
8THE ATLANTIC CE Saturday May 1957. Haile Selassie An Opportunity On Vacation THE CORONATION lives in quietude HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY KING GEORGE Ver to protect the markets from the VI in the United States. He expects Celebration in Port Limon On 12th. May 1937 bis EL ATLANTICO THE LONE MARINER Maderas del país. Exis Best native lumber תמוז en Cedulas Of Identity Mr. Editor Mr. Syrett, who spent na observe, it is stated thar ny years among. OF BATH, England. tittle dark us when attacu skinned nean stand at the corner cong the several matters of ined to the Merchantdise Departaof a Bath holding an um portance to which the President ment or the Fruit Company, and himself will be giving his attention dur now resides in Cartago, left here rain, wat ng for a twopening ing his visit here are those res last Wednesday on a visit to his tham to take him home.
pecting our city Water Supply son, daughters and other relatives He is the Emperor Aya and the roadway to Moin, it sinia, the Lion of Judah. wbo to be boped that the opportunity to be away for about thrre once sat in state in Aries Ababa will be seizd to also impress on months. 00 a. Church Services, bim the serious economie difficul The Atlantic Vice wishes him 10, 00 a Formation of Procession at the Plaza Ground under the shade of the gold and nd ceremonial uniorella ties we are experiencing on a most enjoyabe time.
in front of the Cuartel.
account of the lack a proper ancestors 11. 00 a. t: Arrival of Procession at the Governor reThe address of Pist Traperit syetin of highway throughout the Province and industrial activities, he will sidence.
Majesty or Abyada now be sure to appreciate our disatt 12. 00 a. Rutum of Procession to the Plaza Ground suburbart sounding Patineta, New Ir view of the very keen in vantages if the subject be properly terminating th the singing of the National Anthem.
bridge hill Bath tereat be has been displaying in was received at the country the various proposals for further plaerd before him 14. 00 to 17. 00 Sports at the Stadium.
ΤΟΥ ing the Country agricultural Softerer All Britishers are cordially invited to attend tliese celebra core HmlSenassie wide binalf his family when they we tions on this very important occasion.
Te driven into oxy few taonths Contributions however small, will be gratefully received at ago. Sad the informant.
the British Vice Consulate, Port Limon, to help defray inciden It is a trurteen roomod Gior Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard ital expenses.
glan mansion, senreely changed JOHNSTON sunce surrounded by a high stone NACIONALES British Vico Consul wall, tick trecsunti Drow or FRANK MADURO Jr.
gentle hall Visitors are rceived in one PROP.
of two large, loty reception Frank Maduro hijo, rooms that communicate with cach other by a sliding door most interesting persze The Captain is an experience soft tootest topla is the Captain of the 23 foot cat seaman, having captained several cervant bows ther. orters tencia permanente nuestro depósito. at moderate prices which happened to call a nis ships in the Indian Ocean and courteously a bolde of whisky Port during the past week Chinese Seas, and he feels he has or Dubonret of they have no wait Most the furniture is French With a desire of making his now passed the worst part of Itapestrytory for his country Canada. Cap his voyage. He left Limon with Phot gilt and the Emperor own property. In tain Crowell of 37 Erekine the Goodwill of all British suba window in the drawing room Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, jects and we all sincerely hope ytands a dainty eľghteen century left Halifax on the 16th July that the providential care of God writing desk the Empress The undermentioned personske lames. John Burton Morgan. 1936 on a lone trip from East to will be with him throughout the from it she can look out on the are asked to call at the office George Byfield, Henry Bar West of Canada accompanied by remainder of his journey so that expanse of te seven aerogar of the Governor for their Ce nelt Green. Jossiah Brice Cou his little Pet, a black dog named he may be spared to complete his den.
He is Fairfield has a large dulas of Identity statr.
sin, Nathan Blackwood Legister, Togo. He arrived here from Blre history making adventure.
Gardeners are Engilsh, ind Those who may now be resi William Brown, Eric Brown fields, Nicaragua, his last Port of a most interesting companion to ervants Sitopian. 1:2 Srper ding in other parts of the Re. Prichard, Archibald Brown Ellis, call, on his way to Cristoon to meet and converse with. He has public are requested to make James Brown Rickeits. Al pass through the Canal for. been giving lectures to school chilor biasa small secretarial stats to help him falily business like application through the local fonso Bariley Barlley. Edward authorities Baker Thomas, David Brentford nama, where will leave for Vandren as well as entertainments private office on the ground floor Josiah Adams, Adolfo Scott McKenzie, Onan Bryant Robir couver, his objective during, us with his educated dog which plays He has also several valets.
there is hardly a trick that Togo They say ir, Bath that these dark Noheman Alfonso Alexander son, Arturo Bernard Mowatt.
will not entertain one with on skinned strangers, members of Notice, Carlos Alexander Reid, Daniel Burnell Blake, Richard Captain Crowell calls this voyCecil Alexander Stenhet, Jona Barnet Walters, Ephrain Bar age of his, which comprises about the instructions for his master. Hulle Selassie start, were unpe than Alexander, John Alcie Saunen Darling. Thomas Brady 30, 000 miles, a Goodwill trip. It It is a pity Captain Crowell did pular when they first came ma. Luis Allen Allen, George Knok. Roberto Barrett, Salomon took him twenty two days to get not have the opportunity of amus to toy some time to get UC1 Allen Phillips, Henry Allen Po Berenzon Blankechtein, Vincent across the Caribbean to Bluefields ing us during his stay, as we are to them. NOW it is diffrent the well, Lorenzo Allen Scott, James Banton Benton: George Bernard and on here sure he would have had a won. Emperor und his bousehold are Alen, George Allen, Earle Ames Thompson. Edward Benjamin He sailed his derful support by Britishers and garded as citizens of Bath little Queen Loud. Samuel Anderson, Tho. Williams, Peter Bannick Swin Ameificans Our Consul, being The Emperor leads a frugal mos Anglin Bran. Benjamin ton. Eustace Blake, Edmund Mary. which is only meters ill, pas unable to attend to him life in his exile. His fabulotis Anglin Marrel. Ernesto Agustin Beecher Gordon. John Batieste, long by feet wide, under canvas smai Thompson. Henry Archibald Richard Bristol Bruce, Salomon only for 6, 000 miles when find as he woula have certainly done wearth, in actually much Tyndall, Edmund Tyndall, David Burke Darkes. Edward Bingham ing that he needed lights and heat were he in good health. We are er than it was widely rumoured Ashman Dage. Samuel Arkin Smith, George Brown Williams, for cooking, he cabled to Hali however, confident the Capitain to be his day begins at sever. a.
Brown. Thomas Al en Wood. Theophilus Baker Alexander, fax for an engine, and this was will have a great time in Colon 7dter a ught breaktast he tares Joseph Anglean Hamans. John Caieb Brown. William Bar sent him by his friends and reand Panama from where we wist a brisk walk in the gardens.
Anderson Caleb Augus Clarke, nes Cain, Leslie Baker. Charles latives at a cost of one hundred him God speed on his way up multed in als long black cloak Edward Booth Clarke. Alexan Beckford Hall. Samuel Brown and fifty dollars. It reached him North. discusses affair with Pas Kas der Barret Masters, Ralph Brown Blackwood. Daniel Boorize; Riat Belize, British Honduras. He greatest Ethiopian warrior, wbo Augustus, Thomas Bryan Bryt chard Birch Ramsay. Rudolph uves at Fairfield as his constant Naval companion Berisford ArthursNathan Barnes at port Then he settles to work, tele Brown. Silvert Bowen Graham. Joseph Brown Demmil, Agustus visited. He was here accommo Programme phony officials at the Ethiopian Thomas Boyden Roberts, Joslyn Blandford Wallers. Justo and dated by Mr. Ernst with fifteen Legation ir, London, works on his Benjamin Brown, Charles Boi ford, Arnoldo Brown Brock. gallons of gas to enable him to LONDON Crent Being book, the story of his life and of ley KennedyFerdio Brown Enos Bourns Morrison. continue to Cristobal last Satur has unfolded an outline of one of the Abyssinian War. It will be in Borrell, Samuel Brown Francis day.
pro nished shortly Beresford Brissell, Samuel BurHe claims he came across the grams tohy and dropped in the afternoon he is genergess Morris, Leopold Brown great Liner Queen Mary when warning bint of the power She ally with the Empress and Crooks. Richard Brouks Rihe and his miniature, similarly will hold particularly in the Medi children until the Duke of Har chardson, David Blair Bennet.
terranean named. were taken on board and ar, bis twelve year old son returns Eustace Bennet. Robert Barington, William Beckford Penningfor two days he was feted, when while Fremur enito Mussou from St. Christopher his dayton, Reginald Blanchard leaving he was accommodated ni or Italy cruized proudly the school on the other side of Bath, Henry Beeker Bailey. Azariah Libia at the head of his flect Sir the home y family tea.
LIMON with all necessaries for the con Samuel Hoare, Tirst Lord of The Emperor evenings are Btake McLoud. Percival Beau tinuance of his hazadous trip.
British Admiralty, told tae Houl spont mostly at home. Occasion mont Woods. James Beny, GeorCaptain Crowell says he has se of Commons secret plans al. ally he and the Empress take a ge Browa, Thomas Bethel John Fábrica de Hielo had some marvelous experiences ready were laid to repel son; Charlie Barker. Isaac Garand sufferings, and those who fettack in narrow seas.
Sometimes the Emperor and iley Hunter. Eduardo Birch Me have crossed the ocean in regular The tod Cominons, that by the Empress accept an invitation to Lean, Walter Baer Gramm liners can have no true idea of end of the year, Greats Britain a quiet dinner party in Bath. They George Augustus Bennett, Geor the risks hie has undertaken in would have under construction entertain hardly at all themsel ge. Babb Galloway. Thomas Barnell Birrar Libert Brown, his little sailing boat. He drifted the remarkable time of new warships.
Octavius owi Nathan, Archi in the Gulf Sream, in awful gales Wher the Imperial couple We are forced, he declared to shopping in Bath they drive into go bald Brown Scarlet, Richard for 55 hours and he also drifted telescope into two three years the city in their car but when Brown Sowe s, Thomas Bee.
for days and nights on his what ought to normally, be car the Emperor is alone he is often cker Denison. Joseph Bierd GayLA FLORIDA way down with nothing to entrier out in a decade.
seen waiting for a twopenny tram le, Lindo Barnes. Richard Barand without any sleep. Fie calnear the end of the road in which neil Grant. Leopold Bacret Dow culated that coming around all Fairteld stards.
ner Ernest Brown Allen, Wi Fábrica de Hielo the capes from Cape Sambro. 140 Warships for Rev ew Ilam Brown Duff. Charles Browa Nova Scotia, to Cape Hatteras LONDONN 12 matty 19, followed hy the Mediterra Foxton. Enamel Brown Venta de Leche Samue James Brown Sanwas the most dangerous voyage announced that 119 warzhips nean and Reserve Flee On My derson, Baniel Brooks Wallace, Maderas in the world. At all these points, will participat in the Coronation 21 the newly crow King will Alexander Buckley Merner: Wihe threw out messages in sealed Reviete on May 20 The units of board the Southampton and visit lliam Burke Palers. Iosiah Barbottles the Home Fleet will arrive on May Tagships of the differes: fleets.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
ci ton, Aston Boke Green Walter Barley Christy. James Brown with kindness been coverwhelmed Britain Mighty tic COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY be any drive.
148 vel.


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