
THE 412. 4NTIC ICE Saturday May 1957 IN Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Court sallows Coronation Function in San Jose Ejectment Petition Abogado y Notario Bolivia Expels Foreigners 1Well known Jamaican Dies in Colon The British Colony resident in jed to by the entire attendane and Público Lawyer Notary Public James Patterson, a Ingidlord of San Jose save a most suces the Costarrican National Anthem this City, instituted a suit for the Coronation Party to a numer of was heard both as President Cartes ejectment of one of his tenants, their Costarrican friends on We arrived and departed. In the evenbut the exception taken by the besday afternoon Mr. Frank Ning the Brtish Club met for a co Cox and Mrs Cor recere ronation Dinner at the Hotel Euro Oficina contigua a la Office: Adjoining to the City defe ulant disclosed that Patter the invited guests the bot pa, which was presidd over by Me Public Library son was not the legal owner of tom of the big staircase in Cox accompanied Mr ABiblioteca English Spoken the property in question was uus the Union Club and it is inte alex Murray, the Vise Cuisil. The great satisfaction to the entire co Church Service was attente tained by th Court and the case lony that President Leon Catos by President Cortes, the GemFormer Judge of the Limón District Court thrown out with costs against the and some of his cabinet otllar at bers of his cabinet and those Plaintiff.
tended both the Church Service in of the Dip ornatis and ConsitThe Courtanding down the the morning and the party in the lar Corps as well as the Colons afternoon. Consul Cox offered There were quite a few colored sertence, stressed on the audacity toast on M King Georg people present which demonstratDuring the past few days, the and of Patterson in presenting an ab which was enthusiastica lv resso le EMPIRE UNITY.
Spain, described as Congovernment of the South Ammunists, Anarchists, Terrrista, self as owner of a property to solute title and presenting biniican Republic of Polivia has been sitators, Internatioral Swindlers, which he had absolutely no claim.
rounding up all undesirables wit Rogues and Contrabandista. In a second efectinent action the result that two hundred Coreig statement regarding the matter, gainst the same te: nnt was then ners have been expelled: the government of Presideat To filed by one Edith Jackson as the After the close of the war taro declared that the doors of the representative of the owners of the of Mr. Batchelor He however eventually returned to The many friends and admirertios with the Canal Commission.
Paraguay, Bbilvia senolit a coni Republie ure way ba to for property, but the submissions madsbe sad to learn of his death in teaching being engaged by the for labour to develop ber indus eign tabourers who are willing to on behalf of the defendant in op Colon some few days ago after a Executive Department of the Pa tries, but as it was mon discover assist in the develouhend of the position to this Plaintiff legal sta short titness.
nama Canal to conduct the SIL ed that a number of und sirables rich soils of the Repubic, but va cus ware also accepted by the Mr. Batchelor was one ct the ver City School where he spent had crept in a general clean up gabonds should keep out or they Court and the suit dismisced with particularly bright students of the the last five years of his life.
was undertaken Amon those who would be thrown back from when costs in favour of the termnt. Mico Training College, Jamaica Th. ATLANTIC VOICE tenders were expelled were many nati ce they came.
The Limon Service Bureau, why a vf taught in several first class its sincere condolence to his ves of Germany, Argentine Peru represented the tenant, are to schools in that Island, but wadow and children as welt as his congratplated on these two sig induced to go to the Isthmus whenumerous friends.
nal successes, especially when it re he obtained a prminent posiis considered that suits of this nacare are of a summary charreter and are generally decided a coat han Todo habitante de nuestro país que sienta verdadero the defendant. These two victories Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard cariño por él, está obligado a comprar únicamente la are the first of the class cbteised NACIONALES in many years.
It is said that criminal proreedings ngainst Patterson for usurpaPROP.
Hot of title are likely to be ins.
to que es la que produce la renta para el sostenimiento tituted by the defendant and aro Frank Maduro hijo. del Hospital de San Juan de Dios y del Asio Chapul. ejecting under this false title.
ther party whom he succeerted in Debe tererse en cuenta que protegiendo a os tencia permanente en que padecen, nos protegemos nosotros mismos nuestro depósito. at moderate prices LOTERIA NACIONAL יציב LOTERIA NACIONAL EL ATLANTICO Maderas del país. Exis Best native lumber Toward a Higher Witchcraft And Evil Spirits Efficiency Among For Helping Those Who Help Themselves Teachers more d on By The Owl By the Daily Glearer it is seen he decided to formulate a fund 050 The Night Hawk who was of fools, especially the that a propaganda has been going which would enable the most de women plan to send a party of the on in Jamaica by certain ladies serving of these unfortunates to formerly very vigilant around folk who, when they visit the Islands Elementary School Tea 01 supus cault uo vauraua pup get started ta le our City and a veritable terror Lines will not enter their homes chers to the United Kingdom next those operating in the Uriten Tre Fund is to be vested in a tie Lamp Post Artists, having except these open the Sesame vear has been adopted by the sa Kingdom with a view of benefitt Trustees and managed by a Comceparted from his usual haunts, Alti Dabney is gone, but we have inaica Board of Education; it a ing the poor youths of that Is mittee of ladies and gentlemen thoroughly acquainted the owl considers himself a fit Hac Mother Green, George, and waits the approval of the govern land. As a result of these effbits who are ting iocum tenens.
many others; even claims meat and a vote by the legislature a Benefactor, who does not wish with the p:ople and their neel, Daring the time of the price to be of the Priesthood Order of about 550. The plan pro his name to be knowa, bas dinaj as the Deror does not wish it to less Searchlight a creation of Here is an instance of her poses that ten teachers, sis men which will yield over ted a sum of money to the cause de controlled by either the govern 20. 000 ment or any religious society. It and four women between the ages don Samuel Nation, our young those ignorant people act. cer of 30 and 50 and 30 and 45 years Der annum to be exclusively used is to be strictly applied for the ladies and gentlemen, married lain youngman falls in love with for bettering the conditions of benefit of those who form and single, were kept within the a girl and they decide to get years be selected respectively. should every three the sland working youths by giving them bulk portalatioa for the tour, line of decency by the Night married the mother consults and that they be accompanied by a start in agriculture, handicraft and are known as the peasantry.
HR but now the Libertines her Oracles and it is discover a Manager and an Inspector of What a glorious etc proposition.
and Obeahmen are running wilded that the Compromedida is Schools. The plan als suggests the This Benefactor seem to have would that we could bave at mat, hence the owl has come possessed of a spirit placed by co eneration of the Director of gone to Jamaica as a Tourist and Donors of such a philantropic dis would then be on the spot to scrutinize their Tier lover. The services of the Special Enquiries at Whitehall, was so impressed with the streposition, there boys less suffering among the masses jastimes, Palm are resorted to and Mother Ersland, for the mapping out of nous efforts of the poor This first article wrich deals Mary, donning her full and price a suitable itinerary, establishing and girls working on the road and the many Tems such as Com be unknown with Evil spirits and itchcraft less regalia, arrives and chases proper contacts and the securing ways as well as on the farms ana murim, etc. would is a realistic drama of happen the Procupine from the home; of introductions, etc.
other agricultural centres, ings in this Province. In no oth thought not until after Kelly, a Each teacher would be allowed er Province do Evil Spirits exist rude, unseemly farmer, vidente, five shillings per day while as they do here. One can see and seer, had been called in to board ship and one pound per day them feel them, hear them, con teil of the future. The marriage for a stay of sixty days in Torg trol them, command them, and takes place and a few happy granted a special allowance after larul. In addition each would b3 be even commanded by them if years roll ty, but the couple even the rate of 16. 13. per month and you may bring about much suffering so ignorantly disposed. Obeah, tually separated as owing to the for two and a half months in Leu Make an Immediate Investment or Obi, is a specie of sorcery of frequence with which the Seer of salary. The orficer in charge of TWO COLONES with a monthy contribution of African origin practised amongi viz consulted, there was a cons of the tour to be granted. 110. SIXTY CENTS and you not only protect yourself when the ignorant, hence the Obeah tant demand for charms to des per day. The total cost of the tour sick and assist your family in case of Death, but inen are the artists or prieststroy some danger which threa is estimated at 750. and you are also able to participate in all the Humawho control or perform the Art. tened the home, to ward off ote each teacher would be asked to nitarian Activities Many who style themselves the er evil influences or to make a contribute 20 leaving a balance COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION true ones as well as many pseudo job secure. As all those of 550 to be granted by the ones are to be found in this city. sitated the expenditure of hard governmert Established 1928 The true Obeahmen live a life mearned cash in addition to wisat years would, indeed, tend to win trip of this kind every thras keeping with their profesionwas required for the Seer, what the scope of instructions given our that is, they are able to put or happened? The tom foolery could pupils and would bring our teapull, give luck, tell usings ot: ao longer be tolerated the Bird chers in closer touch with British, others, but they themselves are iew the home and the Courts American and French lirea SAN SALVADOR Porfirio starp blade affixed to the cocka Blways poor and in want. The were resorted to for the neces.
Canales, 35. was attacked and spur for the fight. He tried to pseudo ones are those who livesary maintenance Wife. have taken my ac instantly killed by a fighting defend himself, but it was too off the credulity of the ignorant, e next article will give the count out of the First National cock at the village of La Caridad late; he had been struck in the the semi ignorant and appranti names of some gentlemen aand placed it in the Second Na in Honduras, according to re heart.
the semi wise. Lese Logi are round town who do not need tional ports brought here.
His body mas turned over always fat, well dressed vagan work, as they live off tear Husband Why, what the Canales was watching a cock the village judge, who started do the streets and along the nings of certain Breadu vinner difference, what the interest in tight when one of the entries at criminal proceedings. The roostLines as independent gentlemen: who, the meanwhile, are provid the Second National?
tacked him furiously, striking er was convicted and hanged.
they are consulted by hundreds with were gent Board Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
PROCRASTINATE d el it necesFighting Cock Kills a Fan and is Hanged VO


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