
THE ATLANTIC VCICE Saturday 17 April 1937 Races On Our Southern Border This Man is our Friend and we consider that an honor SUFFERER AMONG THE CHURCHES ch ang pangan dan program Men Are Loyal To King, Duce Ethiopia Farm Says British Legion Head As Big As Italy Seizure of ranches curbed in México These Races came off at advertisement, none of the the Blair Park Track, Gua horses from this end were bito, on Monday and al taken across except the Bar though the meet was not land Knight of Guacimo.
very widely known here, Seven exents took place, Mr. Samuels, the cristocratic we understand quite an ap of which the Starlinght gentleman from Es. rada, gives als preciable number of our tur belonging to Mr. Venefites, particularly those of gas, who is well konwn to his point of view in regard to the San Jose who have of late us, and the Barland Knight BANCO DE COSTA RICA been displaying much inte of Mr. Littelton won rest in the grand old Sport, each. The Knight did the Cooperative scheme.
attended four fulongs in the seventh Due also to this lack of race in fifty five seconds.
Says Mr. Alexander Samuels. not a single bean, out of my barbecues goes but to the bank sin repayment of the lite trouble have waiting a few days for my returns. enjoy a fair deal, perso nal. consideration, good price and above all, a sense Co widely loud pas yo; however, on ollut ar Druggist Mr Me Rhint some troubleh. had of freedom that money could never buy: While, know is. We regret to learn, yet suffito se again in consultation wit Mr. Ramos, help to keep the price of the producto zint from his eyes medico in Sant Jose the actual satisfactory levd impossible by other means Som time ago Mr. Me Rae bar We wish him the barrels but your well thought ysleni.
the inful necessity of submitting possible.
En operation Note by Mr. Ramos: on bethe thank you Alex, for such words of encouragemeni. hope that all of you, satistied with what the bank has done, will always stick to it and tell it to Mr. Alexander Samuels your neighbours On Monday and Trusty ef. Co Operation is Strength Stick to the Bank ter week, the members of ths St.
Mark Church brought of the The thodists held sier long look for Garden Party on heir usual sunday afternoon ser the spacious grounds atached to vice when another of their splen the racred vifice.
didly aranged There was a very larg underent:d.
appreciative attendance on Thc Church was crowded to ca cvering, and the venture was said pacity, and the specially prepared to have been to entirise success iters were greatly appreciat a 53 ALAIDENHEAD, England: M2 Tror: every respect jor Gen Sir Frederick Mauris President od the Britizit Lagian ROME Empire Builde Museat present the part of the capital denied in a speech here that lo at of the servieren 35 inl las en promised by experts Ejibouti, in French territory willind linked to Addis Ababa by Ved between it! Soorge vi that his Ettiopan conquest the Duke of Winden not lim some 115, 000 squcre mila ne controled railway suitable for agricultural develop Tre Djibouti railway is cxp3 Sir Frederick nounced Weatment.
ced to remain the chief scure: heermed whisperina mischtei This is an area about the size supplies for Italians in Ethiomba MEXICO, President catile ranch should be neces alters. Fe added messages of lo of Italy itself and is approximo Icov two years until Italy can der Lazaro Cardenas made effecti sary: the decree said the owner yalty and apprecation by threately or third the territory kreslog Assab.
forted from Empers Haile Sela3 The number of Italian troops ve by official decree his promi has the right 10 continue gra Le for past services by se to calllemen last year that zing his cattle on it for one to me King Edward bed beer missie onto these fertile acres the Fao throughout Ethiopia was estimat the agrarian program would not three years in order not to uncle stood dist Chief propos to four greated recently at 305, 000 In addition norbers of eager Italia. ts from te there 120. 000 rimez ed hurt their interests. He altered diminish the productiveness of Berald that the Legion memerribly congested sections of th workers.
the agrariann code so as to the area and to avoid forcedor ar loyal servats o His Mahomeland, thus in one stroke re make catre ranches ranging in sale of cattle at an uneconomic este une George VI an a e de living the pressus ir Italy crea size from about 750 to 125 500 price.
tern. ned to ted km ing a valuable new ary of AFFECTS acres not subject to expropriaempire.
tion by the government for twen OUR SPORTS ty five years, under certain conA hundre bravny young pea ditions. 1s from the ranks of the Italian The heavy rains which fell dor Diplomatic sources expresszd axp altionary forces hve hesing Saturday night las and all day the op nion that his order would relected as pioneers of the va Sunday prevented anything like have been be we comed by American calls be time ago we were aford a machinery obtaised agricultural program. Each hectcoor Sports; hence we were flemen along ine border. The che oportunity of reftring to the end installed and it is understood beer assigned a plot in the fortite deprived the opportunity or wit.
interest which our government that the work will b, commenced a near Oletta, twenty mitea ning the much speculat de biggest of the meny American holdings in that region is nave been taking it those of om uri. the earlier part of the cover of Adis Ababa, ar haetory of th: Wanderers over te coming month. This further effort Ssen supplied with equipment and Sort: ora. Our Register now atm.
Bam Randolph Hearsi ranch youthiul law breakers who in the State of Chihuahua, which mear their control with a should be appreciated by all whoiven expert advice.
18 Rain Wonderers Excelsior comp is 23 Each man has been told to 1; in our Cup Competition.
almost 1000, 000 view of eliminating them of then give a thought to the future re!
ann nally disposed characteristics are of our country: We certainly what he can do with the land, 10 We hote Phivius will ease us up acres providing Many American ran owners them with the tos with the added hope that De surceeds, the rward will be the for tomorrow Tale caile and mules for the reads ow becoming useful citizens hey all are but stepping store and itself the on and only ir heir later years.
Mex in and United Sta 25 marto mor, intensive system to inna ho to which he kets. All had been far thai vonths, who are sent to the Refoinstitution in other important la Instead of permitting those lude the establishment of simila: bris from Italy.
exaropriations might deprive Experts selected the most 14 CAIRO, Egypt. Harthem or their properly.
watory in San Jos, to spend tho alities, such as Limon where le sand they could. It one wasing received invitation from in there is always to be found Iris dent Cardenas declared period of their confinement fan ow by Haile Selassie and twenty two members, Egypt en interview last December in which generally tends ambers of these svilly disposen cultivated by forced labor. has formally applied for ad nurther demoralize themthey als green 1h. cattlemen might count upon taught the art of manufacturing vegetables an We have o various fruit mittance to the League of oceasior zou there.
name period osecuri y cuch unseful and saleable artii ales attention to the need there to dovelo business. Th pro les as brims, brushes, suit cases tev such an Institution in ourned to provide produce for The Oletta proj et is not des Nations. In her application Ita she expressed mise he made official with the button. te; al such good her sincere decree exempling from exprc profitable results have been ana miast, and we seiz: this oppor u yet It is to supply the needs of desire to participate in inobn ty of asking our Secretari de Addis Ababa other ne chose ternational cooperation.
piation all ranches of the spesired that it has beers decided to Proteccin Social, Dr Peis Chavror initial colonization likewiss are The League General Secified size. having E0) Theod nach them another and still moria, to include this important in the capital of beef cattle, of 300 dairy cretary Joseph AveImportant indurtrycalle or the equivalent in other facture of cloth.
Le ma ten in the many which will be With the agricultural develop nol, has been asked to incoreiving his att ntion during hisent go intensive road animals. if their lands butelude the application in the W2r2 The necessary material and it here.
useful only as pasturage.
hing. The program cali fr 300 agenda of the next Assembmies of gert highways in Ethio Lands now used for grazing within two y ars.
ly, in September.
buf potentially useful for agriMODERNIZATION cultural purposes also were world to hincha Tan Gambala the busy trading post exempted. provided certain ne on the Sudan frontier. cessities of the surrounding.
Now that we have a Hearse the Police will no longer nerc In chase men to carry a Corpse to the Cemetry. No more shoul Tib Can Bola less a ric: Towns were already salisfied or dering and staggering in the streets with heavy coffins smeFurniths trade hasiran large other lands were available.
times containing parily decayed corpse, a most jasanitary the hands of the British Italy If the expropriation of any condition to exist in a civilised community. Evervone will fin oprees to divert tha: trade GUACIMO GUAPILES our Hearse a long felt necessity is not only for the use of our ter cwn murposes. TrechSociety but the General Pub ic. You can hire it in and around Trets of this area are coffe: hidea Cantina, Licores the city from your House or Lodge ram to convey your de for and was but there alco La sarted Inved ones to the Church and Train for only six entones Extranjeros y del pais.
ale to be gold (C) Above the Hospital gate, and beyond Cieneguite bridge Always Read Tien la bien surtida Eight Colones (C 809) See us when you need it? We are a. Droiect the Italana 2ways al vour service.
ng is the develoment of the Abarrotes en general Red Sea port of Assab. This COS RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION.
roked with Addis Aben PR COS sin COMPETENCIA ral and fire highways. whereas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Were the RAIN Most Praiseworthy can Egypt Asks League Seat son LUIS WA CHONG The Atlantic Voice


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