
News of Ethiopia Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association THE VOGUE Jamaicans in Cuba JOHN ROGERS Dr. Alejandro Vargas Araya Exchanges in Music Construction of Meat Market Begun ALLAN SIMEALLAN SIME AVISO NOTICE By the Pie Talks arriving here last Tuesday, we notice that Seguridad ante todo: Hágase Secure yourself and family news coming from Djibouti ports that Ras goum, the cesocio de la Sociedad Benefien by becoming a member Ladies and Gents Tailoring ichra. tawar General of Danakit cencia de Costa Rica, para pa. gar los gastos de entierro, Esof the only reliable Buthe and Walega, minted on For Style Character VO tablecida en Limón, el de rial Society established great white Arabian Steed, usuniMayo de 1928, in Limon May 5th, 1928, ly ridden by Emperor talle Sex and Good Taste.
ste, is leading 66. 000 will arm ed warriors against Addis Abeba He has invited the Viceroy to If you want the experience of met him in conference and has intorined him that null Italian wearing a real smart outfit. come troops must leave the country or along to By the arrial of twenty pase transportation to their country be prepared to meet their doom.
seng. s From Cubn the true dis origin. tressed comdition of thousands of it is said the government or al description is also given Jamricans in that Island has been Jamaica is taking steps to migrate the manner in which the band Maid bare. These people have been all who wish to go to Britta grenad, encounter at Addis ADE LIMON debarred of all work, and are ac. Guiana, and to provide them witr bn, which so seriously wounted tually starving. They are placed work until they can take care of the Viceroy, Field Marshall Uru.
In Concentration Camps awaling themselves in that Colony.
zlant, and the lying Gon ral Ltot Ita, was carried out.
Ladies say he is adept at making Several hundred Italian solCoats, Costumes, Breeches. Eic The Republican Band of rana. diers were killed in this manouOSTEOPATH ma has accepted our invitation to ver in which 600 Ethiopian war125 Yarda North of the Botica Orientat be with us for our festivities or riors were engaged, all of woon the 5th September next; white away to the mountains during San Jose, Costa Rica our San Jose Pånd will return the thermfosion or the panic strica Treats all Diseases without the use visit during the Olymp! Sporta lken multitude of Italinns tind sup of Drugs, especially ifose which to be held in Panama City in posedly loyal Ethiopians.
have not yielded to medicines and 1938 in ſections. Fractures and other re Sülra of accidents also Treafed.
Work has been gun on the, ca their Tor man of Works, con SPECIAL ATTENTION construction of our Meat Mar. Victor Casco, to supervise operaGiven Patients from the Lines LIMON, LIMON, ket toward the Northeastern cor tions, pending, the arrival of a Tier of the existing Market. The Supervisor from the Public Works Importación men of Engineer deh Francisco Department, whose business it la Jiménez, whose tendr for the Job o superintend all works of im y Imparts and Exports was favourably entertained, have provements to be dona in and 3Exportación started in earnest exenvating the round Limon, by the direct desire foundations for the structure. and injunctions of President Cor Depósito de Madera The Municipal Board have plac. tes.
Lumber Deposit LONDON. The Duke of Wind Compra de Cacao en sor was report to have set grano May as the day ior his wedi Cocoa Purchased ing to Wallis Simpson, causing fear the royal romance would over shadow the corchation of his brother successor just days later.
Washington Transmitting ſtal ships shall not exceed per Former King Edward VIII gen.
rally was belived to hae made it Buenos Aires The Spanish tent, the report of the special commit Panama Canal net ton, and shall end recognition is given cents per clear in recent it erences that Chamber of Commerce in Argen ithout reservations to the only tee which investigated the sub not be less than 75 Roosevelt asked Panama Canal net ton when such he int add to marry the woman tina, announced its decision to llegitimate Government in Spain, lect, President tor whom be abdicated his thro. henceforth openly oppose the Va that headed by General Franeisco the Congress to reduce shipping vessels are laden.
ne as soon as her divorce from lencia tolls in use by the Panama Ca.
because of Franco, as Chief of the Spanish nal and suggested an amendment lower than that levied upon laden Thirdly, that a rate of Government, tolls Ernest Simpron becomes absolu Its denial of the right to holdState.
te April 27 to the existing Jaw to give him vessels may be prescribed for vés and property. therefore will The lights in Edward estudy Morally and materially oid Gen The statement adds that Span final authority to determine the sels in ballast without cargo.
at Enz sfed Castle near Viena ish business can Be sheltered, tolls.
were said in ure urned until eral Francisco Franco.
protected and developed only un He proposed, firstly, that the An Old Problem a. yesterday while he thrash In this statement, the Chamed out the question with his favo ber spokesman said der authority, peace and law, as tolls in use by the Panama Canal that All upon the vessel Legislation to correct the dual rite brother. th Duke of Keat, our connections with the Govern represented by General Franco. shall be based Thme and Lord Brownlow, who Valencia Government it tonnage determined by Panama measurement system difficulties accomment of Valencia, are non exispanicu Mrs Simpson on her rigat says, not only has hampered the Canal rules of measurement, as has been recommended by succes from Englarul.
developinent of business, but in prescribed by the President. sive Canal administrations since It has been becoming daily mo many cases has despoiled it of its Secondly, that tolls on commer 1915, but not until President Roo re apparent the people of E14 property and in other cases hascial vessels, army and navy trans sevelt appointed a neutral comgland will not have forgiren Seized applied regulations which amount ports, colliers, supply and hospi mittee of three members last their self exiled rules by May 12 to a negation of property rights.
year to make a study for the mat when his brother, George VI, is ter did the proposals get anyto be crowned.
Among the large body of the Managua, Nicaragua.
In the 17 year perica (1914middle class, a definite feeling of José Benito Ramirez, Minis antipathy toward the ceremonister of Finance, announced PARIS. Don Niceto Alcala Governments are doing their ut 31. covered by the report of the Bureau of Efficiency, it was is being expressea feeling of that 190 illicit stills had Zamora, former President of the most to prevent him earning a liv indifferentc ethat cculd not have been seized and destroyed Spanish Republic, whose salary ing weiting articles.
shown that the amount paid by been Imagined six months ago during last month, forts in amounted once to 1, 500, 000 pese have always maintained my vessels using the Canal was The government are those res the Department of Carazo tas per annum, is now earning aſ opposition to the civil war. he 59, 000, 000 less under the dual ponsible for the sucress of the along, Nicaragua coifee modest living in Paris as a news said, adding: favor constitumeasurement system than if Patraditional ceremonies were said growing district.
tional republican legality in nama Canal measurement rules to Telsuch a vivid reca ling og Edward to his former subjets as The campaign to seize In an interview with The As Spain and am hot connected with had been applied. Of this amount, contraband rum resulted in sociated Press, he declared that either side of the present conforeign flag vessels benefited by his weeding uring the corona8 tion would further lessen enthu an increase in government both the Valencia and Burgos flict.
over 32, 000, 000 while American vessels benefited to the extent of siasta liquor sales of 100 per cent.
The owners of the stilis we something less than 27, 000, 000.
During the whole 22 years of Ca. nal operation (1914 36. vessels who were ordered to a prehave paid 92, 000, 000 less under COMERCIANTE hend the smugglers or else the dual system than would have por más de 20 años be fined and dischargeu.
LIMON been paid under Panama Canal Establecido en la Provincia The Minister announced Vende al detal, Vinos y LIMADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS rules if the toll rates fixed in 1912 cores extronjeros y del pais, that all bootleggers and gam had continued abarrotes en general blers would be prosecuted, Compra Cacao Material de Tranvía To grant such a subsidy to MISCELANEA and every ablebodied man certain types of American VésEstablecimiento esquina who is unwilling to work Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo sels. Governor Ridley said in the Norte del Mercado would be considered a va Entre 46 Importación de mercaderia en general last annual report, is unsound in grant and forced to work principle: granting it to foreign on the public roads.
vessels is indefensible.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Windsor Firm On Marriage Date Roosevelt Suggests Changes in Canal Tolls Argentine Traders to Aid Franco ten 190 Wicit Stills Ex Pres: Zamora Now Newspapermani EDGAR YOUNG internal revenue agents.
Guillermo Niehaus Co.

    Civil WarFranceFrancisco FrancoSpain

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