
1937 Saturday 27 march 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE aica Regarding The Denounceable Land Reuben mades score.
taken 70 icketers made Best native lumber certain view of entatives are of The 1937 Cricket Fixtures Dr. MEDAL Jr.
AL Matters Educational at 28 Miles ting Hermann Carmiol the before the on die toe Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard NACIONALES FRANK MADURQ Jr. For the benefit of our readers, Ierly paid rental for such occupan carried out by him to arrive at the EL ATLANTICO have true situation of the actual occu PROP.
who happen to be occupying por cy to the Company and tions of the lands returned by the made application to be allowed pants and the activities of the Frank Maduro hijo, United Fruit Company to the gov to continue in such possession. persons, making denouncements, the ernment in keeping with PROP.
In response to a note from the He relates that from data shown terms of the current Banana Con Secretary of State regarding the him, there are certain persons oc Maderas del país. Exiscesison, we translate the follow difficulties which have occurred cupying or trying to occupy certencia permanente en at moderate prices ing determination of the Minis recently in connection with these tain localities without taking into nuestro depósito.
ter of Agriculture relative to lands, the Jefe Politico of Siqui consideration the protests of those there lands: rres, sent a report to the office who have actually occupied them, He declares he will assist these uoneSysAU! Əyl jo sunogue as they consider these persons in their rights, who having form of Gobernacion in which he gives Parasites and referred to them the as such before authorities only a who visited the locus in quo.
nevertheless the small farmers Eeemas Construction, April :51. tion, July 4th. Wan ierars vs. Surwho are protesting against such March 21st; Surtidora vs. Wancer tidora, July 11th. Excoin vs division of these lands which for abajo Es March 28th; Pathiadara v5. 13 Pathfinders, July 1dth: Sustido a merly belonged to the Company.
American Surgeon Dentist elsior, April 4th; Mouive Power vs. vs. Motive Power, July 25 th Puthinsist they have prior rights of Surtidora, April 11th. Wanderers finders vs. Wanderers, Aug ist; possession, as they were placed Aug Pathfinders april 18th: Excelsior Construction vs. Excelsior From Loyola University, New Orleans, ruction vs. Wand res, SL y 2n;8th; Wanderers vs. Construction in possession under rental while Surtidora vs. Excelsior, May 9th, Aug. 15th. Excelsior vs. Surtido a the Company controlled them and Offers his Professional Services After April they have been cultivating them Pathfinder vs. Motive Power, May Aug. 22nd. Motive Power vs. Pathn and paying their rents; further, 6th. Constructions Siirtidora, finders, Aug. 29th. Surtidora Vs. 1st. in his new Up to Date Dental Clinic that as soon as they were advised es May 23rd. Pathfinders va Cons Construction, Sept. 5th. Constructhe Company had transferred ruction, May 30th. Sumi: v. tion vs. Pathfinders, pt. 12th.
Pathfinders June th: Mutive Tow Pathfinders vs. Surtidora, Sept.
NAL Located next to the All American Cables such lands to the State, they im vs. Wanderers, June 13t1. Wan 19th, Wanderers vs. Motive Power, mediately made application for the continuance of their occupan derers vs. Excelsior, Jan 2018. Ex Sept. 26th: Excelsior vs. Wandercelsior vs.
cy to the Minister of Agriculture Motive Powe, Juneers, Oet 3rd. Motive Power. ys. Exand agreed to ccatinue paying 27th. Motive Power vs. Constuc celsior Oct. 10th.
Parents and Guardians were ve afternoon, they found the schow their rentals to the government.
ry pleased when the Waldeck LI door locked agairist them The Minister of State has orberty Hall School, undir the direc The parents then sought to endered that these informations pe torahip of Miss Cummings, re ope gage the Liberty Hall, but as ta passed on to the Minister of Eo.
ned on Monday the 15 th. instant building was indebted to a few mento and Agriculture, as also to Miss Cummings, well known in of the oppositionists, they refused the Attorney General so that the (D. the teaching circle of Limon, had to let it exe pt the indebtedness, latter inay investigate regarding American Dentist taught at the Waldeck Baptist a sum of 260 colones, was settle the denouncements being made Schco: for about two years, when a prominent member of that par on these cultivated lots, as it is Graduate of Harvard University unfortunately on of the chief y then had a paper drawn casts meniters of the Church got dis showing he had paid the debt in evident there are persons in these The most up to date Dental and Ray Clinic pleased with her and contrary full but that the building should regions dividing up such lands the desire of th parents gave her not be used for school purposes by commission of some one claim Ardits to cease teaching in expiration of six ing to have acquired righis of pos Palace Building (Adjoining Palace Theatre)
church building. The matter was months. The School party theren session by denouncement.
SAN JOSE This is very interesting to all COSTA RICA takon up with pon raised the required amount the paid it to this wonderful mat cultivators these lands, and Pastor of the Church at a parents who had so carefully sought to those who may not yet have done meets, when many unhealthy re efforts TDC sthooimistress by a well workel destroy the educational so should quickly make applicaof the district; Liberty Hall thus tion to continue their occupancy the Federal Bench up propagandistic party, but the becomes a free place where ou: by payment of their rents, other peoples support and appreciation children may be educated.
wise the lots will be denounced According to es reports, Piemont, he has for the prist three were dealt with won fo her the Baten in their evli Intent to by others who have laid unt uth cenu slient Rootvelt has appoint years done much work on the pro inteligent manner in which these par: yet planned anothar course: ful information that the us are liam Henry Hastie, thirty two years blem of the Vi gin is. ands where The bold support of the parents disguised as a convert, their lead uncultivated.
as of age, Federal Ju s, in tie Vir 95 per cent of the ropulation enraged the propagarrlists, anded joins the fold of the school par gin Islands. While there ora or case Negroes. He was recommended for another notice was sent nforming Board; the On the following Sunday evening ty nu agitates for a School The solicitude to continue as a til been coloured muni. jp Judges in the important and responsible piste ber to cease teaching immdiatels would, of courss, have the right months from the 1st of January members of which tenant should be made within six is Chicago, New York City and the tion merit by secta y iks.
District of Columbia, it is said that As this notice was Sro proprly tevamin teachers, the latchet of 1937: therefore after the 30th, of no member of the Ngo Race has signed by the Church Committee whose shoes they may not be qua June, all those who have any of Madre de Dios, neither par nt. missals for alleged in fficiency.
ever before eat on the Federal The rights on the lands and have not Bench of the United States.
Braddock nor teacher gave it any attrition tified to undo, and to make dis presented their claims, lore such and school, next morning, WE Now, hower, that the school rights and any one denouncing This appointment is not regudad favoured with a full tuin out olin Popened, parents and gar same will be entitled to claim the TE as a mire polit cal getue of the children. The affair then tollanns should support the teacher cultivation thereon without makPresident to his col u cd corttiA New York item of a couple, the form of politics with two pai who will certainly satisfy them in ing any remuneration whatever tuents, as William stl, was days ago reported that lim Brates in the field the School party very respect.
therefor born in Knoxville, is rated cae o ddock was disponed to cancel and the Oppositionists. The mor HELP the ablest Negra, lawyers in te his engagement with Joe Louis ning session was unmolested buk United States. He aduat from signed agreement to meetlMax and children returned for the to comply with his previously who teacher and children return LOGGEGEE OO9000000000G Amhtrat magna cum laude, went Schmeling in a contest for the to harvard Law School in become Championship.
provided the one of Felix Frankfurter Hot Dog Berlin Promoters guaranteed him Boys. He and his custo, Sha les 400 000 whether he won or lost, H, Houston, are the only two Ne the amount to be free of all opens to rocs to haveever served on the taxes or charges and deposited morrow wath six Cubs competing editorial Board the Harvard Law in advance in an American LUMBER YARD Excelsior, Motiy Power Patt Review. He has taught law is Bank. It was further said that tirder, Construction, Surtidora Howard University. Wishingtor: Braddock stipulated for en and Wanderers hae cine in. The merican Referee and that one Unity has dropped out while the ang umos, SHMU pesed pue of the Ring side Judges be a Waluerers have come in. Last sea.
We have opened a Lumber Yard Thouse washington law firm. As Assi tart Britisher.
where we carry in stock a complete son the Motive Power Were the and Solicitor of the Interior Deport However, it is now announced runners up with the Construction assortment of all kinds of Native by a cable from Miami. dated very safe at fourth place. As these the 23rd, instant, ihal Schmeling are scheduled to open the season.
Lumber. Special sizes to order.
has withadrawn his offer to we will see which will taake me We also have Portland Cement, Roofguarantee Braddock the sum start toward the coveted Trophy of 350 000 to carry through The line up ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenfor the Game the engagement and will during hd be the following MOTIVIS tine and all other building materials.
nd the GUACIMO GUAPILES the coming month, start legal POWER, Haylireg (Capt.
proceedings unless the Cham Lawrence, LeRay, Scot.
Cantina, Licores pion agrees to fulfil his con Groves, Tomlinson, Whi.
Extranjeros y del país.
end in yours orders tract to meet him on the 3rd te, Allen, Coleman, Tienda bien surtida of June in Long Island.
Babb and Rose.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY The Managers of Braddock. CONSTRUCTION. Rei Abarrotes en general nevertheless, declare that the Capt. Ramsay, Harrison encounter with Louis will take Banton, Harrison, Allea, Limon Division chickers PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA place without fail in Chicago Francis, Lewis, Jones, on the 22nd of June.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas demo Stewart MAQOBA prod Coloured Lawyer Appointed to marks were made against we UNG Schmeling Conflict fos kovinci yL al pula aco.
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