
The European Situation The Atlantic Vaice Year Til The Coronation of His Britannic Majesty King George VI Guillermo Arias Delgado ABOGADO NOTARIO LAWYER and PUBLIC NOTARY fessional services to the peeple of this province OFFICES. Sonose: In fent of OFICINAS San José Frente a la el Vier consuledo Británico ce consulele No Material Changes in of Fublic Health fully proven she is not contending with insurgenis The most serious disaster which befell the Italian forces fighting on the side of the Rebels in Devoted in the interests of ihe peope of the Allantic zone Spain, has so upsed the plans of Mussolini and Editor English Section: NATION Georing that they have developed a mood in which they are disposed to give affront 10 anyone who Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 17 April 1937 No. 140 asks the reasons why. The massacre of the Italians has been so serious that Mussolini has ordered an investigation as to the reasons why Roman Arms have been so routed. As a consecuence of such pending investigation. the Italian General commanding has committed suicide The sinash up of the offensive at Guadalajara, which was engineered ty Mussolini and his Celebration in Port Limon Procession at the Plaza 12. 00 Return of Pro12th. May 1937 Ground in front of the Cuar cession to the Plaza Ground men in cooperation with General Franco, Chief of tel.
terminating with the sing. the Revolution has been more disastrous for the 11. a. Arrival of Proing of the National Anthem. Italian Arms than the world thought. The cause 00 a. Church Services, cession at the Governor 14. 00 to 17. 00 is attributed to the efficacy of the quick firing ar10. 00 a. Formation of residence.
Sports at the Stadium.
All Britishers are cordi tillery guns, with which the new Russian airplanes nally invited to attend these are provided, swooping down on the Fascists in celebrations on this very im their very frenches and dealing death to their inportant occasion.
fan ry. In less time than it takes to tell it, every Contributions, however, enemy plane was thrown to the ground leaving small, will be gratefully re the field artillery and infantry at the mercy of Tiene el gusto de ponerse a los Take pleasure in the ring his pro ceived at the British ViceOrdenes del publico en esta provincia.
Consulate to help defray in these Russian birds who wreaked havoc among cidental expenses.
the Italian fighters under General Franco. They esculta Noreste del edificio de CoNortheast Corner of the Build rreos y Telégrafos umor: Contiguo Oms imon Adjoining the Bash were compelled to petreat in disorder and discomBritish Vice Consul. fiture, leaving many million rounds of ammunition San José: 1465 Apartados: Boxes and numbers of guns of all classes in the hands Limón 34 of the loyal troops.
Expected Visit The Spanish government is now calling in her reserves who reside in foreign countries, as it is Spanish Situation Minister of her own, but with foreign powers who are waging an undeclared war against her. The same According to the latest cit yof Bilbao, but it is te With the desire of keep factics whico Mussolini used in Abyssinia are being cables, no changes of any liably reported that the ing himself fully and perso carried on in Spain.
importance have place in condition ofthe defendine nally acquainted with the With this latest victory by the government forthe positions held by either troops and general inhabi progress being made in the of the contestants, as a con tants is daily becoming mo various important activities ces, things have changed: government warships sequence of the most iure serious on account of the initiated by him for the bet havz bombarder the forts of Ceuta, Morocco, born and brutal fighting scarcity of foodstuff, and terment of the general he from whence Franco drafted all his African lighwhich has been going on for it is the growing belief that alth conditions of the coun many days in almost all the if General Fanco blockade, try, our very zealous Sec fers: all factories and shipyards are working night sectors covered by the Spa should continue muc hlone retario de Salubridad Pu and day repairing all captured planes and machinish warfare.
er, the city may be compell blica y Porteccion Social, nery in preparation against Mussolini further ated to capitulate. This behof Dr. Antonio Peña Chavar lacks as he threatens to break away from the non The losses suffered by is strengthened by the ria, has been making freintervention pact and to openly send additional both sides are estimated as port that the five British quent inspections in the vathe heaviest since the open merchantmen which have rious centres throughout the iroops into Spain. England and France are howeing of the conflict. The sec been endeavouring to reach Republic, and has decided, ver demanding of him his adh:rence to the Gentor around Madrid has been the city with provisions ha we learn, to pay this Zone tleman s» agreement of the Mediterranean Pact; literary covered, it is said, ve received orders to return another visit. He is expected hence he must think twice before coming in open by the bodies of the victims, to England without attempt to arrive here tomorow ac conflict with these two powers.
the lager percentage being ing to force the blockade.
companied by some of the those of the loyalists, who offiicals of his department.
Inasmuch as the European muddle seems so under the personal direction the many months of fightFor the firts time uuring During his stay among hazardous and so inviting to a universal conflict of General Miaja have been us, Dr. Chavarría will not the possibilities of a general outbreak are more the conducting a most intensive consented to suspend their the manner in which our ing, contestants have onl ydevote his attention to (TO PAGE 9)
offensive against the posi activities in the El Pardo local authorities have been tions cccupied by the atsector during such time as conducting their sanitary du tackers.
is necessary for each party ties, but will further invesThe Nationalists have not to bury the large number tigate the many hygiene pro yet sueceeded in their ef who fell in this region durblems forts against the important ing the past few days.
still pending in the different district of the povince. He will also, we SERVICIO DE VAPORES gather, enquire into the wor king of the regulations es Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK tablished under the law gov con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA erning the hospitalization of our Banana workers. LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS We wish the Doctor very pleasant time with the EUROPEOS AMERICANOS hope that his visit may be productive of further bene VAPORES SALIDAS fits for our City and Province.
MOTONAVE VERAGUA 18 de Abril QUIRIGUA 25 de Abril On the Recovery PETEN de Mayo UNITED FRUIT Co.
Spa Hamburg. Amerika Linie CORDILLERA ABRIL 20 MEDIODIA th gratifin to learn thu DE PTO. LIMON PARA PTO. BARRIOS Mr. Findley is siowy te covering from the effects of the Los pasajeros deben salir de la capital el Lunes 19 serirts accident which befell him.
en el tren de las nueve a.
on Good Friday last in his facin ALVARADO CIA. A.
at Penshurst.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas. a result of the careful held of in, doctors and nurses around him he is enabled to he out Para otras informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United on the porch recaperatie in the Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
AGENCIA COSTA RICA Fresh air. It is hoped he shan soon be again atending to bis TELEFONO 3156 many duties Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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