
THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY 10 APRIL, 1937 Gleanings by Edwin Horde Britain to Have Wartime Food Reserve Treasury Agrees Make LONDON Propocals for pre to any extent necessary for defence The Estos Carvey as follows We a group How Mr Garvey can reconcile viding Great Britain wite are purposes if they were assured 10 a Pleste grant me spare for the are deeply interested in the case his dream of an African Empire wartime reserve of Food ani a reasonable price for their milk, and publication of the following whiten of American Negro citizens, whr with his present advice to Amerit the same time revitalising teena further, that there is a vast potenpears in Pain Talk of the of Ethiopia and who have cont can Negroes to refuse to help tons agricultural industry, are to, tial market for milk which has not 2015 March and clearly demons buted to the Haile Selasste Fuul Ethiouia presrve har ancient be placed before the Government yet been exploited.
trates the feelings of the meas administered Dr Malalu Ehome and is incre than we can by the Milk Marketing Board gan Negro Un this important Baven, personal repraseccative see. He changes that april subjact: of the Emparc, have read with Sele sie lost Ethiopia through neg herds from 3, 050. 000 to An increase in the nation datry 4, 050. 000 An attack by Marcus Garsusprise and not a plech ligence and incompetence. We will vey en the Ethiopia cause and grin and indignation the realese pass over the matter of how it animals within three years is planrelensed to the Negro Tras last from Marcus Garvey of Londoa nappens the dir Carvey cannot ned Advances on Cunard White weolt has evoked a sharp reply in whte te advised Amertcan return to the land of the people An extension to the whole of the from the local men represent Negroes not to support the came whore he advies not so support! country oz the cheap milk scherne LONDON. The Treasury in three different Associs of Ethiopia as it is a lost on Ethiopia. We belive but fw Neſtor expectant and nursing mothers agreed to make advane aur tions. In a counter stalement Garvey is not new ty the public, groes will liste. the man trom but not exceeding 5, 000, 000 released in the Negro pro in fact he is well known in New London who icly had the tu and children under school age.
tha Cunnard White Star Lines to At present the scheme only opethe inen make reply this week York Alanta, and other place coa der ce of American Negrce It may be readily recalled it and abused it. We urg all crates in the Rhondas Valley and at the liner Queen Mary and help pay for the capletion or at one time be told th: America: consider Garvey record, alongside Jarrow construction of the new super line Negines he advocated a hom of that of Empero. Selassie as The Mülk Board will urge on the No 532. It was announced lans in Africa for them und collect statesman. Genaxal of his armles Government that the cost to the Security for the advance bot José Achion Ng ed huge sums for the purpose of and a pleadler 2: Gineva for his scheme should be recovered by im. in excess of 500. 000 for the com Comerciante Detalüsta buying ships to transport them to stris en country. as well as the posing a tariff of 15 shillings per pletion of th, Queen Mary will Africa. very naively of the Ethioulans who are still Licures, Abarrites, Cristale. around the fact that the part of resisting the descuction to this cwt on foreign imports of batter be provided by isrue. par or the companys new dobenture stock ria, Articulos de Ferreteria Africa which he proposed to colo arcient culture, end.
and cheese and of seven shillings cont nue The second half of th advan y Electricos; todo nize was already occupied, by dechu help.
and sixpense per ewt. on Dominion to pay for No. 552 construction Se encuentra en caring in his famous Martison supplies.
will be second by issu, oft par of este estableciSquare Garden speech: We will Why should Mr Garvey en The Milk Board holds tha: pro Income debenture stock Class PRECIOS DE SITUACION tell the British to git out of here: dem the weak spots in another? ducers wuold increase their herds of the company.
We will tell the French to get Did he not inform us of Limon out of here: we will the other whi that we can do nothing to help LDON te nations to get out of her the Ethiopians except praying MODERNIZATION fior tnem. when the Cemitt on Abyssiraan maters enquired of in the attitude of th Now that we have a Hearse the Police will no longer need toward the Ethiopian to chase men to carry a Corpse to the Cemetty. No more shoul struggle? We had hoped Mr dering and staggering in the streets with heavy coffins sometimes containing a partly decayed corpse, a most insanitary Garvey would have identified himu condition to exist in a civilised community. Everyone will find self prominently with the our Hearse a long felt necessity is not only for the use of our Do you know what they call a not even seek an introduction to fict, but to the contrary he did Society bur the General Public. You can hire it in and around Doctor, the man who is al man who always says the exact the Emperor, nor to Dr Merth.
the city, from your House or Lodge room to convey yoor delives in this house; please come opposite of what the means?
parled loved ones to the Church and Train for only six colones in and we want you can do for the Ethiopian Consul, even. 00) Above the Hospital gate, and beyond Cienegaire bridge Sure, henpecked!
hini though the latter resides in the Eight Colones. 00) See us when you need li? We are albut am only a veterisary doc sam, city in which he does. Ah no ways at vour service. ort Has Mr Garvey not be found COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Ci that all right; he is as wanfing? Why sould be bort They tell me you excelled lu the way of help to Halle Selassie sicit 13 dos algebru while at school.
wher, he is seeking help for this Yce, was always equal to Five Year Plan? Sinc Ethiopia, any equation.
the land of our fathers is gone where will he make his Cbjective When we go through of his Plan succeeds? Will it be in the next tunnel m going to kiss England, the United States of When a man admits he ter America, Costa Rica, or yet Afri your tified by thurder ani Ighting, ca. LONDON. tax on foreiga, upo: shipping for its life, but. But sir, Im a lady. he nears the thunder of his OS subsidized is suggesti by Sir maintar ance of th nuercantile. Hle. That why m going wife wifee and the lighting a was to kisg you. have never kiss her eyes.
chard Holt, Liverpool hipowner marine of the highest order men o contating ed a man in my life.
the most ital for continuance of the En NOTE It has been effect on Empire communications Empire.
brought to mu attention thit of increased foreign shipuit British ship owners, he addod, my critics bare given me credit In his presidential addres Widow. nt siance to felt they sohuld receive ffective Do vou for arr Horde article of an issue he Chamber of Shipping of the Government support against I was going to motor out o think the ghost of my former hus or two ago Te Mr Garvey. Awi United Kingdom. Sir Richard santrenign compretition which two with Jinks, but we had to band sees me kissing you. from a fw corections in eco. co Orthto the decline of British shipping bolstered by subsidies and celito Metum. Yes, but ne doesn grapny. knew nothing whate wae now two million tons les mic nationalism Why did a tire blow cat? eta to give a rap.
The matter should concern th No: his wife blew in.
ver of the young gent eman ar se hereased from 23. 000. 000 to ticle until it was placed in my then it is, while for ign tonna Imperial Conference, but perso hands.
14. 000. 000 tons.
nally he would suggested a sche This position required he gru me of special taxation on foreign vest consideration of the Einre subsidiz a vessels thus neutral Thor country not only depended ing foreigr subsidies.
IN LIGHTER VEIN con Suggests Britain Tax Foreign Ships Bee WL ASOCIACION NACIONAL DE BANANEROS India Protests New Constitution CONVOCATORIA CALCUTTA. Eleven provin at phi weld empty, and ces in British India assumed au strike likewise was observed in tonomous government on April Calcutta. Poona and Lahore. Even Ist. with a general stride and putre conveyancs were unobwidespread demonstragons of tainable in Patna.
Se convoca a los miembros de la Asociación de Bananeros y mourning in protest of the new, Stop gap governments will be todos los cultivadores de bananos, a una asamblea general que se ve.
961th inspired, cpnstitution formed in most of the provinces rificará el martes trece de los corrientes, a las 16 horas (cuatro de la There was no vblence but until the congress decides upon tarde) en el salón de la Cámara de Comercio, para tratar los siguienarrests were made in various its course. Informed sources add.
tes puntos: centers as followers of thie Coned that the Congress is pining gress party openly showed their its faſth on the Mahatma Gar1. Lectura del acta anterior.
dislike for the new set up. The who it was believed, will Informe del señor Presidente sobre las actividades desplegadas day. parsed much more quietly shortly disclose a new plan to por la junta directiva.
than was expected, however, but embarrasse British gover3. Lectura, aprobación y firma de los estatutos.
the future was perplexing and not ment. Proyecto de cooperativa bananera, que tendrá por objeto la ficlear.
nanciación de la industria.
Jayaprakash Narain. segrety Proposiciones de los socios.
of the All India Congress party was among the tifteen in Se encarece la mayor asistencia por la importancia de los asunarrested in the act of organizinz tos que se van a conocer.
procession at Patna, de GUACIMO GUAPILES fiance of the police bain ALBERTO ORTUNO, FRANCISCO DE GUTIERREZ, At Lucknow. niverse1 Cantina, Litores Presidente.
dents undergoing an examton Extranjeros y del país.
stood up in their seats a minut Tienda bien surtida San José, de Abril de 1937.
as a gesture of antipathy to the Abarrotes en general new constitution The Congress opposition ben D2FC:OS sin COMPETENCIA ches in the leg stative assembly Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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