
1937 GOOD FRIDAY The Atlantic Vaice ima nte Railway To Have New Time Table On this day all Christians celebrate the death by Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone crucifixion of our Blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ, whose Editor Englia Section: NATION life was freely given as a propiciation for our sins; and without which willingness to further the plans of His Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 27 March 1937 No. 137 Father, that life could not otherwice have been taken.
In Jesus Christ and Him crucified, there is a re117 MOST Serious the Situation In EUROPE belief by which men become new creatures. new light illuminais our souls; new joys take possession of our Matter European have assum en such activities as may iead to Valencia have been again subject hearts; new hopes allure us into the paths of goodness ad such a serious character that the most disastrious reults.
ed to heavy and persistent bomb here is no saying what may hap In his sensational discourse de ings, while the planes of the loand the performance of righteous actions and we expepen from one moment to the livered on his return to Rome yalists have inflicted much dam.
rience self contentment and inward peace.
other from Lybia, Mussolini has delini age and serious loss of lives To the man truly convinced of the love which Je.
Italy has notified the Non. In tely stated his intention of seek among their sus exhibited for him by His Supreme opponents in the Sacrifice, and tervention Committee that she ing satisfaction for whatever in Aragon Road sector.
not only does not intend to with.
which we, at this time, celebrate, the world becomes draw her volunteers now in juries Italy may suffer from the Latest advices from Madrid empty, void and vain; it loses its hold on his heart.
Spain, but that she intends to acts of any nation, and as this indicate that as a consequence of continue assisting the Franco par has followed so closely the severe the heavy artillery fire of the na And why? because he has accepted Christ in gratitude ty until the conflict has been won reverses which the Italians uf tionalists, the advance of the lo for His mercies in this act of redemption. Christ there me by them. It is further feared a fered in their operations in the yalists has been completely para fore truly dwells in him and his actions henceforth beago mong those in close touch with Gudalajara fighting, it is felt that lyzed along the Guadalajara come less tainted with self and more devoted to the the situation that Mussolini may. the situation may be made So front, although both parties con service of his fellow creatures.
in retaliation for the severe at complicated as to produce a gen tinue to display an intense deter nidad tacks which the Englih and other eral outbreak.
Bui, unfortunately, how many of our professing mination to obtain the supremacy es foreign Press have been making The most desperate engage It is reported from Paris that Christians of today observe those pious acis by which a against the Fascist activities in Ita ments are now proceeding in the France is diospsed to acknowl fellow being may be made more confortable? That dan 13. go the length of renouncing several sectors of the conflict, as edge the government of General vine energy which the redemptive celebration exemplifthe son. intervention paet and the nationalists are strenuously Franco just so soon as Madrid openly take part in the Spanish endeavouring to recover the posi fells into his hands.
ies and which should enervate, regenerate, elevate and civil war tions they lost during the past transform us into sincere, charitable, humane citizens Germany, too, is said to be a couple of week fighting, while Alas, these are ignored and cast aside by the easy relidopting a very threatening at titude as a consequence of the fort to sustain their recent sucthe loyalists are making every el Survey Boats In Harbour gionists See us now in pompous worship and ecclesiascharges which the Pope has level tical ceremonies; with our symbolic crosses and images; led against that country. Hitler cesses.
The Survey boats Hanaccuses Austria of being the prin The air forces of both conte:t nibal and VSSPY 42 have again ar but tomorrow that seeming reformation of heart and cipal instigator of these charges ants are also intensifying their rived to continue the surveys they life is ignored; and if a charitable act be done, it is and it is thought he may decide operations: Madrid as also Bar commenced sover months ago ndone that men may seen and adore, not the Redeemer, long our costs but him by whom such act is performed. The life of Thay lift suve al observation vanity and pride rolls on untouched by the Faith we towers in the hills around Cahuita profess on this day.
and Bananito and have now retur We have been reliably inform Tuesdays, Thursdays and Salt. ned to ccemplete their bearings on As each one of us secretly makes within our souls ed that a new Time Table wall days.
our devotions for this season of the religious year, let us shortis be issued in connection these points. They have come from In so far as the main line examine ourselves and see how free our hearts are from is their base at Guantanamo, Cuba with the general service of our concerned, the section between and will be returning there is soon guilt; how far we have submitted ourselves to the work Railway Company, and will in San José and Peralta is to be at as their operations are completed of the Holy Spirit. Is it with a satisfaction of sincerity clure several very desirable chan forded an additional daily mixed Unexplainable and true contrition of heart? or is it by evidence of that ges, particualrly those to which train which will leave San Jose We have called attention on var about a. and Peralta around insincerity to which St. Paul refers in the 3rd. chapter ous occasions.
of Timothy? Are we lovers merely of our own selves, The Old Line will we underwithout We need hardly say how pleas covetous, boasters, proud, unthankful, unholy stand, be given a daily service. ing it is for us to be able to make natural affection, truce breakers, despisers of those who train will leave Guapiles each this announcement, in view of are good, traitors, highminded, lovers of pleasure more. morning in time to connect with the fact that it has been one of the passenger from Limon at Si the matters to which we have de On Friday last there occurred than of God, having a form of godliness but denying the quirres, leaving again for Guapi. voted Power thereof?
at Overton, New London, Texas, attention, especially les after the arrival of that from with regard to the waat may possibly the verest These are evidently the last days, hence we should need which San José. The Rio Jimenez Branch we felt existed for the daily ser school catastrophy known to his examine ourselves faithfully; and as the Lenten Season is also to receive a service once vice along the Old Line Section: Lory tea closes may we resurrect unto a new life; may we shake a week.
Wbily 735 pupils and. 35 hence we feel the Atlantic Voice chers were gathered in a off this old form of Godliness and put on a life full of With respect great Branch, the trains will run on the Estrella has scored another success in the school building at the above named sincerity to the Christ we adore; a new form of service to interests of the community, locailty in the United States a our brotherhood through Him. May we turn aside from rumbiing wi Was heard suddenly mere professing attitudes and see Him only who bleeda an explosir followed by which th on the Cross; may we find ourselves where perhaps only roof of the big edifice was enti rely liftd, and the walls collaps a few are to be found, but whem Emanuel honours with ed ancireling and confining every His pleasure, bringing them new Life, Light, Joy and SERVICIO DE VAPORES livis soul therein in the jaws eternal Peace.
of death.
ZA Jarge number of workme. we Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA immediately set to th: diffL cult work, of recu ng thos, whom GUILLERMO ARIAS DELGADO LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS they could, but it is knowi inal JORGE ALVARADO PIZA over COO have died. The pine!
EUROPEOS AMERICANOS among the parents, guardins, tº ABOGADOS NOTARIOS LAWYERS and PUBLIC NOTARIES latives andfriends may well be Tienen el gusto de ponerse a las Take pleasure in offering their oroVAPORES SALIDAS imagined ordenes del publico en esta provincia asional services to the peeple of This proviec The cause of the terrible explo OFICIYAS San Jose Prente a la VERAGUA 28 de Marzo or has en attributed to a sub esquira Noreste del edificio de CoOPPICES. San lase: in front Northeast Corner of Post Office Buil lerraneous accumulation of gas23 Treos y Te égrafos Limon: Contiguo ding Ulmán: Adjoining the British QUIRIGUA de Abril but nothing definite is yet as al Vice Consulado Británico PETEN tained.
Sai losé: 1463 11 de Abril Stunned residents of the vicinity Apartados: Boxes gave eyewitnes tales of the ca Li non 54 ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
tastrophy which threw the lcdies of the childret in alt tirections TETELA 26 de Marzo umid just move and talling debris After the new went Llevando café solamente para Londres.
around screaming parents could Lisbon, Portuig Then we seaport. He emerged when te Inbe seen tearing at the aller walls Seculo relates how Alvaro Etava, a surgents took the town, ALVARADO CIA. A.
and debris which held the dear Spanish manif cturar with Insur Each night, said Mr. Estava oner imprison. With a viry gent sympathis, aycd ad in Ma heard the screams of pessons Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
short time, a number of Red Cross laga Cimztery for two ol. ing executed in the grevazd.
Nurses, the Texas National Guard Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United months.
subsisted on food his si. tors com and Tangers, as also an army of Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica. Esteva said he hili vs unters gathered at exerted an cealed in wreats which they laji TELEFONO 3156 bery effort to save the lives of as empty coffin in the faml. ab each day upon gravis many as possible. The scene wag to escepe goverment troopers cu His hair, jet black two monts terrible ring government domination of the go, has turned a snowy wait Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
11 a.
An Unexplainable Explosion our to UNITED FRUIT Co.
Vice consulate Hid Two Months in Coffin ha

    Civil WarFranceGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniSpain

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