
Saturday opril 1937 THE SPANISH PATROL THE VOGUE Ethiopia Far From Pacified Parliament Supports Regency Bill JOHN ROGERS Gandhi Again In Politics never MODERNIZATION Although it had been announced, Russia did not like its assignment, been performed must have been Now that we have a Hearse the Police will no longer need several weeks ago that the Non on the northern coast because the dona in a half hearted manner, sinlo chase men to carry a Corpse to the Cemety. No more shouldering and staggering in the strets wih heavy coffins some Intervention Committee had begun Bay of Biscay is too rough for its ce the Valencia government reportimes containing parily decayed corpse, a most insanitary the work of preventing the move antiquated vessels, an: finally, ted that more Italians had left their condition to exist in a civilised communi y. Everyone will find ment of foreign volunteers into withdrew fm the project. Ap own country to help General Franco our Hearse a long felt necessity is not only for the use of our Spain, it seems as it but little sparently, such supervision as has Like all other reports, however, Society but the General Public. You can hire it in and around the city, from your House or Lodge room to convey your de been done so far. In the first place, from either of the warring factions, paried loved ones to the Church and Train for only six colones it requires verification before it can (4. 00) Above the Hospital gate, and beyond Cieneguite bridge be considered as as competent evl.
Eight Colones (800) See us when you need in? We are aldence.
Ways at your service.
At the time that the Committee COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION was supposed to begin its patrol along the Spanish borders, it was reported also that Germany had agreed to pay its share of the expense in sterling. This report seems Ladies and Gents Tailoring to have been premature, inasmuch Lon ion. The Killing of Ras as it has developed since that time Desta Demtu, the last grat Ethio For Style Character that considerable debate has taken pian chieftain encourages the place over the question of the payand Good Taste. Italians in their efforts tot subdue ment to be made by Germany, whe Ethiopia preparatory to exploi re there are four or five different tation. The feat has drawn allen If you want the experience of kinds of currency, none of which tion to the military and economic apparently is acceptable the othproblems facing the lialiars in wearing a real smart culfit, come er nations. As it will cost close to the new coloni.
along to five million dollars a year to carry When lialian soldiers went from Addis Ababa to meet London. With the exception on this patrol, it will be seen that foreing aviator Nying there om of theree or four socialists, the the contribution to be paid by cach Egipt recent y. they iode in arHouse of Commons was wholly party is enough to warrant delibemnored cars and the visitor fre favour of the new Regency ration of its value, LIMON quently heard the rattle of machine Bill which was introduced in Among the various nations enguns on the several nights he Parliament by the Prime Minister, gaged in this enterprise of confining passed in Addis Ababa. Roving Mr. Stanley Baldwin. The Regent bands of Ethiopians. he said.
is defined as the person in the the title world war in Spain to the Ladies say he is adepl al making people of that country, the British often cul the railway leading to line of succession who, if of full the French port of Jibuli and the age, would succeed to the Throne.
Coats, Costumes, Breeches. Etc and French appear to be the most The Bill itseſ, which does noi!
occupying forces seemed con deadly in earnest. For this reason stantly in readiness to repel at affect the succession, is officially the report that a rebel warship had tacks. described as a Bill to make sunk a British passenger vessel, From other privata sources provision for the Regoney in the produced a flare for a few hours come reports of groups of event of the Sovereign being on that threatened to have far flung Ethiopian raiders varying from accession under eighteen years consequences, but, fortunately, for a few score to a thousand or of age, or bein later incapaciso who menace small troops in Tated throungh illnes or absence BOMBAY, India. Mohandar Briciin and opposes the British all outside parties, the craft turned Ethiopia, in addition to more than overseas, and for the perfor. Candhi literally walked back pan for a federated government out to have been in the service of 100. 000 military workers empmance of certain of the royal onto India political stage in in Iroa, won 75 of th, 1, 585 seals the loyalist government, Joyed on roads and construct on. Tunctions in the name and on was considered a crucial moment in the lower houses of Inaia prov It is believed in some quarters Unofficial Italian estimates are behalf of the Sovereign in cer.
in the nation relations with irces in the recent nationwide that Hitler and Mussolini that there are 80. 000 white troops tain other events.
Creat Britain.
eleculons, latest returns sãowed would have consented to the paalone, besides African levies The Bill is unusually wide in The formre Mahatma. le Only eight places remained un trof if they had not been convinced who seem to do much fighting: scope. It is not a especial mearecer tly dropped that title, mea deciocd.
that enough men and equipment alwhile oficial Italian figures are sure for a particular occasion: ing great souled. on the ground ΛΙ Gandhi led the 113. 000 militarized workers and it makes a general provision for he was unworthy of it walker party until October, 1934, when success of General Franco. This Congress ready had been landed to assure the 39. 000 demobilized soldiers and all occasions that may arise.
seven miles from his home to lhe retired from political affairs workers who have obtainei per for centuries the King of Eng. Was iba to attend a special meel, vis attendance at the meetin of may be only a suspicion, but it can mission to settle in Ethiopia. land has had no understudy ing of the working committee the working committee, called to not be denied that while the ComNearly all Italien workers and now, for the first time in history, the Congress party.
alscuss formatiori of Ministries in mittee was engaged in debating, the many soldiers remain as colo the Regent becomes a permanent, That party, which demands com the provinces wehere th cparty practice of landing volunteers went nists when they are demobilized. though normally latent, part of pleie indian indepelence from gained control of the lower hou on apace. Undoubtedly, both sides Fourteen hundred wives of the Constitution.
ses, was considered a significan received help of this nature, but these men arrived from Genoa Since the grave illness or Ring move.
probably the greater proportion and with such an event wen! to the revolutionary armies.
press halled them as pioners of have been in the minds of Cabinet Germany and Italy are fairly close the great Italian colonization. Ministers, and the new measure to Spain. France and Portugal even But only a few hundred so far will allow for arrangements to Good Friday wan not without The Mechanics of the Union abut upon Spanish territory, but actually have settled on the land, be made to meet any future con its unhappy occurrences. young District celebrated Good Friday by Russia is so far away that the loyaland the appropriation of land tingency. In the case of absence man got somewhat badly injur. solemn meditation on the Seven ist can get few reinforcements for settle has only begun. from the country or lesser illnes ed by falling from a tree at Puita Plans to export crops and raw ses the Royal authority will be while a woman known as Bertha Words from the cross as is custo from that quarter. If the Committee materials have not yet materia exercised by four State Counsel was bitten by a snake at Cahuita. Mary. At the conferring of the de can keep the war contined to the lized, since rail facilities are lors or five, including the King She contirues in a dangerous con gree of the Holy Cross these Words Spanish alone, their work will not inadequate and the roads are Conosrt.
dition were beautifully expounded by have been in vain.
neither sufficient nor sale.
We do hope they shall be spar Bro, Nation and Nelson; No colonists are yet being ed to be a lesson to themselves afier which, the Holy Eucharistie sent from Italy, since the soldiers a dheir associates to be more Rites were indulged in, with the and workers already there, who sober in their mode of living dur. assistance of Bross. Franco Timehave priority. have not yet been ing the Leyden Season and partinez, Etelberto Arroyo and many accommodated whit land or jobs.
Wee. Le cularly (7 Good Friday, the Brothers of the Oriente District.
COMERCIANTE While colonization and exon which all Christiars celebrate After the close of the ceremopor más de 20 años ploitation are necessarily slow by pious acts in sorrowul joy the Establecido en la Provincia in a country that apparently has ESTRADA consummation of the plarts of our nies the Brothers attended the Vende al detal, Vinos y LLnot yet been subdued or brought Abarrotes y Licores Creetor In the Redemption of Processional celebrations of the cores extranjeros y del país, under effective lialian adminismanlund Church alarrotes en general.
Artículos del País stration, elaberale plans for its MISCELANEA development are going forward.
Precios Económic ys Establecimiento esquina Eleven German and four Italian Norte del Mercado, LA IBERIA experts headed by Professor Entre 46 Leo von und zu Mueh en. geologist, of Berlin, sailed from Naples to search for coal, iron, copper and lead in the Wollega and Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back Harar regions on behalf of the de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Italian East African Mining Company, of which Germans own Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office 49 per cent of the stock. German machinery will be used in mining cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th. of the month Ethiopian ores.
de cada mes Meanwhile a geolical mission Be so good as to comply with this request and do not from Iraly has gone to survey Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which tha Lake Tana region, while de tener que cortar su servicio.
Ive would much regret to take.
Premier Benito Mussolini plans 000 miles of new roads to connect the hinterland with the seaport.
a few days ago to join their coreerd 1928. the problem Couple of Unfortunate Happenings With The Mechanics SALOMON CHIN EDGAR YOUNG day! Read The ATLANTIC VOICE Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniSpainWorld War

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