
Saturday 17 April 1937 THE ATLANTIC 10 37 he European Situation. The Railway New Time Table our en Our Coronation Celebrations Fron page 7)
Referring to note now than ever. The mere fact of Great newstrain which is to operate be This train should be of the resitain preparedness for war las lessened the item of a couple weeks ago tween Peralta and San Jo great faciilty to of the new itinerary of the se will leave Peralta around dents in this section as it spects of war to a greater degree than ever. Northern Railway Compa a. and start from San will enable them to reach ussolini gasses much of his eight million fascist ny, we wish it to be particu José on the return trip at San José, transact their bu yonets which he has ready, but he knows hot cularly noted that the extra about and not as sines and get back home the ose alone do not win a war among gieat nations. daily passenger and fregiht was previously stated. same day, instead of having as at present to spend at e maintenance of these many millions is what least two days for this purunts and he knows that is the stuff which he Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard pose.
cks. He barely had sufficient to carry through the NACIONALES We learn from mr. Shee hiopian conquest with but half a million men FRANK MADURO Jr. hy that the Time Table is der arms: by what means therefore, would he EL ATLANTICO now in the hands of the Stain food and ammunition for his eight millions, PROP.
Company Printers and he us his civil population in a war against a strong Frank Maduro hijo, hopes it will be redy in time for the new service to go val power if it endured for even one year?
into effect around the close There is not a Power, regardless of the recMaderas del país. Exis Best native lumber of the present month or at ess dictatorship she may be guided by, that is tencia permanente latest the 1st. of May.
ot afraid of the horrors of war; hence the greanuestro depósito. at moderate prices the known preparedness, the less imminent is Te danger of any one nation making a strike he standing armies of Europe may today be calulated at five million men with another, say: thirty ve under training and preparation for eventuali The warmth of our cele one loyal retired Officer in Consul in making this lelees. What a cla it would inean for a war in brations seem to be quite the Province who will con bration a marked event in nese times!
in keeping with the tide of sult with our Vice Consul the history of Limon. DozAnother thing, with all these feverish pepainternational prestige now and suggest a demonstra ens of Ex Servire men have being evidenced in tid by the hundreds of Ex approahhed us on this mat ations, there is no telling what new arms a nation world. On other occasions Sevice me nto be found a lter, hence our call for some may have under their sleeves. Take the great sur of this kind we found much ound us? Is thee anything one to come forward in ho prise which the new Russian planes have given enthusiasm among British moe billiant to behold than nour of the Colours.
Germany and Italy in Spain. They seem to have ea This most conspicuous a Company of Infantry paThere is nothing that apmade a mess of the newest Caproni Italiaa planes event is to take place in less rading our streets, led by a to a community as than a month time, yet un detachment of Cavalry with peals at Guadalajara and have sent Groring, Franco and til now the Veterans of the fier ychagers, such as we much as the Army, surely, Mussolini into deepest conference. Therefore these Army, who saw much ser once witnessed under Sertherefore, we are not going new air, land, sea and underwater appliances are vice in the World War in geant mayor Noel? Can we to allow this celebration to causes of great misapprehension to any Power the great old countrie, ha Zent and Captain Spyre of procession composed of upholding colours of not invite Captain Keats of pass by with a hum drum who wuld risk the danger of opening up a warfare. Vee not seen consulted with this City to home forward couple scores of school chil With the present trade relations of Great Bri a view of mustering for so and hall out their men and dren and a few ladies egatain within the Empire, it would be most disas important an occasion. arrange a parade for the or led in fraternal uniforms!
irous to her commerce to be forced to enter into Have we not got at least hasion and thus assist the We do hope lus Britannic Majesty Vice Consul here a war just at this moment. She will suffer any will call a meeting of all sort of insult or mental humiliation rather than our Army Officers and all offer warfare however much she may be prepared; Contingent men, as well as but she will use every means those of the old West India at her disposal to Regiment, so that they can avoid it. France will also do averything to mainlain the peace of Europe. Russia is also endeaAmerican Surgeon Dentist fit themselves to give a dis play in honour of an occavouring to reorganize her internal political and sion which many of us may From Loycia Liniversity, New Orleans, economic affairs, and is consequently not anxious never again behold.
to see herself drawn into war; she is gradually Cffers his Professional Services After April breaking away from her sovietic or anarchistic 1st. in his new Up to Date Dental Clinic ideas of government and merging into one of deOUR BANANA mocracy. She has seen that terrorism canaof sucINDUSTRY cessfully rule any country since it is abhorred by Located pext to the All American Cables the entire civilized world. Germany knows that it The Banana Porducer Arsciu will take her another decade to arrived at the iniio of Costa Rica are determined litary prowess she once occupied, hence is afraid AN APRPECIATION to protect themselves when the mon: antrives An important of war. Italy is fully occupied in the pacification We have inuch ta b, gratef is would lassen price in the meeting of the Organization was of Abyssinia and knows that if she courts a war for io our genial representative reing markets.
he in San José a few days ago In Congress, don Juan Fomagosa.
Provinc: when the Rules were at this moment she will be driven, like Germany. Indeed, no other of our Cong formerly dor Juanito traversed uruch alons doried and progresiva out of Africa. Hence with all Mussolini bluff, he sional Fathers has ever evire the Coast and studied much thought put forward by the thirty is more afraid of war than any one else. He knows so much interest in the Provine the Aboriginal customs, and had rive members who assemblei un as he has done and is still doing. be been with us for another tett he could not count on the alliance with Hiller de dins studied the Province fir der the guidance of dor Alberta wrald have had a radway dOrtuño and don Paco Gutierr against Britain and Russia and France, however We wish him the best resulta rect into Talamanca. We are as President and Secretay respec much he may like to get the Islands of Minorca uyg ographically as here he grateful to don Juan for his wortively Banann growers, who may have and Majorca as an offset to Gibraltar if the Re com trives much historical instructive articles, from time to time, 0:1 Limon its people and is any useful ideas to submit bels won out in Spain. But he sees it would be Ho proves that Cacao then pos noilities; confident they wil the consid:ration of the Asrocia risking too much, hence our deductions that war principal product of the Province his fights in Congress for all Francisco de Gutierrez la lis alled Theobroma Cacao, was the continue and with such continuation, may communicate with con is now less imminent that it ever was in Europe. in the early days of Spanish Chat concern the settlers on our capacity of Secretary of the Orga so the Banana growers of Cosia Rica. need have ontvtion. Hnce in 1702 the set Maritima lands.
no fear of planting their Bananas.
Pars of Cartago, following the orople of the Guatemalans, got permission to use tre Cacao Seeds mon y ir velw of the then scarcity coinage, so the TriSute to Spain was adways paid with the seeds of this product: LIMON, Guillermo Niehaus Co.
LIMON, four hundred seds equalled a Zon We, twnty Zontleg a Jiquipil and Importación LIMON hres of these a Carga. From this MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS The broma Cacao was made what Imports and Experts Exportación Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia 01 Dioses or The Berevage of Depósito de Madera he Gods Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo Don Juanito is an aruent Lamber Deposit sup tortor of an increas in the culti Compra de Cacao en Importación de mercaderia en generai ve! ion of Cacao, but which othars Jeprecate from a standpoint that Cocoa Purchased Dr. MEDAL Jr. Governor of our much for antio. of Limon fo: ALLAN SIME y the Indians called La Bebida de grano Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanyItalyMussoliniSpainTerrorismWorld War

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