
THE ATLANTIC ICE Saturday 24 April 1937 Maduro Lumber Yard Woman Dies as Result of Pocomia Treatment EL ATLANTICO Maderas del país. Exis Best native lumber en BRITISH SHIPYARDS OPERATING AT PEAK Venezuela Seeks Monopoly Depósito de Maderas NACIONALES Ar old resident of this city, get worse and when they ultimate to our progresive Governor FRANK MADURO Pr. umorno nau Ocu. ly seek proper me attention that h: could investigate the ne. ior to me with ir condition having dybe tivites of these Curander van pa PROP.
at tumcur, ict for can Jose come hopeless they nataty dle sist them for their actions under Frank Maduro hijo, out evidently, not being satire The doctors are the head by the guise of healing by be poco with the diagnosis or lite Doctors their relatives and others for mis art of Intecostal instructions here and believing she was be having fuiled to save their lives b stowed by the diabolic gifts 0?
wilche, come down to Som wa which had been deliberately an the spirits attendant on tencia permanente ze it is wat de remained 10 crited by theinselves to ther seducers. The grasp wb. ch this nuestro depósito. at moderate prices creatment at the Poom Bali superstiticps ideas Por iecostal deception is having 11 Os the Fathers of In this story be true, it is the Euperstitious people in Catolic Church, of wireli de ondt a pitythat good Father John zone is alarming and ought to non ete was wl old memory would not report the instances shecked by the government nenring of woman State at. cher Juht. true Evang. orn thors LONDON. The return of modern and the most economi on oot musuntortit word prosperity and the con cal vessels. As a result. hun atus super woman in sequent increase in trade and dreds of obsolete ships were wristato utiles and per Caracas. The President as these products in other travel have brought boom times withdrawn from service, The y about the Promia Lalm of issued a decree precibiting the trees that foreign production 1o Britain shipbuilding indus Mauretania. Majestic and Olym. dare. Green, th Mother Mary export from any port in try. Hordes of workers have pic, to name a few which suffered of this branch of the ent, bring country of teeds live plants or nesele. The government has the may not compete with that of Ve returned to the yards and ship the sad fate of an outmoded der to town and places her building shares have skyroc ship are now nothing but me the hospital were she succumbs. beans serapia, cacao or any oth will study the means of protect in parts of live plants of tonka also named a commissioit ieh keted. Hundreds of vessels are mories.
The doctors of this Institution now taking shape on the cradies In their place the superliner diagnosed her case as one whicl er fruits known in this country Ing other phases of the country along the Clyde, the Tyne and Queen Mary reigns supreme required an operation, but due tas barbascos. This measure induserte.
elsewhere and soon loyal Br over the Atlantic trade. At the ner dete: Elon at the Balm her aim to avoid the cutivation of tons hope to have even greater end of this year a sister ship coration was then beyond reason for their proud song now knowa merely as the 552, demption, she consequently died Br tannia Rules th: Waves. will slide down the ways from and was buried on Sundays last Aside from the largest a no The same berth which cradled Thus is the many Lnt of warshi cons rjetio the Queen Mary results obtainable by the 10 since the wor, there are all In addition to the 55 London. There will be ammayed by rumors circulating a further a believers in this false due present 1, 099. 000 tons of mer effort will be made to capture rire, who as soon as they fai ple accommodation in London in different parts of the Enpire chant ships being built and the the lion share of the Atlantic, are beguiled by the inders and Greater London for many that there is insufficient acomcombined activity brings the passenger marker with lesser into believing they are bewitched thousands of overseas visitors at modation and what were is, is indusir back to its highest and slower cabit ships intended and a treatment is advised; they reasonable prices, according to colety people in the Ma fait peak since that time. In 1929, to supplement the service of officials of the coronation sup official declared.
when the present figure was their faster sisters. One of these ervision by travel hotel and Per Any house owner who what equaled, almost a third of the vessels of about 27, 000 tons taurant associations of Great to charge an exorbitant rate bas 1onnage was intended for foreign gross is row being built for the Britain been immediately taken from dellvert. but now practically Cunard White Star Line and Their staff of 70 every ship will by the British plans are under way for the inspectors Our lists.
GUACIMO GUAPILES have completed a survey of more construction of o hers.
We have found a such During the depression, shi In addition to these larger than 70, 000 room in smaller and strangely these were among powners found it unprofitable ships, hundreds of smaller ves. Cantina, Licores hotels, boarding houses em pro ociety people in the mayor 10 operate any but the most sels are being constructed. Extranjeros y del país. vate homes, which will be ron district, Tienda bien surtida ted at prices ranging from five It is true there is praeitially shillings to as high as three no room to be had in fase larger Abarrotes en general pounds per night during the co hotels.
PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA ronation festivities.
They have been booked up for We have been grealty dis six months plus but one of my Coronation Accommodation Sufficient LUIS WA CHONG To Travei 10. 000 Miles in Iron Lung Frederick the lung machine, with only hs IN Lighter VEIN fornis HOP LEE LUNG Estable:inierto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes El más surtido en Matina tor to your constant stageering Sweet Potato Starch cal experts responsible for keer Television will be Transmitted Under One System FEMING, China. Siste Jr, youthful Chicago Lead protruding.
infantile paralysis victim, will Some use has been restored to div son, wits yould steer clear sail from Shanghai June paralyzed legs. but the of wine, women and song when treatme in the United States volith arms remain useless. His you get out of college.
The 26 year old American rece longest period outside the ma tly entered his second year in an chine has been minutes and 10 Okay. Dad. Til probably be iron Jurk, and be will make the seconds, but the air pressure has tho) oughly sick of them by that 10, 000 mile tripp heine still impi beer gradually redued until Sni time, anyhow.
soned in the artificial respira te fe able to do two thirds of his breathing unaided.
She. My family refuses to allow me to marry you. special train, outritted witi Six nurses attend him. work He. complet, hospital equipment 12 ing in shifts. His parents sister Why, what their reabeing prepared to take Frederick ard a friend Claretice Dan son do th:y object to my stand and his iron lung to Seang hai former Notre Dam University ing?
from Peiping, where he was strieclassanate, have been with bim. allthey object on a world tour a year ago since he was taken is. companyit him will be a: Test 25 doctors, nurses, and electi WASHINGTON Feu ratsasis in cotton mills, attres ing lung machine in operation scient! sts have found a few use an adhesive factors.
every minute of the long journey London. During the past few exactly the same way os cine for the sweet potato, che of the In 1936 approximately has which will cost an estimated. months tvo systems of televi ma camera for the taking of most important crops th milion pounds of sweet potato 80. 000 dollars sion, the Marconi and the shots, and is equally efficient South. After two years of cheristarch was produced. Production Trucks will be used to trans Baird system, have been used either in the studio or The cal research and one of commercoats hav dropped from port the six foot ste. cylider alternate weeks by ibe British open air cial production, they bellove that rent a pound in 1934 tn cents which has pumped air into Fra Broadcasting Corporation. Now that a single system th production of sweet potato in 936 so that at the pr sert derick lung since his lung mus This experimental period has has heen decided upon there starch offers Southern farmer time the new product looms 95 cles were paralyzed a year ago, been both costly and inconve should soon be a considerable another important industry, para necessfol competitor of btween the special train and nient the arrangement having reduction in the cost of receicularly in sections that produce rom starch of which about the boat necessitated the employment ving sets. Those who have larg. yields of sweet potoog at 250 000. 00 pourds are impre duplicate iron lung. pecial station at Alexander Palace. Now already purchased sels will not ow cost.
Boh year. Th new starch has elet e generators to supplyt he that sufficient experience has bz inconvenienced in any way!
Satisfactory suit, are report the white color insisted upon y machine currerk, emergency rebeen gained to enable the au however, the only practical dired from the use of the new set the various industries.
eusetators and a device to comthorities to come to a decisionference is that they will no pot to stop a címmerci:1 FC At bat seasickn ss will be tules as to which is the more suitable, longer need to switch over zlors to meet any emerge ev aris he choice has fallen upon the from one sis em to the other ine ca the long trip by land and Marconi MI system. at the beginning of each week set.
The Advisory Committee which MODERNIZATION At least will be the first recommeilded the Marconi han to Ivalfire the globe system to the Postmas.
Now that we have a Heerse the Police will no longer need na iron Tune yound Snitsaiiter General and the José chion Ng to chase men to carry o Carose to the Cemetry. No more should dering and staggering in the streets with heavy coffins semesmhuine with the unfnoging coul are reported not to have been Comerciante Detallista limes containing. parily decayed corpse, a most insanitary tras te has shown throughout influenced much by the quality condition to exist in a civilised community. Everyone will find htness.
of the received pictures. In this Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, our Hearse a long fall necessity is not y for the use of our father said Snite Do regard there appears to have Articulos de Ferreteria y Society but the General Pub ic. You can hire it in and around e is sow but enouragin been litre difference between Eléctricos, todo se encuentra the city, from your House or lodge room convey your de heller Frederick will be rid of the two systems.
en este establecimiento.
parted loved ones to the Church and Train for only six colones the machine some da vs.
The outstanding factor was (6 600) Above ih Hospital gate and beyond Cieregive bridge he was stricken you the flexibility and durability of PRECIOS DE SITUĀCION Eight Colones (C 809) Eee us when you need is? We are o ways al veur service.
Shit has learner to miak Chin the Emitron camera, an essenLIMON rehrane liai feature of the sys COSTA RICA BURIA. SCHEMS ASSOCIATION of pless wbile isins helpless tem, which is used in almost. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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