
Saturday 24 April 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE What Is Pocom. 1)
FIASPIRINA دا لاذ قذنا Cellophane George Davis, the man was found it a Jumping Spree, cal money were charged, was it any introduced this Pccomania cult led Holy Rolly in the United States wonder that refused to any longer into this country some years ago. of America, with men and women act as the Worthy Treasurer?
asks in an article published in lying on the floor (the Holy Mat. Why have several members, the Central American Express orl who after getting the mockery of such as Messrs. Phillipo, Beckford Last Saturday date, that some one the Pentencostal Spirit, laid for Milliner and his wife and others us who are averse to the de several days and nights half naked; withdrawn?
testable mode of worship which he some in a state of cama, others It is clear that the fraudulent and calls Pentecostal Union Baptist frenzied and still others like raving fictitious Union of this Baptist Society but which is generally maniacs, making all sorts of ejacul faith with the manifestations of known as Pucomania or Pocemination in what they termed the the Holy Spirit at Pentescost, is will explain the meaning of the Unknown Tongue. These cont a deep set trick (engaño. to deceive name adapted to his mode of work nued in this crazy state for days the authorities in securing regishipping his strenge God. He also at the Balm House, sleeping like tration and protection under the asks the Editor of the English Socso many boars and sows huddle laws of this country for a society tion of this Journal whether he together with the Shepherd or which gives rise, in the minds of fargets that his signature appears High Priest, the celebrant, and the ignorant, to the act of Jumping on the Registration of this fictitious bis principal Mistress, the Mother when the tongues of Fire alight on Society Mary singing weird chants to make them in mockery to the gift of ton It is quite true that some years the enchantment of the evil spirits gues by the Holy Spirit and at ago when Davis came here in more efficacious and complete in which time the High Priest exhibits sheep clothing and had difficulty conversion to the will and immoral his gift of the devil by uttering in getting his nodescript reli desires of the Shepherd. These his unknown gibberish through the gion registered, he asked me to frenzied orgies remind one of tho ejaculations uttered by those on allow my name to be used as Trea se carried out in the secret Rites in whom he sends his fathers spirits.
surer to this Pentecostal Union the worship of Dionysus.
Hence the appellation in these LaBaptist Society. Never dreaming Naturally, when saw these tin American countries. Pocothat it was the diagrace, the decen leud, vulgar performances coupled mania. Webster, to whom Davis tion it has turned out to be, can with the fact that the healing spi with the pluck of the devil refers, BAYER sented in order to create confidence it was introduced when exorbitant us, although he cannot intelligen in the eyes of the Authorities; but charges were made by the Priest tly read a Bible lesson, tells us after visiting my New Society for Healer, when bottles and other that Mania signifies a violent in a few times, found it was nothing witcheraft staff were unearthed at sanity, intense excitement, excesCada tableta envuelta other than a mockery to religion the homes of supposed bewitched sive or unreasonable desire. What and denounced it to the Coran persons and a band of the believers is the desire of Davis for getting all herméticamente en dante and Governor as a dangerous summoned for special services and these young women in his grasp cult breeding immorality, insanity exorcisms to drive out the evilmay one ask? Appletons shows us ENVASE MODERNO COMODO HIGIENICO and nefarious practices among the spirit inhabiting such a soul etc. that Poco as an adjective. sig.
younger generation.
etc. for which services sums of nifies little limited. and as an adverb, in a small degree. The 00000CDOS. SOOOOOOOOO. 000000000000000000 demonstrations of these ignorant.
superstitious fanactiocs, in mockery of the Pentecostal manifestations, are therefore rightly designated Pocomania. a limited state ct insanity. disgrace to the true col101 LUMBER YARD of John the Baptit and a burle que to every well organized religious Body. Davis inscription of this PoesWe have opened a Lumber Yard manical Society, under the name where we carry in stock a complete The Pentecost Unun Bupassortment of all kinds of Native tist Society, is only a trick to fool the authorities in arrying Lumber. Special sizes to order. out his nefarious oculations on We also have Portland Cement, Roof our poor innocent unleutered people, who are eastled into CAIRE, Egipto. The Stay in gate their high wall, windowles3 ans idea where wit herat, bru atrik idea atong mong the refuge, whermoreth an 100 bro tine and all other building materials, tened to spread to a second motherg maintaited their stgi seria, sorry are the underlying objects nastery of protests. The monks are on site Disgruntled brothers at a te ke against ristricted sredi pri Under these coalicions it be treat on thRed Sea watched ar vilegea and an unpopulas abbot.
Send in your orders hoves every intelligent Christian cously the progress or a sit down Authorities, starting negotiator to explain to our enlightenei by Coptic monks at Deir. Mohto end the strike, indicated thors President, don Leon Cortes, the rras, reported releting a litte was slight persiblity they would tickery carried out by the in in their demands.
Limon Division now order a threatened police at scription chich is a stain and Two delegates from the anciar tacloth cloistered citadei.
stigma on the Records of Costa Cortic monastery at Deirea Mstanding in the upper desert pear oreoos soooo Rica, and to solleit its elimina harrth reached Cairo and inform Assiut, tion as well as the teportation of od police they would permut Te the strike is success the the man responsible for such an any pubile official to enter that dissatisfed band of monks at Deir desert stronghold el Antonious on the Red Sea in is But no churchman they declnc cateil they too, might try tie As an Inscribed so diety why ed, would be alloyed to invest sarre taeties.
The official service in con As many members of the was the church property bought cuttintaniczne аленсіонатахаариш сапарк FIASPIRINA LIMON TRADING COMPANY el producto de confianza contra DOLORES MALESTARES MORE COPTIC MONKS THREATEN TO STRIKE ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenLIMON TRADING COMPANY State Service At St. Mark nection with the celebration Line Missions, who can do in the name of bawis, not in tha: Counterfeit Money Flood Brooklyn of the Coronation of their so conveniently, are asked of the Society? As ex Treasurer Majestjes King George VI to attend along with their may ask where are the ret et NEW YORK. United States of both white and colored rates.
and Queen Elizabeth of Catechists: they too will be Books with the fuads of the Treasury Department agents an. The engraving on the bills is Great Britain will be held at assigned special places. clets entered therein? 15 is nounced here that counterfeit the work of a master craftsman St. Mark Church on May the Gerente of the Society? Why money of almost perfect make and is hardly distinguishable 12th. at a.
It is hoped that the Bri was the old chur building at Island at the rate of 15 000 Department oficials believe that is flooding Brooklyn and Long from the genuine arliele.
tish Colony will seize this Estrella not bought in the name a week.
a so called »mastermind is diSpecial seats will be re opportunity to express their of the registered Society but in The money assertedly is being recting the counterfeit ring served for the Governor and loyalty to King and Country that of Beckford?
peddled by women and children Staff, the members of the Diplomatie Corps and the principal officials of the go Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back vernment. Invitations have de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
been extended to all Lodges and Renevolent Associations Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office and seats will also be reserv cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month ed for these. The service is de cada mes timed to occupy fifty miaBe so good as to comply with this request and do not utes, after which the congre Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which gation will march to the pla de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
ce of general assembly to take part in the publie de monstration.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miquel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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