
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Religious Sect Faces Extinction LIMON TRADING COMPANY in our LIMON TRADING COMPANY Italian Dictator Scorns Criticism of Trip To Libya The Shakers are passing rapidly few years ago a visitor to New as a familiar term. Among themselfrom America. reca. it news. Lebanon sought to learn how many ves they are the members of The patch reported that the LUMBER YARD fomi Shakers were left. e inet wiu a United Society of Believers of Shakers at New Laban, firm refusal to tell. We are law Christ Second Appearing. The y, near the boundary line of Mas abiaing citizens. said Elder She sect originated in England in 1747, sachusetts, had been reduced to pard, then head of the community and came to America in 1774. Its We have opened a Lumber Yard eleerly women and one aged map and shall tell the goverament, ifcundes was Mother Ann Lee, an where we carry in stock a complete In the flourishing lags of that fait asks us. But we do not care to Englishwoman.
mily there were 4, 559 Shakers on expose assortment of all kinds of Native nakedness to the One of eight children of a Manthe peaceful slopes of Mount Le world chester blacksmith, Ann Lee, who Lumber. Special sizes to order.
ban on. When the last Shakir dies never learned to read or write, We also have Portland Cement, Roofhis passing will mark the end of The Shakers sought and found based her activities on visions and who has been called the first con existence. a peaceful, busy, but revelations. Although wed, she ebing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenTuristic experiment in carica secluded life. in self sustaining gan in 1770 to speak with tongues tine and all other building materials.
The waning of the Shakers bascommunities, set amid beautiful against marriage. After coming to been due to two causs. First, the rural surroundings, far removed America with her, her husband left.
tenets of the faith enjin strict ces from the temptations of the mod her, and Mother Ann devoted her end in yours orders bacy on its members. Second ern world. They worked hard self unsparingly to her cause. She there have been no acopsions sorting the soil and operating work died in 1783, amany years. Natural increase havshops for the production of articles With the passing of the Shaking been barred by injuction that were once famous for theirers, individually and as a sect, what Limon Division gainst marriage, men and wo beauty and honesty of workman is to bzecome of their property? it became Shakers by adoption only.
ship consists of londs and buildings end, Adoption began to fall off when stocks They do not call themselves Shak it is believed, of cash and the strict tenets of the seat no long name and bonds. As the families have er or ers, but they recognize the attracted followers. old decreased in number and their young membreship has dwindled, control of the property, accumulated or American Airman Forced To Fly many years, has been consolidated in fewer and fewer hands. No One ROME. Premier In Honduran Revolt Mussolini, ropean peace and collaboration, but a few of the elders and elder declared that he and Italy are un adding that Italy sincerly desires BELIZE, British Honduras. reaching the safety of British moved by the Tendentious TE peace.
Carl Ebers. New York aviator, Honduras waders with his gas ports and criticisms from broad Mheanwhile, the Italian papers winged his way homeward after supply almos) exhausted. Al.
Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON relative to his Libyan tour made their first direct andmission being forced, he said, to pilot a though suffering from malada, Addressing the Blackshirts, he of the fact that there are. Italians government plane for a month he continued home by way of reiterated that Italy will not inr fighting for the Spanish fascists in during a revolution in the Repu Mexico.
get in the future the wrongs that Spain, Il Popolo di Roma, saying: blie of Honduras. don mind a little fun but Abogado y have been, and are being inflicted It is true that there are Italian voThe aviator landed at Puerto this was too hot even for the upon her, and recalled that the Iia lunteers in Spain, and it is possible Cortes on a gold prospecting tour tropics. he said Notario Público lian nation economically conquer hat they are fighting, as it is obind was arrested and charged Ebers was flying a low power (ed the sanctionist countries.
vious that who goes to Spain of He Oficina: Altos Paswith aiding the revolutionary, ed seaplane, the NC 16154.
Referring to British and French their own free will today, FOES party, he said. Al revolver point gave North Beach airport, New cual Ingianna Press comment he said suca stuit there to fight he piloted a government plone, York, as his home veld.
represented merely. tenpest The paper adds that it is equally which dropped bombs on towns Discovery of a plot to overprinted paper and an inundatus of true that in Spain there are Scaand villages suspected of innsur throw the government was. returbid ink Dod volunteers from France, Rusported officially, at Tegucigalpa, esses, it is said, knaws just gent sympathies, he said.
how Duce termed the professional sia and other countries Eventuell37 he obtined his Honduras much property has accrued to their pacifists The real enemies. of own plane and made his escape account Every Shaker, male or Inmule: Iron entering the famly orattaining the age of 21 has been trotapelled to sign a covenant with the society, deeding to it all propov LOW PRICES then owned or to be acquired. They thus debarred themselves legaly 40 Litro Corrugated Milk Pans, Rubbers for Ccvers, Milking Buckets Aceite verde Green Oil from inheritance in case they left Blue Striped lute. Sacks of and Cajuelas the scciethy Few have left, and in for Potatoes and Coconuts.
the still fewer cases of their having attempted to claim shares un Warranted to cure Para la picazón del Ploughs (X) and all accessories; Collins the property, have found themsel Cutlasses; Nails and Staples in all Sizes: Cuerpo. Sarna, Rasquiña lich. Mange, and other ves unable to prosecute their claims Fencing Wire: Iron Cooking Stoves for Wood.
Coinezones Skin diseases.
successfully CEV. ERA Co.
Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in gelling a sccision activities were mos. LA COPA BLANCA) Ironmongery Búsquelo en todas Bolile on Sale in all inspiring, Membership in the 0ciety in the society has now reac las Farmacias Drug Stores Box 12. CARTAGO Telephone 11 ed a total of over eight hundrea, Other speakeres wer Mrs.
Clarks and Messrs. Alub, and Rubie, The Roy.
ErsAcola, and John wwere also present, and both spoke regard Reported Plot To Kill King Georing the necessity few and usefA very peasant functiori took the saciety since its reorganize ness of such a society in our Cortge Probed By Police place at the Catholic Schon Haltion in 1934 on an undenomirsmur fyon tbe evening of Faster Tuitions basis was the first to a LONDON, TThe Sunday Referea laamed man where the police The audience was regaled wi day the occasion being the cele dress the gathering after the a va rety of refreshraents, and reported that the police are invesound a knife together with bration of the third anniversary Chairman words fo Welcome, enthusiastic no od peypedene e Summan the coronation route and of the Reorganized SL Anthony and his excecdirgly interesting arond mid night.
gathering disper the life of King George V2, follow a number of documents.
AEsgelationA very attractive pro remarks on all phases of the As.
ing a raid on the room of gramme was got together by the Sports department of the Socie ty, every item of wpich was greut y appreciat by the large Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nola al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the book number of memers and friends de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Landing room; many members having come from Cairo, SiquiEste recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office rres, 25 Miles, Bananito and cina dentro de los primeros 10 días trella before the 10th of the month MSSTS. John Smith and Wide cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Ian Brooks, as delegates from Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena their respective centres, Calno oblige us to suspend oun service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio.
and Siquirres, ave very encouragwe would much regret to take Ing reports of the work being done in those localities. Dr. Do La bastide, to whom must be cra dited the marvelous progress of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
WE OFFER AT EXCEPTIONALLY Importante Conocer Important Notice Anniversary Celebration an Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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