
THE ATLANTIC VCICE Satarlay 29 march 1937 TIME OF GREAT TRIBULATION riously in legislating how among them and be ye sepa The Prophet Daniet alsof growth of Bolshevism, then they had to work on starva. to suppress this growing evi: rate.
warns us of this trouble: he Communism and Socialism tion wages; of eight and which is unfortunately ex See how St. James fore says in his 12th. chapter as against Fascism to mine hours shifts without perienced in every land. In told these days of turmoil There shall be a time of opposing forms of dictatorwas ship, each fostering intense eating; and of 18 to 20 our very midst we find the and tribulation; in the 5t: trouble, such as never class hatred, are most sig hours toil without sleep. And same unrest and annoying sarpter of his Epistle he since there was a nation: On one hand is although now treated with irritation. Did we not see a said Come now ye Nich, but at that time the people nificant greater consideration, they squad of Police and Detec weep and howl for your mis shall be delivered, everyone heard the battlecry are yet dissatisfied and de tives sent down from the eries that are coming upon that shall be found within Down with Capitalism. while on the other, the com manded better pay and Capital during last week to you. Your riches are corrpt the Book.
shorter hours.
ferret out from among the ed, and your parments are St. John, the Divine, also manist philosophy of life, Nor was this all The 1:bourers of our peaceful. inotheaten. Tour gold and tells us in Revelations economics and government Union Leaders aspiring to country, a batch of foment your silver are rusted, and know thy works, and thy is considered as Savage Ter also tie up th emerchant ma ers of trouble? About a sco their rust shall be for a tes tribulations, and thy pover rorism. Thus the conflict be rine on the Atlantic Coast, re of these were actually tony again you and ty (but thou art rich. Between individual wealth and set forth a vigorous campa caught and 13 deported, the shall eat your flesh as fire. thou faithful unto death, Labour assumes a political dinternational aspect ign to unionize all labour, balance having escaped the Ye have laid up your treas. and wili give thee crown am whieh constitutes a menace and the police had to be mo. Police. It is therefore seen ure in the last days: Bchola! of life.
bilized to keep the hign that no fiercer struggle is the hire of the labourers who In viewing the surroun to civilization; but Be ye ways of California open to now taking piace than the owed your fields, which is ding aspects of life, we can patient and watch for the commercial traffic.
conflict between Capital and of you kept back by fraud. not but advise our readers Salvation o fthe Lord.
In an Editorial appearin. Labour, and under the in crieth out; and the cries of to be patient and cautious; some time ago in Current pact of which every country them that reaped, have en to keep as far as possible The Pan American History it was stated. The groans.
tered into the ears of the from this fray, as entering Highway greatest of all wars between And why all this conflicts Lord of Sabaoth. Ye have lix into it only meais more inOrganized Labour and Capi Why all this bewilderment? ed delicately on the earth. dividual sufferings. These In so far as Costa Rica is con tal seem to have begun, and The answer to both ques and taken your plensure; ye broils, contentions and concern. the Tindl surveya in con it is described as one which tions can be summed up in have nourished your hearts flicts must come: but the nection with this gigantic under.
will be fought to a finish, the one word Selfishness in a day of slaughter: Femeans and ways for the fu. taking have en made ant but there is no such thing Because of the design of the have condemned; ye have filment of the prophesies acrer Brown, the isngineerin as a Tight to a finish be Capitalists, who rule in all killed the righteous one, he will be provided without our chief on bebalf of the Amer. can government, is awaiting intervention Crders tween these two contestants. countries, to subjugate la doth even resist you.
from or Ex cutive to commence They have been waging bour, unmindful of the cem The Way of Escape The hire of the labourer the work: such fights for generations, forts to the families of these, In referring to the truly has been kept back and is Tre survy was originally ma.
and each side has continu. the latter have selfishly pro Christian minded, the Apos today crying out. but he de to strike off South of El Alto, ed to grow more and more mulgated and fostered a tle says in the 7th and 8thve noz hasty, your cause will assing El Jardin on to the Patitanic. Organized Labour in hatred for their taskmasters verses. Be patient there be vindicated.
namanian frontier; at the request, the United States was never and as a balm for which fore, brethren, until the com Too often Capitalism has ever, of our government this as powerful as it is today, nothing but bloodshed musting of the Lord. Behold! been blind and arrogant. In we from Cartago on to and Organized Capital név apparently be adopted. the husbandman waiteth for leaving in its course a sick. Jardin and San Marcos de Tarra er as gigantie. After this zu which makes the routsomo of the ening trail of exploitations: miles longer, but passing through As a proof of prevailing the precious fruit pending battle has been fou conditions, the statistics of earth. Be ye also patient, though the working classes more important villages and teght out, each will continue the United States disclose establish your hearts; at times also, far too quirmg forty five miles of road to grow in power, for the that there are about 30 mil the coming of the Lord is at hasty in their resort to viol cetruction to be undertaken in end of one means the finish lions people who live in pohand ence. The spectacular Costa Rica territory.
of the other and each verty; 60, 000, 000 who are knows this.
barely able to meet living Treating on these times of expenses: 40, 000, 000 who Tribulation, Asst, Secretary dwell in confort; about 17 of State of Washington was millions who are rich; and credited to have made use about 3, 000, 000 who live in of the following remarks luxury and own about fifty during a recent address per cent of the country Eccaom je collapse trea wealth. And so it is, proportens us too on every side tionately, with every country El éxito en los negocios y en la Vanishing international Tra on the face of God earth.
de; unbalanced Budgets; de Is it any wonder there is 50 vida está siempre en espera del preciated currencies; mil. much confusion and cruci lions of unemployeed, toge conflicts between those who hombre que tiene el dinero nether withe demoraliza have and those who have cesario en el momento preciso tion which comes from idle not?
ness and public relief; these As previously quoid, Usted debe ser de esa clase are eating into our vitals. The fear of the future hauWe are forced to mortgagents the Lands. but why de hombres unboin generations to take should we be to pamic stricare of present wants. In cken? Does not the great the midst of abundance the Books advise us that these world is multiplying Pover times of Tribulation ana Laty. Therefore fear of the fu mentations must come in ture haunts every Land. the latter days? And does it The truthfulness of these not also provide us with a remarks are felt in every way of escape from such country. The President of evil forebodings? Yes, in paSUCURSAL DE LIMON Brazil has asked his gover tience, contentment, singienment, as per the cables of ness of heart and unselfis.
for are, Ahorre. Banco de Costa Rica last week, to see that connect is the balm to be found Franco Complains of French Activities Hermann Carmiol gress such in The by which Communism can be advice to the soberminded is PARIS. ports that Genera that France mignt invade Spanish closely, but is not engaging in suffocated in that Republic. Be ye separate from Francisco Franco, chi of the Morocro. They added that Franco any ativi. contrary to tlid Argentina, Venezuela, Co among them. have nothing Spanish Faseist forces bad cca is watching hown interests Treaty of Algeciras; recallag lombia, in fact all the Cen to do with any peculiar mo plained to the signatory powers That the French position regard tral and South American vements of unrest around of the Treaty of Algeciras agains: ing Spanish Morocco bag Countries, are engaged se yout Ge ye ben out Bread from alleged French efforts to set up presented cleniny and expHe tly disord sa li Spanish Mo: co Rations Decreed to both Borland Rome.
confirmed here.
Dipimoats were of th opinion however, that shti tuese re MADRID Draud rations have ports from Salamanca se tru: been decreed for Madrid and Buz Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON (D. they would show that Genera! celona, effective March 11.
Francois encountering difficul Tra polici comp3 which American Dentist ties in winning the war in Spain placid the Catalonian Junta of and is seeking some pretext Security in Barcelona Abogado y Graduate of Haroard Uniocrsity stir of Italy and Gedmany to carried cut a raid in the Uincrasingly support him.
derworld. and all those arrester Notario Público The French Foreign Office stat are Hable to be condemned to The most up to da e Dental and Ray Clinic ed that th, Government has 10 Corc labor on the fortifications Oficina: Altos Pasceived no note, such as ar nourra It was an: ounced that accort Palace Building (Adjoining Palace Theatre)
ei by th: Salamanca radio sta ing to latest estimates there are cual Ingianna SAN JOSE COSTA RICA clon 232. 000 refuges in Catalonia.
Ocas, here ridiculed the idea Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica to Public

    BolshevismCapitalismCommunismFascismFranceFrancisco FrancoItalySocialismSpainWorking Class

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