
Saturday april 1937 Abdication Telegrams Coronation Seats Limited BRITAIN.
Cost 000 Importante conocer A Most Gruesome.
The muleman and others WE OFFER AT EXCEPTIONALLY Pensel hale hereafter IN LIGHTER VEIN KINGSTON The Jamaica Important Notice Government has been officially From page LONDON. little bit of informed that there are a limited well enough that it takes tiem 13. 000 pounds was submitted to nunther of seats available for ove: to build up armament. All he Aceite verde Green Oil the House of Commons by the seas visitors to view the coronation had to do was to keep a vigiGovernment to cover an esor procession. Applications should be lant watch on is rivals, and, if fmons amount of adaitional telegra sent to the ceremonial Secretary they appeared 10 be waxing poing to the British Coles dur Colonial Office, London too strong, to increase his own Para la picazón del Warranted to cure ing the abdication crisis of last equipment.
December This he tried to do and, when Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquinia Itch, Mange, and other Parliament recently voted Coinezones.
Skin diseases Puzzled members were told that 7, 500, 000 for rearming. MuLic. DANIEL ZELEDOR Colonial Governors in distan solini convened his military parts of the earth had be kept council and proceeded to keep Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in gelting a informed day by day of what was step. But this time he had slipBúsquelo en todos Boule on Sale in all going o nin London.
Abogado y ped a cog. Whether he had overrated the British, or whelas Farmacias Drug Stores Each Govent wherever staGoned, had to receive detailed ins Notario Público Iher bis spies were inefficient, is unknown. But there is one Kruction regarding theabdication thing now that is known. While of King Edward VIII accoring Oficina: Altos Pasto the Government Great Britain was gnashing its Spkesman, and also had to be told of the procual Ingianna molars in rage, it also was per proceduce on the accession of whelling its knives. And this kTo George was something thal Mussolini missed, despite all his alertness Viene de la página NUEVE were able to excape in difSir Samuel Hoare. First Lord ferent directions.
of the Admiranly, has told the parted leaving his patient Commons that the British gohaving a rest, but at dawn now verment has laid plans, in seof day he got yet more vioand on seeing them, the crel, to repel any allack in narlent, and finding his fathLOW PRICES mad youth threw away his row seas, to protect the trade er machete somewhere in routes, ond to maintain its pothe kitchen, he defied the the sea where he was caweapon and jumped into 40 Litro Corrugated Milk Pans, Rubbers for Covers. Milking Buckets wer in both hemispheres. This mother and every one else ught, securely tied, means that from Blue Striped Jute Sacks of and Cajuelas last year, and while telling the world that la the step father was at handed over to the Police.
for Potatoes and Coconuts.
work on the dock and there ter on they were going to arm, The 2nd. Comandante.
was no other man around to Sr. Pantoja ;the 1st. AlcalPloughs (X) and all accessories; Collins the British quietly were girding on the sword. it means still help. The mother and childe, Lic. don Manuel MartiCutlasses; Nails and Staples in all Sizes; more. The Mediterranean is on dren, about six in number, Fencing Wire: Iron Cooking Stoves for Wood.
nez; and the Chief Hygiene its trade route to India by way fled for refuge. The young Official, Dr. Umaña, were of Suez, and, therefore, the anman took after them, but on quickly on RIVERA Co.
the scene and nouncement signifies hat Briencountering a mule taking took depositions. As soon as tain is prepared to take action Mr. Chausell milk to town. these officials returned to LA COPA BLANCA Ironmongery in those waters, and to take he made a chop at the mule town, Davis, whom the mo such action now. Box 12 CARTAGO man, missed him and inflict ther said had liberated the Telephone 11 All this shows ed an awful gash on the ani the British are relying for demal. He again made after being the prime factor of youngman. was sent for as fense upon no aliances. It the muleman who ran into this tragedy, but he was not shows that this plan had been adopted already long before an adjoining potrero; and found at his home nor at his Neville Chamberlain Chancenot benig able to catch him, Balm. Further develpllor of the Exchequer, announhe strips himself naked and The man who recently insulted Because he actually refused to ced that Great Brelain had ment are a waited.
jumps into the house of the my mother in law is dead. Live me something to remember abandoned the League of NatYou dont say; how did you kilbim by.
Thompson family where his him? With kidness.
ions and collective security as mother and little brothers the keystone of its foreign poand sisters had taken ref Costa Rican Cricketers licy. The govermeni, al length.
uge. He chopped a smaller has realized that the empire Now Teacher to Mother Ho brother on the arm, and enIA Jamaica got this beautiful gown. pui. if you added seventy exupon its own mighty, orm, and must depend for preservation countering his infant sister song enthused one wife thousand, nine hurwired and twen of about four years of age. Tb Pathfinders Cricket Tam Another sclaimed. Ny. ty three nut upon allies liable to run to eighty thousand, he vents his ire on the little were unabl to find aut at a critical moment.
place bot that was music to your bus four hundred anu twelve, wh. This does not mean, howewould you get?
creature by chopping her to amog the Cricketers in Jamai band ears.
ver, that the British leaders pieces. Her head was almost ea. In every match they were wrong answers have lost interest in the welcompletely severed from trated as schoolboys att hege fare of their allies. For the her body; the crown of the The first four or fiv, bats representing the skull was entirely cut off: Clubs would retire after having fellow who keeps his nose to the protection of their own counhonie An unsuspecting husband is a her intestines fell out, her knocked up the quota of Su yo udoctor advised you the Rhine is Britain eastern trythey are fully aware that runs grundstone where he should have tako steps to cure your indig frontier in Europe. Only a few arms, hands, legs; in fact exp ct them. They were nli 42 car to the ground.
tion the entire body was made apperently determined that Cap Yes, but going to obtain aro.
days ago Sir Anthony Eden into mince meal. He then tajn Dixon and his meb declared that. Great Britain should Why? Because this one wants would goto the rescue of Beltook after th other mem not howi a single wicket anong ther advice bers of the family but hey the leading Clubs.
An you say you will never for me to take no less than 000 gium or France. unjustly st your firat boyfriend, wby allacked. And this despite the stepe each day fact that Belgium, a few months back. revoked is offensive and defensive Treaties, and Thal, France, a year and a half ago left the British in the lurch.
The interestiog twist to the situation now will be to watch the reaction of Mussolini lo Sir KEEPS SHOES SMARTER Samueis announcement. He is fax enough, 10 knoy when to keep quiet, and when 19, keep his chin out of the way. On the other and he might have another bluff in reserve in his magic bag. If he has, he may be depended upon to play it.
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