
Successes of The United Fruit Co.
The Atlantic Voice Italy Deny Intervening in Spain AL CAPONE BOARD BILL By the Daily Gleaner of a 53, 648 in cocoa and 6, 902 in corecent date, we note that the co nuts and lesser Tropical proDevoted to the interests of the peope of the Arlantic zone annual meeting of this gigantic ducts.
Editor English Section: NATION company took place on the 18th Her subsidiary, the Revere March when president Sugar Refinery. turned out Year III Hart made it known, that in 1935 736. 552 bags of raw sugar or Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 10 April 1937 No. 139 they handled 52, 988, 963 stems of nearly 74, 104 less than 1935; bu bananas or 1, 092, 826 stems more she made 4, 283, 647 gallon cf than the preceding year.
Blackstrop molasses and 21, 780, The Company paid out in wa 726 gallons of Invest molasses ges, taxes and for purchase of Mr. Hart explained that dur ng fruit in the nene countries in the past thirty years the Comwhich she operates, the sum of pany had spent 22, 000, 000 in ROME. Press Minister Alfieri, garding the execution of the deci forced to re examine its own situa 34, 500, 000 dollars; she also sold hospitals and sanitary undertagin a statement released asserted sions of the London Committee istion, since it would be inconceiva 6, 900, 000 dollars worth of merings in her Tropical divisions.
that a series of false reports have that these decisions must be in ble that we could accept the enforchandise.
Her great white fleet carried been circulating lately regarding character general and of equal cement of restrictive measures only The Company holds 45, 246, 208 574, 380 passengers and traverset Italy relations with Spain, application in favor of the Leftists, dollars in United States securities 26, 368, 103 miles without any seand stressed that Italy has It by the other powers direct er Italy intends to observe the and cash apart from her Insuran rious accident to either ship or rigorously observed, and will con indirect intervention continues to undertakings of the Non Interven ce Funct which is nearly four passengers.
tinue to abide by the non interven be carried out in contradiction ottion Committee always, and towthe millions in excess of 1935. She Her Subsidiary, the Tropical tion Accord the undertaking assumed and the extent whereby it is respected aiso has also increased her Insurance Radio and Telegraph Company The Italian Press Minister le intentions proclaimed, then the Ita by the other powers which largeiy Fund from ten million in 1935 handled 5, 859, 835 words of Teleclared that the civil war in Spain lian Government will find itselt intervene in Spain by one and three quarter more graph business on 3, 798 calls would have ended long ago, to the She has 273, 405 acres of land over the Radio Telephone sy tem benefit of the Spanish people, if under control, of which 435, 739 The Company netted 14, 176, from the beginning the measures acres are cultivated in the follow 995 as against 10, 359, 222 which Italy proposed had been aing manner 103, 815 are in ba 1935.
dopted to prevent the bolshevirananas; 98, 535 innsugar canes; tion of Spain.
Representative Alfred Beit other prisoners at Alcatraz. The ler, of New York, state, has pre Federal Busteau of Prisons roRelative to the activities of Ita sented a bill to Cnogress which, ports that the maintenance costs lian volunteers in Spain, the lta if it becomes a law, will requice of each prisoner on that island dian Press Minister insisted that not federal prisoners to pay for their is 2, 90 per day.
This proposed law presents over several hundred such volunte board, as well as to reinturse ers have been slain in Spain, the government for what it spent many eventualities to the visicn in spite of the catastrophic propagan in prosecuting them, if they have Up to the present, little thought da diffused by the Reds.
sufficient financial resoureus tuhas been given to the idea that SERVICIO DE VAPORES Continuing, he said that The pay.
wealthy prisoners should pay for Italian attitude regarding the SpanTo back up his meas:i:a. the their board and lodging. It can Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK ish situation remains what it tas Congressman shows that it costs not be denied that the measure con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA always been: Non. intervention the taxpayers about 1, 000 per carries with it some justification.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS control, and its whole attitude re annum to keep Al Capone and For instance, in breaking the law a man accummulates large wealth After he is convicted no sma!
EUROPEOS AMERICANOS part of the taxes is utilized keeping the convict where he can not escape from making amends VAPORES SALIDAS for his crime ABOGADO NOTARIO LAWYER and PUBLIC NOTARY PETEN 11 de Abril Tiene el gusto de ponerse a las Take pleasure in offering his oroórdenes del público en esta provincia fessional services to the people of The cost of prosecution likethis province wise is no small detail. Some ci VERAGUA.
18 de Abril OFICINAS San Jose: Frente a la esquina Noreste del edificio de CoOprices. San José: In front these cases run up a bill of exNortheast Corner of Post Office Buil QUIRIGUA 25 de Abril preos y Telégrafos. Limón: Contiguo ding. Limon: Adjoining the British pense of colossal proportions. Il al Vice consulado Británico.
Vice consulale.
one man causes damage to the San José: 1463 person or property of another, he Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Apartados: Boxes has to make repairs through judg Limón 34 ment in a civil action. It may be Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United argued that a convict pays for Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
Guillermo Arias Delgado Italian Boycott Off Coronation his keep with his enforced labor, Denied Grandi to Attend which may or may not be true. It is doubtful this labor, however, ALVARADO CIA. A.
will pay more than a trivial part TELEFONO 3156 ROME. Adenial that Premiestain invitation of Ethiopia. of the prosecution expenses.
Mussolini plans to boycott the London coronation was given in Dedicates Monument If lawbreakers have to pay for officiul quarters. It is expectes PISIDA. Primier Mussolin: all these bills, it may take away dt mbassador Dina Grandi will one visit of inspection of the Ita some of the glisten ing glamor por end liar. empire dedicated a monu of easy money made by stock Ruinors that Italy would Tot ment after ecmpletite inspectinat swindlers or income tax dod.
de represented followed Great of the 250 miles Libyan road. gers.
Once again we have th pa nı, of one who was well known ful cuty of recording the death throughout our Province, parth iarly. In the Banana growing area Death of a Well known Planter Disastrous Fire coming to Costa Rica צמותג We Agree With You, Algar, and Thanks What is said to be the most yeare ago Mr Carr ha.
Larans disastrous confingration in its his came inter sted in our tory, broke out in the city of Ma industry, and after years of u You know him.
nila, he Capital of the Thilippine ceasing endeavour succeeded per Islands, onthe 7th ituārs, and be manently establishing himself in hard worker if there are any.
fore being brought under control the Madr: de Dios district, whe wise man.
destroyed forty four blocks ir ong re by means of the genous asse good fellow of the poorer districts. Two Chur tarce granted their Contractors And, of course, a staunch supporter chas, numerd is bodegas and over by the Cia. Bananera de Costa of the 1, 500 dwelling houses were consum Rica under their current conses ed sion, he was able to place a large 200. 000 persons, all BANCO DE COSTA RICA belonging area under cultivation.
to the poorer clases are reported honeless and to have lost all Urfortunately arr. Can heart Cooperative scheme.
their posessions. The entire da gave way some years ago 11 Yes, Mr. Ramos, have a keen memory but it is mages is estimated at more than although ho prsisted in his DCE a million half dollars.
sonal cf pro he ever tuallyel not necessary to remind me of the old bad times; The casualties known so far to chandon all farming ctivities, each cocoa tree, now well cared for; each colon, are three persons injured and His finess took a more Dericus now at easy reach; each neighbour of mine, whose one killed turn a couple of weeks ago, and prosperity can appreciate, are efective witnesses disrite the medical ott ntion of the improvement of our living conditions brought accorded him he died at his home forward by your system.
sin San Joss at Mid night Sunday and give you my steady support? You bet LONDON. Thirtythree mariti Chit To his sorrowi widow ll do.
me nations have each heen invitdren and other members of ha UNION IS STRENGTH. STICK TO THE BANK ed to send a warship to the cerceved family th: Atlantic ronation Naval Review by the ces extends its deepest condolence.
King at Spithead on May 20.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Invite NATIONS 24th ultimo.
Mr. Algar Machore

    Civil WarItalyMussoliniSpainSpanish Civil War

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