
Pres: Cortes visits our Province The Alantic Voice Spain Troubles On the Increase 01 or asPresident CORTES to be Feted by West Indians a The coming week will go down in history as an epoch making one for our City.
Devoted to the interests of the peope of the Atlantic zone The Coronation celebrations on Wednesday will be a brilliant affair; but no less will be the reception Editor English Section: NATION of our illustrious President Lic. don León Cortes tomorrow (Sunday. The immense number of his compaYear All Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 8th May 1937 143 triots who will meet him in addition to the overwhelming reception which the coloured inhabitants are prepar ing to extend him on arrival, will make him feel that though so far away from his Seat of Government, his The internal troubles of activities are being keenly followed and appuciat, ad the all its children, women and ot feminating from nationalist sour Spanish Republic seem ever on er non combatants, and yester ces declare that the troops by all his citizens without distinction as to creed the increase, as a consequence day the first lot of 000 children Gral. Mola had captured seve colour mainly, of the activities of the were landed on French territory. ral important points to the orth President Cortes, being of the Roosevelt type, realnumerous political partidos ope The latest advices report that east of Bilbao with the loyalists izes that without the contentment of the labouring perating in several of the princi encounters of a violent nature suffering heavy losses, while Ma pal centres of the country. are now proceeding in an adrid announced that the iu al pulation, no real success can be achieved by any govern ment, he is consequently deeply mindful of their prosDuring the past week or so the round Barcelona where the cor its had forced the insurgents to cables indicated the governing ces of the government have been retire from certain positions perity and happiness. He safeguards the rights and authorities in Valencia and Bartrengthened by others sent from they had been occupying to the liberties of all his citizens irrespective of their status in celona had been experiencing Valencia.
Northwest of that city.
life. As an example of this we saw that, notwithstanddifficulties with their opposing Under yesterday date reports the many many protests made against the demonstrafactions. These have since tion of the Communists on Labour Day, the 1st. of May, sumed an open conflict headed he granted them the privilege but not without warning by the Anarchists, and in the sanguinary the leaders as to the result of any scandalous breach of encounters which have so far occurred nearly Law and Order, or insults to any other group or class; 000 easualties have been proand as the demostrations were effected in a most harduced including the loss of monious manner this act of his has added Laurels to his round 500 lives. The situation in popularity and affection from this Partido.
Barcelona is particularly grave; and the situation has been acceHis entrance into our City will be marked by a lerated by the assa sination of His Excellency the President of the wonderful reception by all grades of our citizens. Ta the anarchist and socialist lead Republic, Licenciado don Leon Cortés, colourd people are preparing a huge demonstration ers.
will visil Limon Tomorrow, 9th instant, of appreciation and the Committee entrusted with the The struggle in the north con after the completion of his first year of carrying out of such a manifestation of loyalty are entinues, although it is somewhat administration. The colored British West deavouring to see that all Lodges, Clubs, Associations difficult to say just what the Indians propose giving him and his Comand Schools assemble to escort him to the Governor exact position is at present on ac count of the conflicting reports mittee a reception on their arrival, and Palace and to present him with an address of welcome at the Public Bath premises at p. Every coloured cibeings given out by the contes his Excellency in turn will give us a tizen should therefore make it a point to take part in this tants. The loyalists claim they hearing.
had succeeded in checking the AT Associations, Lodges, Clubs and demostration of loyalty to our much beloved President advance of General Mola and to To Page have recovered several imporBurial Schemes are cordially invited to tant positions as a result of their join in this reception, displaying their flags desperate encounters during the and banners to express to His Excellency The Coronation BALDWIN to Reearlier part of the week; it is our appreciation, our pleasure and our Celebrations tire May 22nd.
however announced that the needs in this progressive country of our LONDON. It was learned that nationalists had commenced adoption nav offensive and that a formiOur esteemid Vice Corcu a: Baldwin has pudchased a bure in been indisposed for several days, London Eaton Square in aatici dable engagement was expected game of Cricket will also be plaunfortunately, consequently tho pation of his retirement froa pu at any moment yed in his honour last meeting of his Committe to blic life, following the Corona Renewed fighting is taking The Welcome Committee Finally arrange for the event had tion.
to be postponed until today: it place in the Madrid sector but is expected to be most enthusi According to close friend, tha without any apparent substanPrime Minister will submit his a astic tial results.
signation on May 22, fourt en years to the day, after he sueted Despite the unfavourable at: Th Churches are plarning fored the late Andrew Bonar Law to titude of the Franco command, a srtat cerercony at the become Prime Minister for th: England and France commenced Wednesday. The Revs. Pitt ard first time.
last Tuesday to clear Bilbao of Among the many who will be caving us on the Veragua rore navenged sor a ser The Chercell of the che tomorrow are Mr. Frank Sheeny vice of Thanks and Praise for quer, Neville Chamberlain it to Supir tendent of the Northern th: Urity of the Empire to tots mediately take over office, it was Raway Company, and Mrs. Shce place at the Baptist Church said.
by 30 Tuesday night the lith. te Mr. Sbeehy goes on furlough which all citizens are invited. The and his rest is indeed well merit various Lodges and Associations ed, for he is no mer, paper mar: are preparing to make the str We beg to express our very in danger and in stres, he Is val arv event worthy the cause sincere thanks for the following: always to be found in the thick ThSebnol Teachers are ALSY SERVICIO DE VAPORES of the struggle as an ordir ary The British Viceconsul and the Eolater. In anxieties, he is known peparing their children to proper British Colony in the Province to ask Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK his men to endeavour toly equip themselves: while the Ex con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA do their best for him. This type Service men ar being dritted at of Limon, Costa Rica request the honour of the Company of señor Jamaica Town by Sergeant.
of comradeship naturally inthuLLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS ses an urge to pleas, the one who, Majec Fraser and Sergeant Due, don Rogelio Gutiérrez at a Dance kett.
to be held at the Community conibines his orders with such a House, at pm on the 125 EUROPEOS AMERICANOS spirit of confraternal exhorta Several equestrianz will partici Lon.
pat, as a Cavalry Sand to lead May 1937, in celebration of lie That he and Mrs. Sheehy may the procession; in short everything Coronation al Their Majesties VAPORES SALIDAS enjoy their rest and charg. is the lis being prepared to make this a King George VI and Queen Elis ncere wish of the Atlantic Vol most sensational affair, ions to be zabeth remember in Limon.
British Viceconsulte VERAGUA. de Mayo Port Limon, Costa Rica. QUIRIGUA 16 PETEN A WELL EARNED VACATION at UNITED FRUIT Co.
THANKS се 23 de Mayo The Hindenburg Destroyed Congratulations One of the worst tragedies yet taking tire all in flames most indefatigable co worker and 11 in sit history too in sporeons were sala much appreciated Editor Mr. ALVARADO CIA. A.
place at Lakehurst, New Jerney to have bein aboned, and of the Nation, complet one more IS. Inursday night se 35 have died and a majcity year of a life which has ever been Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
hen the ima dirigible Hirden of the remainder injured Va devoted to the wellbing of his wurg destroyed with the loss urious opinions are alr ady being follow men.
many lives given as to the cause of the ca In Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Extender him moet Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
The goath airship had arrived, tasthophe, but it is impossible for heartfelt corgratulations it in from her first transatlantie voya anything like a definite pro our cep Tape chat he way TELEFONO 3156 ge for the year and was just proucement to be mad, at this be spared to us for many moins paring to land whin a terrible time.
year to pursue his meritorio explossen occurred and the and unselfish la bours.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSocialismSpain

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