
The Atlantic Vaice Scarcity of Labour conDevoted to the interests of the peope of the Atlantic zone Editor English Section: NATION The large agriculturists in Guanacaste are fronted with a great labour problem. An exodus of the cheap labour which obtained on the grain plantations in that Province has been noticed to be moving recently toward the Banana plantations of Puntarena hence the shortage we are experiencing in our supplies of Corn Beans and Rice. The Grazing pens are also being depleted of hands to attend to the rearing of stock.
Year Oil Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 24 April 1937 No. 141 THE SPANISH CONFLICT THE CORONATION HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY KING GEORGE VI THE STONE THE BUILDERS REJECTED The thrust initiat:d by the in port of Malaga. Malaga is 0Deert a thorn in the flesh of Genc surgent command in Spain again the Mediterranean Sa whil: ral rancisco Francas is DEL. the largest city In The Bilbao is in the extreme north bastian taken sive al months As a consequence of this migration, the results of controlled by the Bas 02 the Bay of Biscay. In the igo during th: Putse agains the short sighledness of legislating against coloured ques and one of the country bards the Spanish Government frua a bare 40 miles in fact. labour is now dawning on our law makers, and steps are ano important aports, may be both places have been valuable The insurgent commander sa ira being considered for the repealing of the law which 1ened to that which resulted for the receiving of orded sup probably is to cut off anche has of the Goveri rent supply made it illegal for people of colour to go to Puntarenas in the capture of the city and plies from outside, Bilbao ba ses as well as to crippie the ba in search of work on the Banana farms.
ques, wno, woue nuvise ччаа. ndependent government, are frien It is expected that among the first items on the dly to the Loyalists cauze. Wo: Agenda for the May session of Congress will be the OF her he will succed as well as abrogation of this law so that coloured and white la.
he did at Malaga, or whether bour will have the same privileges in any part of the will run up against the sam, sto ne wall as at Guadajarn remains country. This should be a lesson to those in authority for future developments to decide that the law of Supply and Demand governs all condiltao, not an old city ag cities cerns in this world. It would not be surprising if soon Celebration in Port Limon On 12th. May 1937 go in. Spain, came into importan the ban placed on the free entry into the country of c) during the World War. It is people of coloured strain should also be repealed.
excellent port facilities and five 00 a. Church Services.
If the construction of the Nicaraguan Canal mate10. co a. Formation of Prozession at the Plaza Ground dry docks for repair of vessels General Franco may have rializes and the cultivation of Bananas, Cacao, Wheat, in front of the Cua tel.
ye on these same dry dock.
11. 00 a. Arrival of Procession at the Governor te for use of his navy.
Cotton, Abaca, Sugar cane, Fruit and Grain gets more intensive, it is evident that labour of all kinds will have sidence.
The three British merchant 12. 00 a. Return of Procession to the Plaza Ground men reported elsewher, in again to be imported.
ttais terminating with the singing of the National Anthem.
Esie as having left th French The Republic of Paraguay is calling on Costa Rica pt of St. Jean Luz with cargos 14. 00 to 17. 00 ir. Sports at the Staujum.
to supply her with crude Sugar the consignments to be All Britishers are cordially invited to attend these celebra of food for Ellbao havi is succe ed in carryins out their mission not less than three hundred tons; thus much more sutions on this very important occasion.
without any ser ons consequence Contributions however small, will be gratefully received at gar cane must be planted. France is also calling for five it was been cle ly derconstrat the British Vice Consulate, Port Limoa, to help defray incidened that th navigation of the port times the amount of Coffee she is now buying from us, tal expenses.
wat is is not as da gerous as was while Germany is willing to take all the Cacao we can JOHNSTON supposed send her. Japan, too, is rapidly increasing her purchaBritish Vice Consul During the past eleven daya Madrid his bee subject to an ses of our products, and America wants more Cacao and Bimest continuousa erial bombard all the frpit (Oranges, etc. we can sell her.
It can ment which is producing serlo13 therefore be clearly seen that the labour problem will loss of life and heavy damages soon be a very serious one for us, and the sooner our continuation of ous earlier will stop ten minutes at Siquirres generally. It is lieved that this Legislators get to realize this the better it will be for Itens regarding this matter, on its way here from San Joss. action on the part of the nationa now wish to advise our all concerned who have any interest in the economic life num. The trains for the Estrella lists is the purpose of brek Traders, more particularly Branch will leave as at pr. senting the morale of the defnding of the Country.
those of the travelling publicat are timed to rive here at troon, al inhabitar. ts.
that arrangemets have been coa 40 Biibao is also now being bon: cluded for the new Itinerary The daily service on the Olabarded and the forces under Ganz the Railway Company to go into Lit will leave Guapiles in time ral ola ar reported to have car effect on Monday next the passengers to correct with tureth severul important positions Instant the regular passenger rains at in his advance in this sector, the The following are among the Siquetes yalists suffering heavy casu mor important changes which During the past ten days the en was appointed an instructor ties.
Testra freight and passa around will take place.
sopimunity in and ger train which will operate be!
Sain the Army by reason of his the The daily local trair will leave ween Peralta anu San Jose Jose has been profound y stirr antimate aequalntance with Freak Birth this station at a.
as a consequence of seine insteaias pr. viously stated, leave Peral very use of arms.
Byth Gleasier it is of 15 while that coming heata at a. to arrive at San noted sensatior nl ocurrences.
Some time ago, it is said the that the district, in the Island of First cam, the sudden, un attention of th Executive was will start from San Joss at 30. Tose at 55 and start on the re Jamaica, known The gular passenge.
o called to the fact that as. Santa Cruznected arrest and detention certain train Itur trip at 15 nas bien mych alarmed! regard Mr Retry Hart, immentely. fo of the nation arms and irg the birth of n: all pumal lowing his dismissal from the m! munition were being traded with Kia in the Goat kingaon, on the itary department wh re he hele private individuals, investigations 2nd instant.
the position of a Colonel. Marc commenced secret The Kid came with tw. badr Har! came here some years ago suspicion fell on Mr Hart two mouths, three eyes, ten legend withouch an American citi To rige 10 and two tails.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES The Railway Co New Itinerary 26:1 for Sensational Happenings UNITED FRUIT Co.
Mr. Shaw discovered it Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS EUROPEOS AMERICANOS VAPORES SALIDAS QUIRIGUA PETEN VERAGUA 25 de Abril de Mayo de Mayo Mr. Shaw is right in regard to the BANCO de COSTA RICA CO OPERATIVE SCHEME Mr. Salomon Shaw:Golden tongued agents might backslap ne and praise my virtue ani even go babykissing around me yet not a bean will go but 10 the BANCO DE COSTA RICA. As long as you keep your doors open prices may go over the mark settled by you BUT NOT UNDER IT and that is what call, PRICE INSURANCE Mr. Ramos says he has been handling the cooperative for three years and this special aspect had not been noticed by him.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Para otros informes drijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Mr. Salomon Shaw Union is strength TELEFONO 3156 Stick to the Bank Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanySpainWorld War

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