
Our Cricket Competition Baptism At Guacimo EL ATLANTICO Maderas del país. Exis Best native lumber Chapulin Pests Invade Juan Viñas Guillermo Niehaus Co.
Sunday last saw th engages from this own lett bim wita the stynine russ; but was ke men: between the chanıpions of out the chaste of facing anothly disapointed for young Tas was LIMON last season and the Pathfinderball. With the score at tr twenty on the spot and so was Cunningwho returned the prevodis friday aghu it looked dizzy for the plenam. separation came at nina MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS from their trip to Jamaica. ky youngsters; with the aid, not cuna: Thor Wow for 12. T) Pathfinders faced, the Dever, of young Qunnir ghom alt for and for 18. With me Compra Cacao. Material de Tranvía IngJohnson and Sutton as tale end game was played and the best bats gone, including the insoon discovered that the form. scare taken to fifty. mine. The defatigable Carr fer the usual. Sercicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo was to be their destroying angelose Isity, then tried their luck to it seemed no bed very their best bats, Brown and Smit bow! of Cunningham and Yourses: and indeed things would have Importación de mercaderia en generai wen: down cheaply. Captain Smith. Captain Sutton seerc de exceedingly tight Captab xon went in to see if he coul, ed quite sure he was enougn Dixon had left the ball tone; hold on Johnson, but a chce wit bis sturdy wieket keep for by going on the bowling hre sport ed his game. Anyway, he die covered his mistake and mentine It putting back Curining hari Depósito de Maderas Tladuro Lumber Yard and Smith. The Excelsior bay The Editor: Sunday Service was so very Succcded with a marging 6: NACIONALES impressive tnat here and there weive runs.
Phase grant nu space for among the crowd could be obsere following in your very interesting ed a rough, hard han. wiping Ir. keeping with the name Weekly: away a tear. Quite a number of PROP.
Capton Dixon team of young ters, the ball which was bei. is Frank Maduro hijo, very impressive Baptiema sa young boys and girls were admitt use in the game on bring service was held at the Guaclmoved by this Baptism into the faith Advertist.
by a boundary hit toward the river on Sunday 28th March of the Seventh Day presenze We Trust Eder Fletcher may find Cuart 1, discovered a new Pat Elde: Fletcher in the tencia way by proceeding stra ght down of one of the largest gatherings it possible to prolong his stay permanente en the sewerage at moderate prices storm water pen in this visinity for many in our midst for the achievement nuestro depósito.
Our where it had a rest while a new long years. The Elders has bera of still more good among stavi: here for sime time and young and rising generation 0:1 was brought into action.
was able to accomplish a great Thanking you Mr Editor, By way of healthy romment; why does Ceyr not change his dea! of good particularly among those who attended his meeting Robert Reid Cactics and eliminates the habit of paying the ban with bis legs at the Liberty Hall Guacimo Juretion These sst, which on differersterminat the plagute; and instead with the bat? Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Occasions have wrought such ter is to be hoped that, with the ex. forceful defensive bat as he is.
rible damage to our Coconut greperence obtained in thair earlier it is a pity he should always be ves, are reported to have made operations in this Zone, ihe toch tug in front of his wickets their appearance in the Juan Vi. ca Orficers or the Department Why not take his blook on the Abogado y Notario Públco Lawyer Notary Public nas District ir very alarming will succeed in eradicating them leg stump and thus exinibit his quatities.
before they are able to commit cutting abilities for which he is The gover inent Depeytments roug damage and spread to so femed? His feet might be a of Agriculure have, the We under these and other parts.
Sit too heavy to undertake Oficina contigua a la Office: Adjoining to the City stand, taken immediate steps to Headley antics so he should plant Public Library th safely cut the way. It Biblioteca English Spoken have a reliable Former Judge of the Limón District Court CA! were a fine exhibition of According to LA TRIBUNA Os accounts before the Courts tuneethuffle; but the baci: the 8th. instant, the Department of he will, it is stated. be soliciting ward step was not long enough Direct Tributacion has decided to that embargos be deereed on all and be forgot he held a bat in commence legal proceedings for the cheques which the Unitedhi skand not a young lady.
the collection of the amounts due Fruit Company may issue in favour 11, the result of this match and owing the government by of the debtors for the purchase of Pets es re for Wanderers, one large number of the ocrupiers of Bananas cultivated on these lands reelsior and Rain one. Ita the Milla Maritima Lands.
he believes this will be the most eft to be seen what happers toLONDON. Sir Inskip. Mi place, was wholly unfounded.
The Fiscal Agent has been given effective manner for the recovery norrow.
nister for the Comdination of De In this country we published for instructions to place the respcetive the amounts.
fence, speaking at Cosham (Hants. the whole world to see and amount said that the debate in the House of information about the state of e commons concerning the air had our defences for which there was provoked the usual crop of eriti no parallel in any other coumtry in cism in one or two quarte:s, the world. am sometimes astoished. he The fact that the Government said, at the complacency with did that should protect the country crotics of the Government use their from having unauthorized and inac Obscure Lawyer Clerk Withdraws Objetions to Her LIMON own sources of information as it curate calculations produced as 59 Divorce Because of Sincere Appeal Mad they were 100 per cent reliable, they were authentic and final.
By Windsor In Radio Address and pour scom on what is believed The arrangements for the antiFábrica de Hielo LONDON. Former King Ed Mrs. Simpson now is a guest 11 by the Government to be the case. aircraft defences of this ward poignant broadcast of last the 400 year old turreted Chateau The Government is naturally inhui been subjected to some eritiy Refrescos December 12, declaring he had ab de Camde, at Monts, France, Sie a better position to obtain and as cino which was based on a mis dicated for love of Mrs Wallis arrived there March 9, planned to sess a great deal of information in apprehension. We were Simpson, was instrumental today remain for at least a month.
relation to the strengths of foreign out a greatly extended schme of removing the last barrier to their Residents of the little town, Powers. air defence, assisted by the best desciage.
which is about ten miles south of It is the duty of the Govern scientific aids which could be dispor ancis Stephenson, the elderly Tours, hope that her marriage to ment to satisfy itselt that its infor vised yer clork who petitioned the the Duke of Windsor may be cele mation is as complee as possible) had been suggeited that e ourt on December to reopen the brated there, LA FLORIDA and to determine its popícy in the Ministry should control both the Simpson divorce case, on the The date has tentatively booh light of such infomnation. That is preparations and the organization ground of collusion, withdrew his fixed for early in May. probably uFábrica de Hielo regularly and throughly done.
of anti aircraft detence, However petition because of the ex King found the 12th when King Gee The suggestion that the Govern attarctive this might seem, the pro appeal VI will be crowncd. Edwards Venta de Leche ment was well satisfied, and indi posal had been rejected after the The court thereupon dismissed frineds say the couple hojos the fferent to deyals that might take rough examination.
the action, assuring a final deer glamour of the coronation will re Maderas The Air Force was and wo013 for Mrs. Simpson on April 27 legate their union to the inside pa be responsible for operational con scs trol. That secured unified system and the unit of command, which was essential to efficiency.
Embargo Proceding Against Govt. Tenants seing continualy given out and Anti Aircraft Defence Provoke Cristicism Last Barrier, to Marriage of Mrs. COSTA RICA SODA Simpson is Hurdled WATER FACTORY עונ גיסי FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
Coronation Carpet ALLAN SIME Give Work To 200 800TH LIMON, LIMON, Importación y Exportación Depósito de Madera Imports and Exports LONDON. Two hundred men, The pile of the carpt is Short and women worked at a Glasgoond silk like so that it will not factory recently on a 10. 000 carn catch in the velvet coronation et, 17, 100 square feet in arta, which trains of those who participate in is to be laid on the floor of West the ceremony. After the coronation, minister Abbey for King George it is expecte that the carpet will VI coronation May 12, laut oust be cut up andused in royal residena with of one foot it would extraces and government offices. It is in more than three mitos Iwo sections, one blue, the other The carpet is so big that it is gord.
to be brought to London by bhat Lumber Deposit Best Baked Berlin Bread Buns Biscuits Cakes The. People Bakery Sex 170. Limon Compra de Cacao en grano Cocos Purchased Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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