
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Sata. slay 20 march 1937 Important Notice war has there been such Interchanges of Commerce COMPULSORY BUILDING Taste for Coffee, THE FRENCH ON LOTS Defense Loan Germans seem to have Importante conocer As a means of assisting the cultivated a great taste for housing proposition in the Capi coffee. Recent information The great Maginot fortial, a law nas been passed by coming to us show they shall fications which were being Aceite verde Green Oil waith all owners of unocuppi consume for 1937 no less constructed along the entire huilding is must immediately than one hundred and fifty length of the French fronoret Zidings thereon.
thousand quintals of coffee tier has been halted for lack On representations made by in Our product should conse of funds. The Senate authoPara la picazón del Warranted to cure terested parties, regarding the Cuerpo, Soroa, Rasquiña Itch. Mange, and other werdeness of the striction, the quently have a greater mar rized the raising of a speIdinister of Cobernacion met toe ket in that country this year cial loan to provide the Comezones Skin diseases.
Municipal Officers and as a con than it had in the past. amount necessary for carry pequence of the interview the law in gthe work on these most Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in getting a will not be enforc for a year.
effective fortresses to a con EQOH After the expiration this peclusion, and the information Busquelo en todas Bottle on Sale in all roa, the evners of such Tots reaching us says that on the las Farmacias Drug Stores wuch may still be unoccupied loan being placed on the will be severely lined.
Best market it was oversubscrib Baked ed in a short while.
tre object of tbe law is to pro Berlin vide residince for the citizen.
Never since the world Bread whip with a view of lessening the a rates now being charged for nou Buns to any Bes due to the scarcity of consBiscuits Cakes fund as has been witnessed The excaat ges in cur commer We have done more with the wuctions. It is not unlikely that in connection with this Loan clal relationship with th coun. United States than any olar chese eniorcements will soon reach Tho. Pooplo Bakery us here in Limon as we are expP. Sex 179. Limon for the defense of dear old tries of the world, as per lat st country, havirg bought Paris. Bravo for French stat:stics, have reached the huge 3, 662. 538 from her while she riencing the same condtions.
Patriotism. The flood of total of 18, 213. 715. 93. Exporta purchased 3, 680. 677. 89 from us: gold which is finding its while our Importations were tions amounted to 8, 825. 393. 93, this yields a trade account with way into the French Trea 15 y, 088. 322; thus leaving us that nation of 843. 615. 82.
Germany comes next; We sury since this call made is said to be indeswas baving imported 562. 928. 07 mo bought from her 973. 562 ano cribable.
re than the value of our expor sold her 870. 844. 97. England tations lows with 164. 426. 49 in par LOW PRICES chases waile we only sought. 611. 435 from br. Japan comes 4) Litro Corrugated Milk Pans, Rubbers for Cuvers, Milking Buckats fourth; our trade with that coun Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard try was to the tune of.
Blue Striped Jute Sacks of and Cajuelas NACIONALES 660. 068. 01 havirs sold ner for Potatoes and Coconuts. 121. of our goods and pur FRANK MADURO Jr. chased 654. 947 of hers.
Ploughs (X) and all accessories: Collins PROP.
Beigium ranks least Cutlasses; Nails and Staples in all Sizes: in our Fencing Wire; Iron Cooking Stoves for Wood.
Frank Maduro hijo, trade; We only sent her eget dolIars worth of goods and did not PROP.
purchase anything from her. Evet Best native lumber Jamaica diù 854. 13 of busiMaderas del país. Exisness with isu, baving bought. LA COPA BLANCA Ironmongery tencia permanente en nuestro depósito.
at moderate prices S494. 19 and sold us We bava traded with 56 countries are Box 12 CARTAGO Telephone 11 made more purchases from, than sales to, 34 of these.
33 WE OFFER AT EXCEPTIONALLY EL ATLANTICO Britain Foreign Policy Correction Guatemala Issues Commemorative Stamps COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY y Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
SALOMON CHIN Died In Hospital LONDON. Foreign Secretary is a mears toward an end but it Eden, speaking in the House ofis not the end itself Through this Commons, his first public statement route, which none of us wish to with regard to the Bloodsaco since the German Ambassador Joa take, we snall reach the goal that at Indiana Farm, it was mac The Government of the chim von Ribbentrop, advanced Gerwe all Gesire.
to appear in our last issue that LIMON many colonial claims listed the The policy which the Govern the murderer was one David Fit Republic of Guatemala has major points of Great Britain 20 ment is now pursuing is the crea rect name of the youth deing Rocial postage stamp to comHams; this was an error, the cor authorized the issue of a spe Fábrica de Hielo reign policy, as follows: test coat:ibution of any power bert Francis of Estrada, but for memorate the first philateFirst. Britain will renew her toward Freserving world peace. merly of Cartago.
lic exposition celebrated in efforts to induce Germany to enter The Government regrets the Francis tried to make his es that country recently.
into a western Europe security a lack of progress toward a western cape but was captured and The issue will consist of greement agreement. The Spanish war and brought to Limon where he awaits two hundred and twenty Se ond. Britain is not console other matters interfered and pre trial.
ring, for the present, any surrender thousand stamps of the vavented Our reaching the desired It is said that one Watson was lue of one cent and each will to the Reich of any colonies she goal. However, though we admit the instigator of the whole troub.
be marked Exposicion Fihalds; and the difcialties our way, we are not le; Le Le alleged to have advised Third. Britain foreign pol prepare to despair yet of getting and urged Francis to commit him latelica 1937.
LA FLORIDA mains firmly based on the nations concerned around a ta sell segue of Nations ble and achieving some results in The issue went into cirthat direction culation on the 14th. instant. Fábrica de Hielo Secretary Eden said that the non intervention agreement with The re armament of Great Bri Venta de Leche regard to the Spanish civil wartain is welcomed almost througis a great step toward preservinghout the entire civilized world be Wee. Le peace in Europe, and added that cause everyone realizes that Great the League of Nations is far from Britain will not engage in a From the San Juan de DLOR war ESTRADA dead contrary to its undertakings under Hospital San Jose, it is reportthe league of Nations Covenant. Abarrotes y Licores Defends Rearming pel, a jamaican 22 years and It a new treaty could be nego Artículos del Pais tiated, the present defensive unRegarding the nation move to derstanding between France and Precios Econónic Campel, died in that institution on the 6th, instant.
SALAMANCA. Genera! xo arm, he said: Belgium culd be extended to LA IBERIA Doubtless the name Campel is pel, Germany Ambassador LO Great Britain te. armament include the Reich.
intended for Campbell Fascist Spain, presented his cra dentials to Geral Francisco Franco in City Hall.
Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ala We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back Der Fuehrer watches with the de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
warmest sympathy the determin ed fight for fre dom wag by Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office Yr Excellency. the envoy said cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month All Germany entertains towar1 the Spanish people the same fe: de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not lings of sympathy.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Nazi swastika ard Spanish in de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take urgent barnera bedecked the bal cony waere Genrals Faup and Franco a knowledged the crowc vivas. Carlist guard of hoor marched to the plaza in a sre cial tribute to the German, y Maderas ea tnat ona Maria Cecilia Cam, German Envoy the daughter of Juan and Dorts to Fascist Spain Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceFrancisco FrancoGermanyNazismSpain

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