
Saturday 27 march 1937 THE ATLANTIC VE 37 League of Nations Virtually Dead WE OFFER AT EXCEPTIONALLY ordina dos los Od munient acCosta Rica Burial Scheme Association of British Home Office Estimates GENEVA. The League of Nato satisfy Germany daim for reons victually is dead as an In By Wallace Carroll ermament and the confli. ting ambiLOW PRICES apro national political intrument fo: tions of the ins and outs in Eupreservation of world peaca information.
rope, and so ended in ra lure.
40 Litro Corrugated Milk Pans, Rubbers for Covers, Milking Buckets the status quo.
Seven countries have served Later, Germany reaimid despito The great dream of a permanenficial notice of their intention to the Versailles Tre ty, of which the Blue Striped Jute Sacks of and Cajuelas stable world, has been dis isat quit the League during the 17 years League is the officiel guardian, re.
for Potetoes and Coconuts.
by the brutal realism of would of its history. Bazil, Cuat ma, militarized the Raine an an der Ream Litical and territorial Ploughs (X) and all accessories; Collins develop Hondures, Nicaragua, Japan, Gered its sovereignty over inte natomany and Paraguay. Italy walked nalized rivers. Geneva passe: resoCutlasses; Nairs and Staples in all Sizes: lacie. The League, as an instrument to out without giving official retize rutions but did nothing more. Fencing Wire; Iron Cooking Stoves for Wood.
event war and the seizure ot and may return if it wishs. The The League next vevaisal cam2 mul rritory from weak nations by resignations of Brazil. Gemory over the Chaco dispute. For the fist RIVER Co.
ronger ones has failed Japan and Parrguay have become time, Genova tied to use st ong Diplcmats made these admissions effective, mca u. es against the two Hitt. LA COPA BLANCA» Ironmongery que they took stock of the Leagle Paraguay withd. ew Secause the South American countries. Box 12 CARTAGO Telephone 11 rgde osition and the end of a day mak League applied an arms emba go to It applied an embargo oa boty pre og final Paraguaya withdrawal it after it refused to atcspt Gene nations. Then, when Bolivia rom Geneva councils.
va peace proposal in its dispte cepted Geneva prace pzop sil and The little South American Picpu with Bolivia over the Chazo ques. Paraguay did not the emb rgo was lic is one of eight nations to leave tión. left to apply to Paraguay WITH THE FORESTERS il ne se League, The League assembly condcmnei which caused its resignation.
After the On Palm Sunday night Gar. Church Optimists, predict that it will Japan seizure o Manchurin. But exercises Before the League next failures.
ive as a potent international fac speech. making in Geneva did not several minor successes ocmured.
ments and Palm leaves were cer were over the company were the processional Tout Or despite its past failures. Anhalt the relentless drive of Nip When King Alexandria of Yugo tainly strewn in the pathway of again led by greed that, although the League ponese soldiers over the plains of lavia was assassinated in Mersailes to render more effulgent the ni they dispersed.
the Mizpah Court of Forestry lights to their Courtroom where ias become political y impozat, it China three eastem povine at the end of 1934, Yugoslavia Their friends be will survive as a clearing. honse Then, in 1932, the disa mment accused Hungary ckering of their lanterns in the were promised a musical and ora of inspiring 90 economic, cultural and sanitary leonference was convoked. It toileminent possibility. But the League beautiful procession to the Bap torial entertainment in the Court quickly settled the dispute.
tist Church, whither the Ladies rooms on Tuesday night.
At the same time a dangerous of Foresters went for the blesDepartment o fthe Ancient Order Va dispute arose between Gaimany and France over the Saar plebiscite sing of Pastor Forde in comMAHARAJAH BUILDS which was to determine to which memoration of the 36th. year of AVISO NOTICE country the rich mining basin their inauguration as a Body. 15, 000 COACH would belong. The Leag le dispelled The Rev. Pastor delivered, in Seguridad ante todo; Hagase Secure yourself and family the danger of war by sending on his usual eloquent style, an imsocio de la Sociedad Benefby becoming a member international army to see that the pressive sermon on the useful special railway coach. larger cencia de Costa Rica, para pa.
vote was just. The territo y was re ness of fraternal societies in a, than any on foreign railways, has gar los pastos de entierro, Es.
of the only reliable Burial Society established turned peacefully io Germany.
tablecida en Limón, el de community, he stressed Frater been built for the Maharajsh of Mayo de 1928, in Limon May 5th, 1928, Then came the Langue biggest nity as it affected the lives of Indore one of the world wealttest the Italian invasion ct Ethio mankind and especially so in hiest men and husband of the for pia. bosc. tt on war soul was those the members of the mer Nancy Miller of Seattle, laid down on Italy, but this did Craft, exhorting them to lives of not preve. it from taking Ethio morality and love in all their The coach was built in England 05 pia.
transactions and thereby continue at a cost of 15. 000, weighs more cbs in history, the Liazae retrained setting a nexample for good in than fifty tons, and contains a ruiLondon. Operations of the Britse of 690. 733 pounds over the es war om mixing in the Spanih Civil the community.
te, nursery and kitenna ish Home Office during the ecming timates of last year. It includes proyear call for the expenditure of visions for the expenditure of.
Dpit se fail. es chcie pre 20, 940 142 pounds, accoding to civil 144. 947 pounds for air raid precaur out who lieve that the cetrose, ecially permanent Lengue estimates which are made public. tions and 530. 000 pounds for tas aya The amount represents an increa ma käs and similar v. ces.
neva bod, p csent ill health is me el mpor ry and that wil emerge again as a stens guarian of peace. One veteran fficial sid: Makind has not abadoned tue Tan Commandments because une LIMON, LIMON, men steal or commit adultery. Nais tid El más surtido en Matina es will makind abando: th, Lea zad Importación gue Covenant because she cf its re y Iesports and Exports principles have been vi 12 Exportación Depósito de Madera ines Lumber Deposit Claims amounting to nearly. their estates by the Gomez govern Compra de Cacao en 30, 000 pounds sterling hara been ment.
mad against the government of grano The matter is being handled by Cocoa Purchased the Republic of Venezuela by fear the British government and as the West Indians. One is claiming. claims are considered to be we!
The opening the Cucket Sa 21. 000 for wrongful imprison four ded, the British Minister son should have taken place last Sunday with a match between the ment, he having been, he alleges. Caracas has been instructed ined in the famous Roteniprese same on half of the clui: Motive power and the ConstrucBERLIN Power to take all retaliatory measures against for tion, but it rained so continuously for six years. The other three clim marts who are sud to be moves measures considered necessary for eign residents and their property all that morning that the pitch be a total of 200 for spoilation of of the Island of Trinidad he defense of the German tron in the event they are aliens of came too sodden for play. Much iers was granted to Minister or countries applying measures disappointment was experienced by nterior Whilhum Frick in a de gainst Germans or their property all lovers or the great old game.
tree issued by the Nazi cabir. This power will provide means of If the weather permits, the first The decree gives Frick jurisdis applying retaliatory measures match of the season will be played Friday the 19th being St. Jo tricts, some on foot, some in autowhich cannot applied against tomorrow. Easter Sunday, and pos seph Day, and consequently ion to cover any regions whi:n a mobiles and others on horse back, le decides necessary.
aliens uruer ordinary German sibly if the fixtures allowed it, on holiday, many people left the city Several carried their rifles and It also empowers him to adop: law.
the next day. Easter Monday. for the surrounding country dis shot guns; three of these. all intimate friends. crossed the provisional bridge over the Cieneguita Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ala We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back River at the potreros of Messrs. Na de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
tion and Grey to do some hunting.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofiObserving a Garza Reinaldo CerThis bill must be paid at our office vantes shot at it but unfortunately, cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th. of the month the bullet from his rifle struck his de cada mes companion, Armando Lopez, Be so good as to comply with this request and do not youngster of about 15 years, in the Le cemos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which left side passing through the back.
de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
It is said the left lung is perforated.
Fortunately Mr. Farid Jalet, the Agent of Police was passing at the time and rushed the ind the hospital Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
HOP LEE LUNG ALLAN SIME Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes USE The Cricket Competition WEST INDIANS CLAIM AGAINST VENEZUSLA Nazi Minister Empowered Defend Borden ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING a Compañía Eléctrica de Limón to


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