
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 27 march 1937 Garvey Given Another Refusal The Church a Cause The Pathfinders In Jamaica of Dispute a LOTERIA NACIONAL 2n has become a coupled Labores Muni. Narcotic Ring Checked murid di We have been requested to the following When the Eng By a recent issue of the Glea gether 51 runs, of which Reuben ve publication to tas following TOT went to Geneva and stated ner. we note that Captain Dixon Brown and Gabriel each made Non Marcus Garvey be had a governme at Core Relationship between Britain and his team of Pathfinders, who the highest individual score Pr. Genl. NI which h: know did nee at that and Irely is again strained to left us a fortnight or so for Ja Brown is stated to have taken 70 Lion, England time, he was only focussing a breaking. On this occasion it maica, have made a very unfav. minutes in which to reach Hourable Sir llan midy tivities against has beer brought about by the ourable start in their cricket en total. hav, fore me ye Jelter the ew remaining patriots who Dean of Winchester, while officaunuary last restiae ny serwere endeavouring to ke pol.
gagements Commenting on our Cricketers, cto collect clonations for Did y ou, as ad of the ciating at a religious ceremony The Gleaner of the 18th. into the Ethiopians who lost their the newspaper says the ymade an your Five Year Plus (as you cail make the statement ir lives in the war with italy, stating.
stant says they met a team from exceedingly unimpressive start, the Negro World that the Asso Uhen referring to Mussolini, the Railway and after win against which we cannot certain Ereating for myss and ma ciation had entered into ny others who were intreated in ment with the Liberian government hal aligough regarding himself ing the toss rent the homesters to ly suggest a defense in view of a great Ceesar, for his savage the bat on a perfect wicket when the fact that our representatives the beg to say twn for color ization by the rimoval slaughtor in Ethiopia, Libia and a score of 179 runs was compiled were unable to take even one of thirds of the Negra population of American citizens from America Spain, he could only be consi for wickets, by the retirement the four wickets. We can only ec Cost Rica are not prepared to gito Liberia without the consin dered like unto that Assyrian of these batsmen. The Pathfinders press the hope that they will ha ve five cats mor the cause the government. Emperor Antiochus. nicknamed in turn were only able to put to prove in their later engageemnts.
to the Association, nor am It is caly of late that we find The Madman. his atrocities We have read in th: Pittsburgh you are a man, who having sien being equal only to those comCourter as also in the Blokmanan, talked or nil a unoren a milied by the Turks against the Hasta para cvitar que haya más gente sin trabajo your peculiar statem nts gard is yet unable to point out one Armenians a generation ago.
debemos comprar ing the Emperor of Ethicgla, Hai thirg which you have done for At this was said in the prelo SelassieWhile time will not the benet of your Rac. Do you sence of Haile Selassie. it has permit me to deal with many of believe your Five Year Plan would been taken as enormous your statmints, wilTele to be successful if you had not inclu) offence by the Italian public.
ed in it the Ethiopian questions and the Press has been loud in En planillas de obreros y empleados зоон sinc it is for the redemption of their dissent of what they regard del Hospital y del Asilo se distribuyen Africa? If you would fly un. an act of burlesquing their Chief derstand the ag: in wh:ch we of State, Miles de colones cada mes Best ve, you would know that leaders This is not the first occasion Diked of your type do not fit in the on which Church dignitary Compre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL Berlin question consider most impor has whered harsh statements tant and which ask of you is against Mussolini. Not so while y ayude a evitar que haya Bread. What is the meaning of th speaking in the House of Lords.
más crisis y necesidades.
Buns words Parent Body NI.
long ago the Archbishop of LE Biscuits Cakes and who constitute such Parent Canterbury severely censured Body?
the lralian Premier atrocities The People Sakery await your early reply. al Addis Ababa. 3cx 179. Limon These statements EDWIN HORDE with the fact of Britain invi talion 10 Haile Selassie to send (Viene de la pás. 8)
a representative to the Coronata adjudicadora de becas tion of King George, have incipales y ropia lel acta de la 15 creased the unpleasantness. ma reunión lehreda pod Ja Jun WASHINGTON. The smuggt The British government un ta en la cual se da cuenta de ha of narcoties into this country Importante conocer Important Notice doubledly deplores such atacks berse adjudicado sendas becas, a was greatly checked in 1936 and by her Ciergy, especially in view Rosz Breedy y Antonio Mora y te: other law viations wste of the difficult situation existing do la vez el escito de don Feminished by coordination of lav Aceite verde Green Oil in connection wit the Spanish trouble, and when a reply is quiel Gutiérrez, al que s: adjun enforcement agencies of the Tren awaited from Italy to a nole sent los estudiant Amoldo Matirexury Department, that divsion an her regarding her failure to com tan dos telegramas nounced relacionado Para la picazón del To achievements of which the Warranted to cure ply with her non intervention con el buen exito alcanzado department was especially proud obligations concluded on the el Sr Ezequiel, en los exámeres included the virtual disappearanc Cuerpo, Sarna, Rosquiña lich, Monge, and other 201h. of February by the landing rendidos en el presente mes, la from the Atlantic Coast of fotelga CO Comezones.
Skin diseases.
of more troops on the 5th. ins.
cuen vessels engaged in scugglin alco tant. The belligerent spirit of municipalidad, tomando en the Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in getting a the Italians may make these hapte telegrama del directo del Libol marked reduction in penings a reason for a definite co de Costa Rica, en el que dice circulation of counterf. ft morey Búsquelo en todas Bolile on Sale in all outbreak and thus bring about oue el citado joven trains en cand increased success in combat las Farmacias Drug Stores the threatening conflagration in exámer; y que solamente le fu ing lux evasion.
ta un año de estudios, acier Thenforcement agencies are lo Dirigir atenta nota a la junta na now organized along paralli mob! lization of armed groups. judicatoria de Becas Municipales nes, covering the fifteen districte brel into which the country is Since the death of Augustino con el ruego especial y comendu ded Sandino, the insurgent chif, the ción, Te que reconsidere si lo tie inhabitants of the Northern De ne a bien, la torcera de las tres partient have prospered in farm citadas adjudicaciones, a efecto de MINAGUA, Niacargua. The ragua could not be used as an asy ne timber eutung and gold que gocen de una mitad de la be government announc:d that Nica lum sor emigres who fanented revo mining, ca el jov. Gutiérrez, quien ha TO for emigros who fomented revo.
venido disfrutando de ella y de COMERCIANTE lutions in sister publics.
The press announced that it la otra mitad de la beca el jovem por más de 20 años President Anastasio Somoza or did not want foreign nations Establecido en la Provincia Japanese Mission TOU. dered the National Guard, to attempt to communize Nicaragua Mora. Acuerdo definitiva, toma.
Vende al detal, Vinos y LWatch the frontiers to preven: but preferred the good. will po do por unanimidad d: votos.
cores extranjeros y del pais, licy of the United States. Continuará el próximo Núm. Etartotes en general Tokyo. special economic good will mission will be sent Seorecosaoceocoa. com MISCELANEA 20060666. CICscooc1es008. 01. 16. 0LOG3999 Establecimiento esquina to the United States in April by Norte del Mercado. tas The Japan Economic Federation, Entre i was announced.
Its purpose will be to foster CL sural and economic rclat ons HH betowe:n the two countries.
The delegation scheduled to el rive in the United States BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE about the middle of April, wil be composed of five of the UNICO EMISOR most influential lapanese busiSTATE BANK Sharghai According to dis patches from Chengtu thousands We resmen. Its leader will be chosen separately rom among of peasants are dead and other solid ofrece al público los Offers the Public the the biggest industrialists in the thousands are facing the worst nation.
servicios de su Services of its famine in Szechuan in the last Win a view to evolving accept 110 years. Many of the populace abe measures for settling eco are eating clay, the bark of trees nomic and trade difficulties bet and even grass. The creeks foween he countries. The mission wing through the rice fields have completely dried up and the wild GU wil hold a series of conferences EN LA IN THE with leading Americ. business gress as well as the crops are dead. Many families are becomen mirg beggars and others have turned to benditry. Thousands of refugees are crowding Into Read the para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service Chunghing where the authorilies proclaimed a fast and for servicio bancario Rendered bade the killing of chickens. PRE caille, pigs, and sheep as a. oceso. conoce coccodecco.
means of seeking rainfall.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
gin divi che Dise Nicaragua bars Cabals EDGAR YOUNG Pre to bord Un BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Bau Awful Famine in China SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE LU Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Atlantic Voice


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