
THE PRESIDENT IS GIVEN WARM Our Coronation Celebration RECEPTION ON RECENT VISIT vast crowd of citizens, colounicipal Office were his photo his picture removed as he would ed and white, gave Lic. den Leon graph was unveiled after a very not be a party to misappropriaCortes, President of the Republic interesting address by the Board stions.
an immense ovation on his arri Vice President. In his acknowAfter informal lunch at the val here last Sunday. On alight ledgment of the honour done him, Park Hotel, the President attend ing from his presidential coach don Leon said the act should noted the formal installation of the at the Railways station at 10 40 be regarded as a political move Sanitary Department under the a. he was escorted to the Har ment, but rather as an emblem reformed plan; and at p. a bour Master office, from the up of the probity which would alprocession composed of the mem per floor of which he expressed ways be maintained by the Mu bers and representatives of the the pleasure which such an ova nicipality in the administration various Sport Clubs, headed by tion and fete of flowers by the of its affairs; should however any La Reina Obrera and her Maids children had given him.
misuse of public funds be at any of Honour in an elaborately deco He was next taken to the Mu time evidenced he would wich To pag The Atlantic Vaice Devoted to the interests of the peope of the Atlantic zone Editor English Section: C. NATION Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 8th. May 1937 No. 143 The Spanish Conflict Again Threatens Anglo. Italian Relationship UNITED FRUIT Co.
in ing This awful destruction of life the English Press of Italy s, inter. England but prohibite the circuand property has once more international policy, particularly in con latio in Italian territory of a larfered with the Arglo. Italian re nection with bar activibus in Spain, ge number of the Englist papers lationship, as in retaliation for the Mussoliri nct only recalled all Ita He also disallowed local papers to Their Majesties The King and Queen TOS alleged acrimonious criticisms by nian Correspondents why were make any reference to the Corc natio festivities. This evidence c! While the greatest multitude of humans ever gathrenewed unfriendly feelings by ered together in any city of the world were participeting Italy has been, it is said, entirely ignored by the British gover.
in the elaborate festivties in London, British West Inc.
dians in this Province were to be seen celebrating the The conflict in the Norts of Coronation of His Hritannic Majesty in various ways.
Spain, with the City of Buba) as the objective, still goes on it all We had our State Service at the Church of St.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES its fury, both sides claim ns sa Mark as well as our processions through the streets of disfactrgy results. The offensive our city. Historic speeches were delivered at the GoberSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK comienced some days ago by the nacion by the Vice Consul, Mr. Robert Johnson, and our con escala en CRISTOBAL Loyalists in the Toledo sector conHABANA y tints, and it has been reported genial Governor, don Ricardo Alvarado. On leaving the LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS that thy have succeeded in push Gobernacion the procession which consisted of an aping their advance to a point a preciable number of the Empire Ex Service men, come EUROPEOS AMERICANOS mile from that town, despite the determind resist nce of the 19 of whom were on horseback; a detachment of Boy tionalists.
Scouts, who looked smart in their white uniform, scores VAPORES SALIDAS The anarchistle morem nt of members of the various Lodges all gaily attired and Barcelona is still causing the govpreceded by their beautiful banners; hundreds of ernment much difficulty and con QUIRIGUA 16 de Mayo cern, and their forces have en school children guided by their Tutors and a vast con PETEN 23 de Mayo largely. Inforced troops course of the general public, all headed by the Military VERAGUA 30 de Mayo brought from Valerria, which is Band, wended its way to the Plaza Rafael Yglesias.
regarded in diplomatic circles os an indication of the government It was expected that other speeches would have been belief that further trouble is brev delivered here by either the Vice Consul of the Clergy in attendance, but in this we were all disappointed; and Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
soon the majority of the demonstrators denarted for An Efficient Water cooler regions, leaving only those who were engaged Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United in doting out Cream and Cakes to the school children Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica. Supply in View At 30 the Base ball stadium was besieged ALVARADO CIA. A.
It is most grat fying to note that with all and sundry to terminate the day mirth. The TEI EFONO 3156 constcuencs of the recent is! Sports of Adelphi were on and Mr. Thomas the of the Presdent, there is every prefamous teacher of the school and his Assosibility of our City securi efficient wat supply.
ciates kept all amused by their hurdle and other reces The Incl: of a proper and suf. in addition to the various other items inaugurated for ficant ppply of the most espin the occasion.
Th Coronation of His Briten. Julia Fernandez de Cries, the cal item in cur communal lite bas nic Bajesty King George VI has wlie of our progressive President, been one of our outstanding ne da There was a noticeable omission in the day arbeen the occasion of our beloved was received in Westminster Abor a period of y ars, in twithstana rangements, as instead of securing a unison of flags, cuuntry being specially honour (ry as a guest of honour in the ing the many efforts made to only the Briitsh Jack was to be seen, which of course second time.
Coronation ceremo medy it.
When President Rafael Yglesias The Amantic Voice cuginThe matter was brorght to don the children did not fail to wave dexterously. The abvisited England during the reign tulates don Leon Cortes end his Leon attention during his short sence of Englishmen was also noted.
of Queen Victoria, he was special. Camily for this appreciatioa ly the stay here, and it is pleasins to of It was most thoughtful ly recriv at Court by this good Britsh ration.
Messrs. Lindo Bros, observe that in eping with his Quein; and now we find that Ms.
promise, he hns, since his retorn West Indians, to devote an entire page of Wednesday his srat of Forme t, ta zan issue of El Diario de Costa Rica to salute the Colonia the matter under speelnl conrine Inglesa of the Republic. The Atlantic Voice conration According to th: informetio gratulates them.
which has ben releasel. We learn In London, the brilliant ceremony with all its atABOGADO y NOTARIO LAWYER and PUBLIC NOTARY hat the Minister of Fimento has tendant festivities went through without a single hitch, Tiene el gusto de ponerse a las born requested to scure the mast Take please in offering his oroordenes del pub ico en esta provincia fussional vices to the people of omgete technical port on thel and the day celebrations came to a close with a broad this province nosition OFICINAS lan José: Frente a la egently re cast speech by the newly crowned Monarch during esquina Noreste del edificio de Co. OPrices. fost in front ording the possibilit es of which his voice gave evidence of the great emotion he res y Telégrafos imón: Contiguo theast Caner of Post thic But slv by gravity which don Ton al Vide consulado Britanico.
ding. Las Adioining the irish was experiencing. The Empire Homage, which conVice consulate parently favoura in lief the San José: 1463 our ping svteri Fiv Prosiner. sisted of radio messages from all parts, was particularApartados: Baxes vill, it is state hemployed on ly interesting, as many of the speakers, such as those Limon 34 the investigations, which are 1002 in New Zealand, Australia, French Canada and Rhoob: taken in haal desia spoke both in English and their native languages.
an An Honoured Guest Guillermo Arias Delgado Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandItalyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSpain

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