
Yard The Atlantic Vaice Our Railway yara improved HOLY WEEK ACTIVITIES SAD ACCIDENT The Tragic Close of Two Promising Lives with a to pass munity who use this roadway her as he is sometimes called must be grateful to this progres by his men) has certain y dispoy sive Roadmaster for his efforts Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic zone ed great skill as a Rondmaster in trying to mak, all Teet coniEditor English Section: NATION sir ce he has beert among us. Tie fortable The hygienic appearance has e tested much needed retornis is also evidence of Mr. Double in the road bed of th, Northern day system and order in all things Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday April 1937 No. 138 and Costa Rica Railways. The Banana thrash art cother reb One of his first moves was to bish ca nnow be quickly and et dingnose the Railway yard of Li ficiently cleared away, thereby won as a disgrace to the Road, co operating with the Municipal and sure enought it kas. He re Hygiene corficials.
tied the principal side tracks and We wish that Mr. Doubeday ballasted the entire yard with keen eyes could catch the condifire sand which gives or a good to the Cementery. our only means The usual solemnities among ing with reflections on the solem alcoholic ships which usually pro level and adds a pleasing appa tian fo the Roadbed from Limon all christians who are want to cenity of th: accomplishments which duce so much ur pleasantuess are rance to the whole surrounding of conveying our dead to their lebrate the seriousness of this sea gave rise to the neegsity of not closed even Zor aw short We are sure that the Brake last resting place. Our feet now son were ut lacking amcag us. these ma festations hous on such occasions. We ao men, switch n and other en. drop in ruts and hit on large sto Sut as in every Community there How peculiar that our Mackets hope that in the coming session ployces of our Railway Servce, nes on the wayside, thus making is evidence of the careless oues and principal commercestahi of Corss the much dosirod mo to say nothing of the many thou it indeed a Rough Road to trawhose acis are useful as an im quire er. ormous expendit ure of dification will be considered.
sands of pedestriars of the com vel in life and death.
petus to thoughtful niediation, these being in the minority, generally, are frowned upon ardicproved.
Due no doubt, to the xreater preparedness our Prelates and We very much regret having to lowing day; and as a consequence thos in charge whose duty it is inform our readers of the untor of which he now lies in the Los to impress deeply 11. the minds Lunate accid nt which befell Mr. pita: in a precarious condition of our people, that they are tra Findlay on Gocu Fiday Th Atlantic Voice hopes be velling toward the era of the while he was supervising the ar will soon be restored to his usual «Last days when sigan shall be rangements for tra rporting hs gooi health to continue his muary so the citiz ns of Cartag, wiro with During the past ten days or company began shooting at it much in evidenc: that the aume (ruit from Penshurst on the fol activities.
his pistol, an automatic, is at hare, the Church celebrasubjected to a couple of tragic, wher; the doctor horse shled tion, were in our opinion mucb experiences which have deprived and placing him in the direct line more solemn this year.
them of the lives of two of the of fire caused one of the shots GUILLERMO ARIAS DELGADO stus members whose lives to hit him, killing him on the The Good Friday services were seemed full of the greatest pro to Cartago and Interred the 12 JORGE ALVARADO PIZA mise.
bac very impr ssive; and according to spot. His body was taken expressins heard generally. lastABOGADOS y NOTARIOS LAWYERS and PUBLIC NOTARIES At an early hour on Good Fu How ng forenoor.
ing impressions of thoughtfulness day. Doctor Arnoldo Iachter in Dr. Lachner was widely pun Tienen el gusto de ponerse a los Take pleasure in olfering their protowara Godlike living have been ordenes del público en cala provincia. fessional services to the peeple of company number or in this Province having served in left behind. The usual stret proThis province.
friends started on a riding ex hospital for some time. At th OPICINAS San José: Frente a la sessions were very solemn; and esquira Noreste del edificio de CoOprices. San José: In front of pediton in one oth distic of time of his unfortunate death, he Northeast Corner of Po. llce Builalthough there was an abrience rreos y Telégrafos. Limón: Contiguo Guatchaste, where they had gore was in charge of the Max Peralding Limón: Adjoining the British of excursion trains coming the al Vice consulado Británico.
the Vice consulate.
Holly Weck ad, ta Hospital in the ancient capt city. yet thos, who new that San José: 1463 Easter holidays.
tal and also represented the Nor.
they ought to celebrate this Day Apartados: Boxes On sighting a large and dange therr: Railway and the Cia Bana of days, found themselves here: Limón. 84 rous specie of snaks one of the nera de Costa Rica in that lorain fact, we saw mary wbom ve lity did not expect.
On the 20t hof March while on his way to San Jose the motor Rum shops open vehicle in which Mr. Bernardo C9 to, a responsible employee of the The only pugnant aspert was toca Bank, was travelling capsizthe detestable sight of the open ed ind Mr. Coto was ardone doors of our Pubs. It is a pity Lees than Iwo years ago embarked upon is African en Italy and thrown into its fish thos. seriously injured. He lirger that in an enlightene dcourt Benito Mussolini was able leerprice, he had looked cheed pasked. Rejoicing on the Aped with a fractured skull unti)
ours the new Liquor Law permits bluff France. Great Britain and and found thor none of the penine Perinsula was delirious East Sunday night when he pea the pering of liquor shops during the whole League of Nations leading nations in the League put there was no vole of con cefully passed away.
religious lebrations of this the Eiher collectively or individua was prepared for immediate gratulation from the other na Mw. Coto was also known ture. Surely the advanced mindsly all countries bclonging to action, wth the possible ex ions. It was a bitter pill for mors us and caten spent his va he British and it set their teeih cat here.
on the Executive Council of dor the League were pledged 10 ception of France.
Leon Corts government as well protect Ethiopia. one «f its his does not mean that on edge. They announced plans The Atlantic Voice takes this as those in Congress shall have members, from aggression. Italy could have defeated the for rearming to an extent that opratuity of expressing its der combinel powers of western would prevent such a debacle pest condolence to th, sorrowing thought of the obnoxicus effect was an array of force, on pa o the serious worshippers and per. formidable enough to quelli Europe. On the contrary, such a future. These plars, apparties and moreso to the doctor made provision for the closing of any ordinary spirit. But Mos: conflict, in the long run, wo rently, caused no loss of sleep widow, a niece of our highly cssuch business places during cessolini is no ordinary spirit. He old heve resulted in disaster at night to Mussolini. He knew, teened citizens, Mr. and Mrs.
tain hours on stated daya, in kelis far sighled. Long before he Missolini and his well loco To page 11 Jack De Pass.
plans. But in selling the itacoed coeeos Hans in their place, ine o her nations would have suffered deep cul wounds which would have required years to heal. II they had been prepared pro perly and could have united they might have laid heavy hands upon Italy and saved the throne of Haile Salassie.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES Mussolini himself aid ΠΟΙ want a gener. war. He had his Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK eye fixed upon the conquest of con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA Ethiopia. He wanted 10 make SALDRA DE LIMON Victor Emmanuel emperor of LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS the Roman Empire. So he wor ked on France. If Bium had EUROPEOS AMERICANOS been running the French gov.
ernment at the time, he mighi have called Mussolini bluff VAPORES SALIDAS Laval was frightened by the ABRIL 16 specter of Hiter which li Duce QUIRIGUA de abril was smart enough to cast upon The stage, and after considera PETEN 11 de Abril ble maneuvering. France refu VERAGUA 18 de Abrii sed to join Great Britain in ORDENE SUS EMBARQUES DE protecting Ethiopia. With its armament dc wn, Britain CAFE PARA ESTE BARCO was in no shape to go it alone.
It could have alla kel Ivaly ALVARADO CIA. A.
but at the same time the latter would have made a counter Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
НАРАС attack. The Britishe e totally unprepared to protect themsel vis against air raids, and, in Teléfono 2156 Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Avenida Central cduition. they hau 10 food Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
Agencia Costa Rica supply The upshot of he alfair was TELEFONO 3156.
that Ethiopia was hooked by Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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