
Saturday 17 April 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 0000 Suggests Formation of Highways Committee LIMON TRADING COMPANY Our Poor Again Remembered Mr. Editorbut there would be no need manner as will permit farSeveral weeks ago it was to undertake the whole pro mers to easily and safely tated that there was a pos position at once: the road convey their products to ibility of the work of cons. ways, as might be recom market. The economic adLUMBER YARD ructing the long talked a mended, could be divided vancement of Limon deJout Jesus Jimenez high into three or four classes ac pends almost entirely 011 ingway being taken in hand, cording to their importance our agricultural progressive We have opened a Lumber Yard but only in eo far as its up and the construction of each ness, so unless we are prowhere we carry in stock a complete permost section is concern class attended to separately. vided with proper transpored, as a consequence of the This would enable the sche tation facilities, there is assortment of all kinds of Native assistance, financial and o me to be more easily and hardly any possibility of Lumber. Special sizes to order.
aherwise, offered by the Mu conveniently financed, with our advancing any further nicipality of Turrialba and out in any way adding to the than we are at presentas We also have Portland Cement, Roofcertain landowners of that ultimate cost, as would be all our accesible or front ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenvicinity. Still more recently found to be the case if cons lands are fully occupied. tine and all other building materials we were told of the initiati tructions were urdertake in hence if we are to take adve being taken by the a dependently by arrange vantage of any of the magriculturists and casttle ments with the different dis ny industrial or agricultural Send in your orders breeders of Gua piles with a tricts.
proposals now being discuss view of securing the consTere is a desire on the ed, it is absolutely essential LIMON TRADING COMPANY truction of a road way to con part of our Executive authat we be given these road nect that district with the thority that we should do way.
Limon Division more northerly provinces everything possible to aug.
Notwihstanding that this by way of Cartago.
ment the country industrial suggestion emanates from a csec08 200ecoone 90000 0000 0000000 0000 00cas: As our entire Province is and agricultural output, but very humble source, sincein dire need of roadways, in so far as this province is rely trust it will be consider (it is the only one of the se concerned, it is of no use urg ed of sufficient worth to ena devoid absolutely ven of ing its people to extend ble you and our most enerthis modern facility) would their activities from an agri getic Director to give it the In keeping with their desire to collected not being as large 35 it not be to the greater in cultural standpoint unless necessary push toward ma bring some of the real joys of Last year, the humber of the decipi terests of every one if all the large tracts of arable terialization.
Easier to as many of our more fent, wire not as many; but the With thanks for space.
large and influential lands now lfing fallow by ndirent citizens as posible, the this did not affect the ardor of farmers, landowners and oreason oftheir inaccessibiOfficers and members of the Cos those who were interested irring ther citizens came together lity are opened up in such a Peasant Planter ta Rica Burial Schm Association ing come cheer to those.
and organized ono again distributed on Eastee lives are sadly in need of it and a Special mor their customary parcelyho were not lacking in their are Committee or Junta with CONVALESCENT foodstuft to aver a hundred por ciation of such efforts authority to tackle this most cons, along with a gift in cash. We wish this humanitrian vital question in all its raThe entire community was, most popular and beloved Cuing to the total of the fund effort continued success mifications, rather than al pleased to learn that Mr. of our citizens, had so far lowing it to be handled in a Frank Maduro, one of the recovered from his serious parochial or piecemal fasillness, which had suddently hion? Given the necessary prostrated him in San Jose authority this suggested a fornight or so ago, as to Committee or Junta could Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON Importante conocer Important Notice have been able to return procure a general plan of here last week.
all the EDITO roadways required The esteem and affection Aceite verde Green Oil throughout the province and thereafter discuss the quesAbogado y in which the Maduro family is held can well be guaged tion of their construction by the many scores of per with our Central AuthoriNotario Público ID: sons, of all classes who have Para la picazón del Warranted to cureng ties. Of course this would Oficina: Altos Pas been calling to welcome don Tequire the expenditure of Cuerpo. Sarna, Rasquiña Itch, Mange, and other Frank on his return among an enormous sum of money, cual Ingianna Comezones.
Skin diseases us.
Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in getting a Búsquelo en todas Bottle cn Sale in all las Farmacias Drug Stores our ficially COSTA RICA SODA ANOTHER BACK DOWN WATER FACTORY Blomberg Named fields Fábrica de Hielo Germany Envoy BOCAS WILL HAVE Refrescos For Coronation RADIO TELEPHONE FLORIDA ICE AND WIHT ALMIRANTE FARM Co.
IW Bussolini has again Nuffed ing it the Bilbao blockade bę pro Britain into reticence. After kon by Britain, Italy will fores auch noise and expectancy we cerade istituted bl goero LIMON ourg the Hood and me fore. at another point.
ed States was announced of Sirotire, as well as four torpet clear. y proves that the Non och Las to break Finco Intervention Poet is all a fiasc.
elnckhee at Bilhas a permit The Galant has been 29. Eitish hottoms to siis ootwed by Talian rebel airplanes hand aeliver their carges without a word ing sati, and Brodeunt to the atarving belli werd is the fruther showing gerents of hat city. We are quity e White Streak, by rushing ons of ships trading with Spate of 113 Majesty best sut keep clear of the three milers to escort four merchani im as the Holocannot give of the MEnistres of the Seas BERLIN Chancellor odern radio telephone chon protectirn nearer whore du for the celivery of their cargues Hitler appointed Lieutenant vice between the towns of loca site the declination by the To foodstuffs to starving citize General Warner von Blom del Tyco and Almirante will reign Office that LA FLORIDA Franco of a recognized government; but berg, Minister of War, to established by the United blound, coul not be recognized the moment the Roman Dictator the Company which has large represent Gemany at hold from an international standpoint, ops his mouth Baldwin shuta coronation of King George ings in that section of th an Fábrica de Hielo his government being an insur bis tur tail.
try gent and tot to be countenang Wint humis. tions Titish VI in May.
Venta de Leche An execntire resolutlon under the laws of internatio prost go. We oft wond:r at Meanwhile, the appoint issued through the Derunt mal warfare.
the storm of protests being level ment of Dr. Hans Dieckhoff, of Foreign Relations and chanmu Why this awful back down? Beled at the British Premier and chief of the American Sec nications grinting the company su Mussolini has called ano his supporters ition of the Foreign Office, permission for the establish at ther bluff to British Arms by sky as Ambassador to the Unit this service which will retace the a submarine cab tetten the fwo twons, now absol Nos permitimos llamar su atención a larola al dorso We beg to call your attention to our rendre at the back Pormisalon fo the estiblishinent de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
of the new service was regsted Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofiof ft Government by Tomo Ja This bill must be paid at our office. legal representative of the cina dentro de los primeros 10 días Oud Fruit, who renorte: that before the 10th, of the month his concerr proposes to int de cada mes Be so gaod as to comply with this request and do not high frequency radio tcipolle Le magamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which service to communicate Boca del de tener que cortar su servicio. we would much regret to take Tom with Almirant ni that from the latter stations messages will be trasmitted to ther parts of the Republic and fofig countries by radio telepon telegraph.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
y Maderas Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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