
TheRailway new Time Table Dr. MEDAL Jr.
in the hot afternoon sun for these Branch: as it now stands, this The President Reception OFF TO AFRICA Head of None LUIS WA CHONG It is noted, by the change in, thus arriving in Limon in time to ed so a to save some more minutes American Surgeon Dentist our Railroad new time table, transact their business and get to help the people travelling to that in consequence of the Local out again next morning by the and from the points referred to?
trains leaving San Jose and Li Local. Under the new arrange With the trains crossing at Ma From Loyola University, New Orleans, mon a quarter of an hour earlier ment they are deprived of this dre de Dios the travelling public the public from Madre de Dios convenience. On the other hand, would continue to enjoy the usual Offers his Professional Services After April to 25 Miles are encountering much those who live in the districts of facilities for which they would be inconvenience, 28, 27, 26 and 25 Miles would extremely grateful. We do hope 1st. in his new Up to Date Dental Clinic Fcrmerly the people who traffic formerly get off the passenger and Mr. Sheehy will accept the posfrom Pacuarito, Monte Verde, Rio board the local at Madre de Dios sibility of our suggestions and Located next to the All American Cables Hondo and Ciman ones would take for these destinations. Now, on adopt them.
the Local and transfer to the re detraining at Madre de Dios they Another inconvenience is that gular passenger at Madre de Dios have to walk with their baggage of the Tram on the Monte Verde. points.
goes down to El Encanto on FriAs Mr. Shechy, in his capacity days, but as this is a Banana day of Traffic Superintendent, and in could it not be sent down on The British West Indian Colo ments were made. Among those The many friends of his usual courteous, considerate Wednesdays? Under present con ny in Limon wishes to say to all present were Messrs. NaMr.
Adrian A1 Wynter, who survei and obliging habit of facilitating, ditions, the Company loses the concerned that in keeping with tion, Chairman; Thomas, re Secretary; Harold Smith, the Company here and the travelling public, is always value of all the tickets for that the advices already given left in 1932 for Jamaica to fur willing to adopt any reasonable Branch, as it is evident the people garding their participation in Treasurer: Henry and ther his education will be gird suggestions toward this end, may wifo would take advantage of the the great ovation to be accorded Brock, representing the Conto knew he has now left that is we be permitted to call his atten branch train now run the risk His Excellency don Leon Cortes, cordia Lodge; Mitchell, land to take up a prominent potion to the fact that as according they are asked to turn out in President of the sition in Gold Coast. Atric to the new schedule there is a mass to welcome him on the Ho bigs, by this means to say daily train from Peralta to San José Achion Ng Brooks, representing the Moarrival of his train tomorrow at saic Templars; Brotherton, Adios to his many friends, wellwi Comerciante Detallista 10 o clock and assist to escort shers and relatives in this coun Jose and back in addition to the representing the Loyal Phoenix him to the Gobernación. All will Lodge; Davidson of the Altry.
regular Local one, the stoppages Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, The Atlantic Voive wishes Mr. of the East bound pasenger trains Artículos de Ferreteria y again assemble at the Gober pha Cottage School: Scharwynter unbounded success in the might be omitted at San Pedro Eléctricos; todo se encuentra nacion at 45 to accon smidt representing the Madre de land of his fathes, and tenders and Fue es, especially as these en este establecimiento. pany him and his Executive Dios A. The Costa Rica tq his father, mother and uncle. points are also served by Tramcar who still reside at Madre de Dios, and Motor Bus, so that the saving PRECIOS DE SITUACION Ministers and our Municipal of and Jamaica Burial Scheme 50its congratulations for th: advan of these few minutes may enable ficers to the Public Bath buildcieties were also represented mert already achieved by LIMON the train to arrive at Madre de This, notification is short, but ing where he will be presented thir son and nephew Dios in time to overtake the LOall who can make it possible to with an address of welcome.
cal there. Besides, as the daily come in on tomorrow morning should fail to identify train should do so in order to Peralta train serves all the small Italy Protects themselves with this move. assist in making the demonstrastations between Turrialba and Cartago, could the stops at these Large Families tion a great success, carrying as The Committee met On Wed it does the idea of Goodwill and GUACIMO GUAPILES minor stations de not also avoidROMA. In addition to having nesday night and final arrange Iconfraternal interchanges provided marriage loans to stimu Cantina, Licores late births, the Italian Cabinet au Extranjeros y del país.
BOOTH thorized establishment of a Fas Tienda bien surtida cist union of big za milies, to find Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch.
employment for the jobless heads Abarrotes en general Best of famihes, who will be exempt Baked From new taxation laws.
PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA Berlin The Cabinet agreed to Abogado y Notario Público Lawyer Notary Public perBread wait army officers to marry, wi thout the necessity of receiving Buns dowries.
Special Coronation Ser Biscuits Cakes Oficina contigua a la Office: Adjoining to the City The Cabinet also instituted Public Library special government bureau in the Biblioteca vice at Baptist Church The People Bakery English Spoken Press Monistry for radio and tele P: 3cx 179. Limon visica. statement said: Televi Former Judge of the Limón District Court calowing the lead of the Na aion now has passed from the tional Council of Free Churchos field of studies to the forthcora of Englar 1, the Representativeg af ing certain realization the Fre, Churches in this City Television between Pome and are uniting in a service in connec Milan will be started soon.
tion with the Coronation of King The Cabinet also decided to It is with pleasure we find our George.
raise a billion line for construe. FROM PAGE but genial and obligira mn2 service will be bald at tho Post Master. Mr. Cordero salyuion of new hotels to accommoda being of young people. They are of the Earl and Countess of child but one of the large family Laptist Church on Tuesday the ut at 30 pm. Tbe Revs recovering from his recent serious te tourists expected for th, 1941 Italian World Exposition.
a happily married couple with Strathmore and Kinghorne.
own. Pitt. Forde and Major It was anounced Italy is young children of their Before her marriage she was cons Perry will taks part All are cor The Atlantic Voice bones hetructing for motored fifty pas When, as Duke and Duchess of the Lady Elizabeth Angela Mardially invited vill soon well enough to resusenger and freight planes to con York, they went to Nek Zealand guerite Bowes. Lyon This service does not in any me his duties and so be once mo nect Rome with Addis Ababa is following a visit to Ulster and Her social work, which she way interfere with any of the racong us in his accustomed twelve hours.
a tour of Kenga Colony, Ugan has been trained from early girl arrangemests for the 12th. courteous manner Baldwin to retire da and the Sudan the Duke hood, is an invaluable completold the people of Auckland that ment to that of her husband. He the Duchess and he wanted to interests himself in the welfare see as much as possible of the of men and boys: she is poncernchildren. Take care of the chiled actively with that of women Son muchas las ventajas dren he said at Wellington and and girls. She is too, an accomthe country will take care of it plished sportswoman. The King sell.
and Queen are fortunate in being able to share each other purFrom New Zealand they went suits, both in work and play.
to Australia, where the Duke Their children are Princess Eli opened the new Parliament buil zabeth Alexandra Mary, born dings at Canberra, and the Duke Aprli 21. and Princess Margaret returned to London a thorough Rose, born August 21, 1930.
optimist. If we hold together.
he said in a speech at the Guild hall, we shall win through.
The Duke and Duchess svere married in Westminster Abbey on April 26, 1923. There has nevCOMERCIANTE er been a more popular Royal por más de 20 años marriage in this country. EverEstablecido en la Provincia Vende al detal, Vinos y LIyone rejoiced in the fact that it cores extranjeros y del país, was a love match and in the roabarrotes en general.
mantic element introduced by MISCELANEA the Duke choice of a common Establecimiento esquina er, if indeed that term may be Norte del Mercado.
applied to a lady of the Scottish Entre blood Royal. She is the youngest Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. ON THE IMPROVE KING GEORGE AND HIS QUEEN que le ofrece a usted, señor agricultor, nuestro ya bien conocido plan de COOPERATIVA.
Aumente hoy mismo el número de nuestros favorecedores. Tráiganos o envíenos su CACAO.

    ItalyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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