
King George and the Queen Guillermo Arias Delgado This province des Pres: Cortes Visits Our Province.
Obituary PROCRASTINATE Our Late Vicar Apostolic Our Cup Competition The construction and Wanderers met on Sunday rast. Facing ABOGADO y NOTARIO LAWYER and PUBLIC NOTARY King George VI. comes to the the Royal Navy. At eighteen, bav the bombing of the Wanderin men the Coretruction knocked up 139 throne with a solid reputation ing completed his training at Tiene el susto de ponerse a los Take pleasure in offering his proICF8 fessional Services to the peeple of wickets, of which Papie for efective though unobtrusive Osborne and Dartmouth, he set ordenes del público en esta provincia. c. in Jis visual fees style, public service. He is koown to out in Cumberland for a OFICINAS San José: Frente a la OFFICES. San José in front of contributed 60. In their effort, have be wellbeing of the En six month cruise in the West esquina Noreste del edificio de CoNortheast Corner of Post Office Builthe Wanderers could only realize pire, as of eac, individual citi Indies. From Bermuda the CumTreos y Telégrafos Limón: Contiguo ding Limón: Adjoining the Batish al Vice consulado Britonico, Vice consulate.
84 all out The Surtidora will try conclu zen, deeply at heart. His cub berland went to Halifax, QueSan José: 1463 stons tomorrow with the Ironstjects salute him also as a good bec, St. George Bay and St.
Apartados: Boxes sportsman and a level. headed John s, Newfoundland, and tho Limon 34 man of affairs.
Prince was able to vicit SionThe new king has the furth treal, ottawa and the Niagara er advantage of beginning his Falls.
reign with a queen at his side In August, 1913, he was gazetwho has endeared herself to all ted as midshipman in From Page classes of people by der unself Collingwood, and in the fateful which cannot fail to create a greater amount of appre.
884 are we to mention the ishness and unalfected charm. August of 1914 proceeded on ac ciation for us death of Mr. Jose Tasies, the fa He begins his reign at the age tive service with the Grand It is erroneously propagandered around the Prother of our fellow citizen and of 41, having been born on De Fleet. Soon afterwards a serious fred, Mr Horacio Tassles, who cember 14. 1895, at York Cottage, illness, followed by a protracted vince that he is a hater of coloured people; but how can has been a very en rgetis mem.
ber of our Municipal Board for Sandringham. He was chri ten period of ill health kept him this be possible when his father was a Columbian, where there are more illustrious coloured citiens than in any many years and has worked haruled Albert Frederick Arthur Geor away from duty, but he fought in the interests of Limon.
se, and in 1920 was created Du in the Battle of Jutland and his other Latin Repubñlic and where these mix freely in The Atlantic Voice bigs to tenke of York, Earl of Inverness coolness and courage under fire some of the highest positions. It is improbable, yea im der its sincere condolence to don and Baron Killarney.
were mentioned in Admiral Je. possible, that one born under the tuition of such sentia Horacio oral the entire members After a happy childhood he llicoe dispatch.
ments, can hate a class of people whom he saw in the of th: sorrowing family.
followed his elder brother into The Prince enthusiastis association with aviation began in enjoyment of a paternal recognition and with whom he Rovember, 1917, and a year lat was brought in close touch. Can it be possible that such er, after the formation of the a gentleman can imbibe loathsomeness for a people Royal Air Force, he was sent to whose only sin is because they were born of a different France. He passed out as a pilot, hue? We refuse to admit such a doctrine of vile propaand you may bring about much suffering Category with effect from Ju ganda. It is hoped that such a large number of the peoMake an immediate Investment ly 23, 1919 and, a few days later, of TWO COLONES with a monthy contribution of was granted a permanent com ple of colour will come out to welcome our President as SIXTY CENTS and you not on y prutect yourself when mission as Flight. Lieutenant, to eradicate such a thought. When it is considered that sick and assist your family in case of Death, but His close identity with the Air all our Protestant Churches, Lodges and other Associayou are also able to participate in all the Huma Force has persisted ever since, to tions are recognied and permitted in this an almost ennitarian Activities of the which fact the highest official tire Catholic country, it behoves every person so assoendorsement was given by bis COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION eppointment last year as ciated to show a tangible appreciation of the presence Air Established 1928 Chief Marshal. among us of the Chief Executive of the Republic and After the War the Prince tam several of his administrative Advisers as there is no coned his mind with equal keenness ception of the amount of good that must accrue from and energy to the problems of such a show of loyalty and appreciation.
peace. With his brother Prince Henry, now Duke of Gloucester, The time is short but we are hoping that the best he went into residence at Trinity will be done to make the day one long to be remembers When the Rev. Charles Albert, taken from us. His mortai. College, Cambridge. He was then ed in the annals of Limon and Costa Rica generally.
Wollgarten was selected to susce mains now lie within his Inie 24, and joined many other vn It is expected that don Leon will be visiting Siquied the late Mons. Blessing as cu Cathedari beneath the shut dergraduates of rather more ma rres and Guapiles on Monday to return to San Jose the Vicar Apostolie we sincerey ye that sacred altar on phish ba ture are 11a is characteristic following day.
joiced, not only because we haw, so often offered his sacrifice on of normal times. He showed himfrom our earlier association with behalf of the Church Militam en self a serious student of the On Wednesday, we will be privileged to make a him, that his outstanding christian Suffering.
science and art of good govern great manifestation in honour of the Coronation of His virtues, his exceptional humane His Lordship call was sudden meat and good citizenship, tock Ma jesty King George VI. How necesary will it be for characteristics and intense cathe and most tragic, as it to remind a special course in Hi tory, Eco us therefore to show our loyalty to and esteem for the lic zeal fully qualified him to us that in the midst of life there nomics and civies, and generally Chief of State of the Country that has fostered and tasuccessfully undortake the respon is death. And so that his terri prepared himself for earnest, ken care of us all these years and protected us with an sibilities of so high and iniz an ble sufferings may not have beer participation in publie life.
office, but because we also enter in vain, let us henceforth resolve Mechanics have always inter equality of privileges along side the sons of the soil.
tained the belief that the Churn to live the life he so often and ested, him and to the more huLet us, show our culture, our intelligence, our high sense of the Diocese was about to enter earnestly pleaded of us; that when man side of industry he has ap of duty which is so evident in our natural instincts, by on a long and uninterrupted per we too shall be called, we may be plied himself no less eagerly. giving our most progressive and enlightened President iod of progress. But, alas, win able to submit with the astuna. Nothing is more important to such a unanimous ovation that will cause the very the passing of but two short years ce that we go to join him in the the security and prosperity of foundations of Limon. which were mainly built by coour fond hopes have been turned Church Triumphant where part. the Empire. he once declared, into the bitterest of sorrows, ferings are unknown.
than industrial welfare. and loured labour, industry and capital, to tremble, and theour dearly respected and much he is convinced that no man reby inthuse in the minds of he and his Staff the fact lovec Vicar and friend has bem can be happy and efficient at of the sincerity, gratitude and appreciative Cariño of his job unless he is enabled to a people who have always been misrepresented. Come C9054eoc.
Jo. 000 take a pride in it.
out all ye men, young and old, you women and childrer Not long ago he made an extensive tour of the industrial and escort don León to the Gobernacion and create a Midlands, and in one of the Tynew impression of our affiliation in this the country of neside collieries went below our adoption. An act such as this will bring about a o ground to discover by experien closer relationship among all concerned.
LUMBER YARD ce at it is like to hew coal.
Meantwhile, he has not neglect ed the lighter accomplishments.
We have opened a Lumber Yard Like the Queen, he is a good dancer. He excels as an out ofwhere we carry in stock a complete Importante Conocer Important Notice doors man; rides and swims, assortment of all kinds of Native plays polo, tennis and golf. Even this love of the outdoor life he Aceite verde Green Oil Lumber Special sizes to order.
thas succeeded in linking with We also have Portland Cement, Roofsocial welfare, by organising an ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenannual seaside holiday camp in which boys from factories and Para la picazón del Warranted to cure tine and all other building materials. boys from public schools combi Cuerpo, Serna, Rasquiña Itch, Mange, and other ne in equal number. Each year he Coinezones.
Skin diseases.
Send in your orders joins them for two days, living the life of the camp and enjoy Cómprelo ahora mismo LIMON TRADING COMPANY ing all the fun of it with zest.
Dont Delay in getting a Nothing evokes greater sym: Búsquelo en todas Bottle on Sale in all Limon Division pathy on the part of both the las Farmacias Drug Stores King and Queen than the wellLIMON TRADING COMPANY (TO PAGE 11)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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