
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 24 April 1937 Priest Davis Runs Amuck Fruit Co Officials Importante Conocer Important Notice Labour Conditions In Cuba Sensational Happenings Just IN Lighter VEIN proc.
Relojería y Joyería Suiza Chapatte Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Abogado y Notario Público Lawyer Notary Public Cédulas Personales It bas come to our knowledge, he is th, Priest of th, Pentecos, when the crop gits scanty. they th a fortright ago the pio tal Union Baptist Sociriy and are consequently of no cor me neers of the Jamaica Burial Schenolda a yearly pas, from the Rall gain to the property (a wilch they Aceite verde Green Oil me Association had a meeting at way Company to enahile him to settle in th: Camps of the Com Bananito la a house granted for go around and preach, and that pany.
had as the particular building the purpose by the Fruit Co.
It is left to be seen what de Mr Gorge Davis, director of been crisecrated to the service of serts Priest Davis willg at for his the Pentecostal Union Baptist So nis God, no nos consecrated faolene, to the Supertedat Para la picazón del Warranted to cure ciety alias Pocomania, teling him ciety could be allowed to occupy who Ig a most affable huwane gen Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquiña Itch, Mange, and other self jord of the situation in that it. Noedless to say the Superintersan to all his employees Leck old resident of this City Comezones.
Skin diseases.
locality: cbjected to suco a meste. dent ordered him of the farm ing and despite the remonstran and promised to have nis Pass mentioning in car last week ses of the Foreman threw out the canc lled. As it is a known fatissue that Davis had had beea Cómpralo ahora mismo Dont Delay in getting a chairs at tables of the partis that the people of Davi cult are set at liberty in connection with who were the organizers and a lazy lot of loafers, who refuse the murder case, but that invest!
Búsquelo en todas Bottle on Salz in all among whom wire such respo 181 to gather Cacao on the fara gations were still per ding.
las Farmacias Drug Stores ble farmers as Mr. Rouce.
Complairts were naturally He to Mr Bayer. the Superinten dent of th Division, who ordered Davis to desist in his presumption But the High Priest defied even By order of the Secretary of This information was obtained thir Official on the groud that Labear, the leportation of Ja by a latter addressed by don 1: maicans and Haitians from Cu duardo Arbil Dumois, Manager of From page want out the Republic dan ha, ben stopped. Labour El Diario de Cuba, to the Daily action was however taken until Sunway by way of this Port sondtions in that Republic serm Glearer of Jamaica last week wheci absolute Herdly had the public recover to have improved and like the There are many person here incident Can you tell me at what time of tas guilt was established. Ho ed from this surprising cou ry, the przsibility of non. with friends and relatives in Cuba waca it was announced that the m most likely to see this seamplyoment appears to h: pant, who will be glad to know that Municipality of San Jose hac serpent they speak about? Asked hence the order for the cessation the tension there is not as serious een frauded of the huge sur a tourist of the Captain of the of such a project.
23 it has been reported.
of 12, 000 colones by one of tn ship. He replied. Yes, right after eleiks in its Auditing Depar. the cocktail hour.
ment, Marcos Murillo Elizondo (alelfying a cheque for thas amount and negotiating it At what time did you get in Rojas Hnos. Sucs. th. Bank Costa Rica shortly before the closing hour on Si last night? Asked a mother of her San Jose. Costa Rica curday last. courtey wide wayward son.
search wes immediately institut Well let see. it was just at a ed for his capture under th quarter of twelve.
Composición de relojes.
personal direction of the Inspector Oh, nonsense, heard the clock Oficina contigua a la Office: Adjoining to the City Reparación de alhajas. General of Police and Detacti strih: three just shortly after.
Public Library Enjoyamos brillantes. ves, und during the night of We: Biblioteca Vic ins three a quarter of English Spoken Trabajos en esmalte.
nesday last he was captured in twelve?
the vicinity of Cr cia. The sun Former Judge of the Limón District Court Anillos con monograma. of line hundred cciones was Medallas condecoraciones found on him and he is allege C:scious dear, why are you to have stated that while at Sant trying to feed the cat with bird y de football, etc. etc.
Carlos, endeavouring to get across seed? asked you to feed the ca.
the Nicaraguan frontier he was nary.
robner of the balance.
Mrillo is now incorfinement You did mother, and that what (Gobernación de Limón)
in San Jose and undergoing the am trying to do, the carrary is Booth Clake Edward. Barrett Burka James Josah, Burton Mor Telblono Apartado inside thcat.
customary prelminary examina Masters Alexander, Brown Au gan John, Byfled George Ttion. The entire country is in 40 51 gustus Ralph, Barboza Quiñones Barnett Green Henry, Brice Coti 1407 rampant speculation regarding Baulio. Bosil Zavia Jervais Sin Jasiah, Blackwood Legister the whole transaction, and the comments being heard un Blake Nathan Brown ap.
olyan Brytton Thomas, luc William streets may well be imagined.
Green Aston, Berisfor Arthur Brown Prechard Eric, Brown The Postal Department has al Walter. Brown Nathan, Ben Brown Leordw, Brown Ells Arso been producing much pertu Graham Silvert. Bolden Robert Whibald. Brown Rickets James bance for scrae weeks past in con Thcinas, Benjiman Bcown Jou Bartley Bartley Alfonso Bar recton with the alleged disappea lyn. Alfredo Bonilla Madriz, Bai quero Córdoba José Baker LIMON ley Kennedy Charles. Brown Ba Thomas Edward, Brentford Cthe Cerman postal authorities in rrett Ferdio. Brown Francis Sa Kenzie David. Bork William JoGovernment Berin. As a sult of the investi muel, Brisett ap. Beresford. sé. Bryant Robertson Onan. Bergation which have taken place Fábrica de Hielo Burgess Morris Samuel. Brown nard Movath Arturo Burnett it is observed that Lie, don Al 21. Glaister Baxter, who has Crooks Leopold Brooks Ri Blake Daniel, frede Sanchez Morales is appoint Beavers Ira beer for many years Secretary ed Director neral of Comm chardson Rhichard. Blair Ben Sucs. Barage Ezequiel. Bamett of the Jamaica Agricultural So nications ir place of don Ruben net David. Bonnet ap. Eu tace, Walter Ridnard. Badilla Murillo ciety, recently resigned his posi Castro. Beeche, who is now abroail Barinton Robert ap. Beckford Rudecindo, Barnett Darling tion to take up a similar ons but is likely to be recalled IS Penington William, Brissett Ephrain, Brizuela Sequeira Rawita the Government of Panana. further irregulazities are report ap. Beresford. Blan thard Re món. Brady Knok Thomas. BarHe leit Jamaica on the sth. ias ed to have been brought to light ginald, Burgos Pedro Alejandro. ret Roberto, Berenzün Blanko:chtart during the course of the investi Beecker Bailey Henry, Blake Me tein Salomon, Banton Banton Pr. vious to his appointmert gations.
Colud Azariah Beaumont Woods Vincent. Bernard with the Agricultural Society Me LA FLORIDA Thompson Percival, Borch Rowki Ricardo. George, Benjamin Wlliams ExBaxter served the United Fruit Beny James, Brown George. Be ward. Brenes Redondo Rafael navides Celin, Bethel Johnson Bannick Swinton Peter ed rirtl ag Overseer at Cumbe: Innd Pen in the parish of St Thomas, Bello Martinez Francis Plack Eustace, Beecher Gordon Cathrine while the writer was Se Blockade Venta de Leche co, Barker Charlie, Barrios Ba Edmond. Patieste ap. John, cretary to the Superinteudent at rahona Rafael Borbon Muñoz Bristol Bruce Rifhard, Burke Congreve Park Teófilo, Bonla Sanchez Gracl Darkes Salomon, Burke u SAINT JEAN LUZ. 22. The ар.
It is to be hoped that Me British Creighters MacGregor, Hams liano, Gartley Hunter Isaac, Salomon, Bingham Smith Ed Baxter has not made a mistule terley and Magdalena asked Birch Me. Lean Eduardo, Paer ward. Bautista Ruiz Sixto. Erown accepting a position in a clearance papers today in order to International Control Agency for had to bawl out my husband Gramm Walter, Bennett George Wiliams George, Backer Alextin American country where Do make an attempt to run the Sra talking baby talk in the nur August. Babb Galloway George ander Theophilus, Brown Mlites are so much against peo nish Nationalists blockade GE Bustos Duarte Teodoro, Bar Juashrson Galeb Barnes Cain pleo colour.
Bilbao harbor. They all carry foca sery today for the beleaguered city and they Oh do mind those child ex nett Barrett Tomas, Brown Li William. Baker Willim Leslie are willing to take the risk of fac perts. It doesn hurt to talk abert, Brown Nathan Ouvius. Bustos José María, Beckford Hal ing the rebel gunners within the little baby talk to a child.
three mile limit while assured Brown Scarlet, Archiball, Brown Charles, Baliodano Barquero of the protection by the shore batAh, but he wasn talking it to Sawyers Richard, Baez Flores Ernesto. Bibas Pérez teries and some Basque fishing stea the child; he was talking it to the Manuel, Beecker Denison Tho Brown Blockwood Samuel. BooCiriaco.
me armed to the purpose. Renursemaid.
Wee. Le ports have it that things are beginmas, Bierd Gayle Joseph, Barnes rize Daniel, Birch Ramsy RIning to crack in Bilbus due to the ap. Lindo. Barnett Gran: Richard, Barley Chrisly Rudolph, food shortage, and the scippers of the three steamers are willing to chard. Barrett Dormer Lecpid Brown Lee James, Barnes ESTRADA WItake a risk to get in on the bonus port they are making progress in Bonilla y a. Brown Allan killiam Agastos, Barrantes BaAbarrotes y Licores offered. Vice Admiral Geoffrey their offensive against Bilbao, whenost, Blake, second in coamand of the re fighting is going on in the ElBrown Durt William. rrientos Jorge, Barquero Jesús, Artículos del País Pritish Mediter ran zan Fleet told gueta and Elorrio sectors. The Bas Brown Foxton Cisarles, Brown Brown Demmit Joseph BlanCaptain Owen Jones and John Sullques claim they turned back all Samuels nanuel Precios Economics that he would give them protec Nationalist efforts in closing in on Brown ford Walter Augustus Blanition if attacked out the High Seas Durango, admitting that the tight. Sanderson James Broks Wa tord Justo. Brown Brocks ArnolLA IBERIA but not in Spanish territorial wa ing is violent and the German la llace Daniel. Buckley Merner do. Bourne Morrison Enos ters.
nes and artillery with the Peanco lexander Burke Peter William Meanwhile the Nationalists re forces keep busy, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Jamaican Accepts Appointment with Panamanian rance of a large sum sent here by y Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Company for a rather lengtten Britist Cargo Boats Ready to Run Bilbao Fábrica de Hielo y Maderas SALOMON CHIN


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