriously affect the mc Over a hundred yet been reported although the offered certain important conces. rale of the loyalists supporters and disguise it as we may, this points.
is indeed the cause of the thousand labourers were loyalists are stated to be maini sions Spanish Morocco to Eng engavice General Franco pos.
great unrest. Two great sys possibly affected by this faining the gains they recent y land and France, in return torsibintiis of succ 69.
obtarred in th, Guadala ara sec. It ir direct assistance in the con. The insurgents are still recent tems of political philosophy walk out. Business along the are contending for the mas seaboard was at a complete To pag 11 tery of the world. Organiz standstill; steamers had to ed Labour and Capitalism, go to Panama without carg.
GUILLERMO ARIAS DELGADO oes and returned only for JORGE ALVARADO PIZA passengers.
Shall The Ruler Influence The ABOGADOS y MOTARIOS LAWYERS and PUBLIC NOTARIES The strikers recounted Tienen el gasto de ponerse a los Take pleasure in offering their prowhat they termed the cruel ordenes del publico en este provincia fessional services to the peepie of treatment of the shipping clame Newsmagazine says fluene in this direction, it 1s OFICINAS San Jost: Frente a lo OFFICES. Sanole: in front of President Roosevelt in about to noted that don Victor Guaraia is companies of some time ago Northeast Corner of rice BullTreos y Telégrafos Limon: Cont guo oti a period during which thought chang. the make up the Justictai opposing even the ding Limon Adjoining the Brush al Vice consulado Brilonico To page vice consulele Department of th: United States such a thing, and in expressing San José: 1463 1or the more efficatious carrying his opposition ho says. Any dav Apartados: Boxes our of his plans, especially those that the President may be able 10 Li non.
34 the National Recovery Act and influence a reform in our Poder The Coronation of bis New Deal programme Judic:all the Department of JusAs, appar ntly, some fear is tice) would be evidence thai King George bring entertained that President shall have entered on a Dictator.
Cortes might bring in come in ship.
Judicial Department this province csgaira Noreste del edificio de CoBanaea Inspector Changes Residence The Enormous Cost of Arms Our Landowners terrez and Co Predominate UNITED FRUIT Co.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE Invitations were extend by Mr. Miguel Morales, Inspector noved from Turrialba; ne is now His Britannie Majesty Te Con of Bananas for this Zone, has re located at Cimarrones Farm, the sul at this Port to all loyal Brit property of Messrs. Ricardo Gum Ishers to attend a moeting ort Eighteen years ago a war ter For 1937, even greater budgets Monday in connection with a deMr. Morales would like it to minated which, it was proclaim will be required. Great Britain morftration, which he wishes to an ed, would end all wars and make has announced outlay be nerally know that, in keep of celebrate, in combination with the San J, Costa Rica. Costa Riing with the expr. as wishes of the world saft for democracy. 500, 000, but, of course, this Coronation of His Maj sty King George ce probably has the highest perca te Minister of Fomento, his ser a period of eighteen years is now will not all be expended during Several Britishers answered the tag: of landowners of any com vices are at all times available to thing much, looking backwards, the present year. Nevertheless, call and from what we gather, a try the world, undoubt. dly the all interested in our Banana In but it is a long time for a man is more than likely that the 847 the writer was not favoured with higast in the Americas. The go oustry. particularly on vernment reports that 24 per cent and cellvery days, wh he bas term.
cutting just entering a prison for that millions spent in 1936 will be an invitation, Divine Service will Since the war was conclud surpassed. And now comes Mulb helt St. Martk at ya of the heads of families at clos: of 1936 were landowners, ancie Farm to await the call o: the specany arra go to remain on ed hundreds of millions of youthssolini, proposing to mobilize all of the 12th. May, at the concium Increase. per cent over have come into the forld, and the the wealth, industry and men cf sion of which a procession will anyone.
ligure for 1935 number of those who can not Italny in preparation for the next move for the Plaza Rafael Ygle cias, Sere speches of loyalty Most of the landowrers ara As the Cimarrones Farm is so even remember the titanic con hostilities.
How long this mad rushwi will next be visited where an ade will The smad independent planters.
made. Thy Gobernacion may and conveniently locat flict is still greater Costa Rica has fre elertions ed along the railway, it is boped continue on one can tell. Prol dress will be present. our Gov.
and freedom of speech and press that this change will he in the Yet within that time the war ably until some power or set of ernor, don Ricardo Alvarado reHar leaders cont nd the govert better interests of plant ns. te spirit has assumed proportion powers can endure the strain no nes, atter this, the processo: will ment is the most stable in La lephone service is installed on es utterly unknown before the assas longer. Any man can go to Ha return to the Plaza Yglesias. Baile tin America and the nearest to marrones and may be utilized in sination of the heir apparent to des free of charge, but war is Ground) wh refreshments will President Procevelt id a of de coliciting the services of Mr. Mo the Austrian throne. Prepara expensive.
be given the schocs children ans mocracy.
Tals tions are being rushed feverishly ancianos, and games of all kinds in Europe for the next struggle.
Yo pa We shudder as we contemplate the ruin and destruction brought about by the civil war in Spain where the total of all forces engag ed is much less than a half niilSERVICIO DE VAPORES Jion men. Yet the havoc wrought on the Iberian peninsula is only Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK a sample of the catastrophe to Salidas de Limón: con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA be expected when the breaking EUROPA LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS point is reached in Europe.
Compared with 1934, the miliEUROPEOS AMERICANOS ardy upkeepl of last year was tremendous. Among the giat VAPORES SALIDAS powers Japan alone kept its cost almost stationary, by increasing Marzo 20 PETEN.
21 de Marzo from 272 to 307 millions dollars. VERAGUA.
28 de Marzo Great Britain, in the former year spent 480 millions, and in 1935, PTO. BARRIOS QUIRIGUA de Abril 847 millons. France raised its armament expense from 583 to 716 millions, and the United States ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
went up from 710 to 969 millions TETELA 26 de Marzo Italy took a long step last year from 1934 by putting its militay Llevando café solamente para Londres.
Marzo 22 cost up from 264 to 871 llions; Russia advanced from one million ALVARADO CIA. A.
to 2, 963 llions, and Germany Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
made the greatest bouná of all from 382 to 600 millions. AL HAPAG Para otros informes dirijase a les oficinas de la United of the foregoing values are in Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica. dollars In 1934 the total bill for Teléfono 2016 Avenida Central armament was five billions and TELEFONO 3156 in 1936 it had gone up to eisvenli Agencia Costa Rica billions Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. SESOSTRIS CARIBIA LLOYD

    CapitalismCivil WarDemocracyFranceGermanyItalySpainSpanish Civil War

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