
Europe Moving to Leta and Right Dr. MEDAL Jr.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY British Clerics to Report on Spain as rest these e Uld. está en peligro on By WILSON American Surgeon Dentist The League of Nations is in LUMBER YARD From Loyola University, New Orleans, abeyance, disarmament has failed and Europe is divided by new and cballenging alignments. The Cffers his Professional Services After April We have opened a Lumber Yard territorial map no longer repre1st. in his new Up to Date Dental Clinic sents the complete situation. where we carry in stock a complete There are three main groups of assortment of all kinds of Native nations the Center, the Right Lumber. Special sizes to order.
Located next to the All American Cables and the Left. These groups seethe with mutual stress and strain. We also have Portland Cement, RoofThe Center is democracy. Paring, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenliaments are elected and exercise authority. Right and Left tine and all other building materials.
are revolutions against the CenValencia, Spain. delegationis no danger of an attempt to ter. Nations break nway in oppoSend in yours orders of British churchmen represent. crush the practice of religion but site directions, but with much the ing the Anglican Church, free rather full tolerance of worship same result. Democracy disap LIMON TRADING COMPANY churches and the Society of by both Catholic and non Catho pears, dictatorship or quasi dieFriends has just completed its lic may be expected under thetatorship is substituted, the rights Limon Division mission of investiagting the re future republican government and liberties of the individual are publican government attitude to when normal conditions are resacrificed to absolutism of the ward religious tolerance.
established more or less totalitarian State.
One question interesting the de Dictatorships of the Right are Their report will be issued in legation was the fate of Protes classified as Fascist. Dictatorships fighting on both fronts for sur.
London, but it may be safely afcant pastors in More Mineral Deposits Rebel territory of the Left are described as Com vival.
firmed that they have agreed to and the Protestant churches munist, It is a difference that, The ferocity of the struggle in two major points. First, that the berty of action in government amid many similarities, is held by Spain and the absorbing interest thostility shown to the church by territory. It is understood that Europe as a whole to make all of Europe in that struggle are The Province of Guanathe masses is due to anti clerica they have the names of numerous the difference.
thus easy to appreciate. The map Manganese deposits, no less caste seem to abound in lism rather than anti religious Protestant pastors killed at the sentiment, and, second, that there Rebel hands. They interviewed of Europe may be redrawn in The Right and Left are fighting terms of the Center, the left and than 56 of these have besin with each other for control of the the Right.
discovered and the neces To page 12 controlling State. The Center is sary denouncements made The Center, reduced in area by Earldom for Baldwin the dictatorships, include two by prospectors and indiv?
great powers, both of which have duals interested in the minLondon. ing of this metal.
When Prime RICO POBRE resisted internal movements toMinister Stanley Baldwin ward fascism and communism.
retires, which he is expected Britain and France are democra The Coronation ofl.
to do soon after the coronacies.
tion of King George VI in (From page 7)
Si en el Hospital no hay Suero Antitelánico The British Parliament has mo May, he will be rewarded with an earldom for his ser o lo que se necesite en caso de accidente y ved from Labor toward the Right indulged in by the youngsters unvices to the nation, says the si USTED desgraciadamsnte es la víctima, that is, conservatism. The French der the guidance of their teachd Parliament has moved toward and guardians.
Sunday Referee.
the Left, that is, the Popular To uefray the expens. RThe newspaper said it Front. In neither country is Johnson will sell flags and oufer had this information dictatorship.
emblems of the orcasion; be Will the highest authority. It also stated he probably woly ayude al Hospital y al Asilo para bien de todos. Belgium and Holland, with the The Center countries include also solicit subscriptions or all Loyiges and Societies as well as uld take the title Earl of Scandinavian kingdoms, Norway, of those loyal indiiduals w23 are Bewdley, that being his seat kindly disposed. Committe, has Sweden and Denmark. Finland, in Worcestershire.
in mak parliamentary. So Switzerlani dignified one. Rome FROM and Czechoslovakia.
thy of the greatest nation C1 Washington. The Depart The full dictatorship fall into art Britishers are therefore. re Rome. The Lion of ment of State revealed that two categories.
quested to get early in touch wr.
Judah, stone monument sym foreign Nations placed orDictatorships of the Left, that Johnson We know Tot how arrange(From page bolic of the ousted Emperor ders worth 3, 495, 434 with is, communism, is summed up in Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, American aircraft manufac the title, Soclet Ruseta. But Russia menintaresten made odoben ones from the insit is presumed, direct aid has come to Rome.
turers during the month of is now developing stable institufrom Italy, a large numbers of res, but we ar sure, if Transported from the rail February tions. In that sense she has moved repr mentation be made in mesto these nations have appeared in road staion square in Addis from the Left to varu the Cente the Cordoba etor to place na Ababa, it will be placed on Mr. Sheehy by cur Consul; the Argentina is the greatest and she has a plan to set up in Company will run a train to chans Livetro)
Alter what has been ce crea the Via dei Trionfi. or High purchaser, with orders a name at any rate. some kind of port all who would like to come As the most bloedy of recent en way of Triumph, which runs mounting to 703, 793, of a Parliament in, ona to get them outerragenents, the nationalsts have nder the Arch of Coustau which 376, 000 represent During the civil war in Spain wards.
beu able to advance their fines tine alongside the Coliseum. military aireraſt.
To page 12 along the Jarama front the concret estering its ninth month, it has been compul e that th casualtie in deaths and injuries have been not less than half a million; th daths total Ting 200 thousand.
The number of men at per sont actually der arms es timated at 500, thousand, of whom KEEPS SHOES SMARTER eighty thousand are said to be Itals and 20 thousand Ger mans, white General Franco Don forget to NUGGET yours shoes claire to have control of 26 of the 46 provinces into which the Roublie in divided evry morning and save your NLIGGET lids, which can be exchanged for beautiful and useful gifts at the GUACIMO GUAPILES MON TADING COMPANY, Limón.
Cantina, Licores Extranjeros y del pais, Tienda bien surtida Abarrotes en general Exclusive Distributors.
San José.
PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA Cempre Lotería Nacional here and tomhip.
Ethiopian Statue In NATIONS BUY PLANES ami outlawed communiter on ng tupro demonstration sur la Regarding European NUGGET UNEQUALLED TRADE MARK REGIS TERED BETUN LUIS WA CHONG SWATERPROOI. FREE FROM ACDS For GLACE KID, Box CALF, PATENT LEATHERS INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceItalySpainSpanish Civil War

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