
In the Cause of Humanity The President is Given a Warm.
From a humanitarian pott of little bit more than those who upFrom page mind of Costa Rica in arriving view the world in general will ap hold the cause of humanity can rated camion, conducted don Leon at the decision that no better plaud Great Britain for taking the stand. We all know that war is, initiative in the rescue of the rebell, for didn General Sherman to the Foot Balliground where a man than Your Excellency could fugees who were bottled up in Bil say so, and the one in Spain has game was played in his honour. have been selected to fill the high bao. When General Mola began bis been che particular hell, but ever. LIMON At p. he was presented with calling in which your compatriots march on the Basque seaport, the General Sherman could not envian address by a Committee of have placed you by a historic British West Indians headed by majority: and following you his lines sought safety in the city wholesale slaughter of the Fábrica de Hielo Mr. Nation to which he sui down throughout the year of your and as the intervening towns an nocent.
tably replied and at olclock a wise administration of the coun03 tinued to fall before the insurgeat Banquet was provided him by the try of our adoption, by your well forces the stream of refugee inMunicipality at the Public Baths. tuned impartiality, giving justice creased until Bilbao, with a rir and equity to all concerned, we mal population of 150, 000, was cal On Monday, don Leon spent are filled with pride and enthuato led upon to take care ce three times that number. The incrias.
GUACIMO GUAPILES the earlier part of the day visit siasm by your visit to this most Aing lak (food supplies added to ing public Institutions and let important gateway of the Repne the desperateness of their situaCantina, Licores at 30 Yor Matina to in pectublie.
Extranjeros y del pais.
the new branch line of the NorLA FLORIDA We beg to thank Your Excelthern Railway. Later the same lency and your Executive Staf General Franco, the insurgent Tienda bien surtida afternoon he went on to Siqui for the high standard of hospitacommander ir chief, objecte Abarrotes en general Fábrica de Hielo rres and Guapiles, and on Tueb lity meted out to us by the many the evacuation of the non centday he returned from Guapiles privileges PRE CIOS sin COMPETENCIA we enjoy under the tants on the ground that it wouli Venta de Leche hinder his advance by giving the entraining at Siquirres for San Constitution, as well as the fra Basque defenders more time for José where he arrived at 6:30 ternal spirit which is manifested military activities. From his point Ah darling, we part now but Don Leon is apparently tward us in every walk of life of view he may be right, but the ll be back at midnight to carry much impressed with the loyalty which your Excellency will be gi cause of humanity has claims that you off and tomorrow we ll be and culture of our people and ven to understand we highly apear mot be denied. To ask that the married. Do you think you will has promised the West Indian preciate. Permit us, Sir, to recall to Yves of thousands of innocent per be able to slip away without de.
Committee to consider the points one or two of these evidenses of he ple be needlessly sacrificed in case tection?
raised by them in their memorial kindnesses to us; your Institur Pa the insurgent forceg find it neces.
to him and to make an announce tions of learning and beneficencese S1 Oh, certainly: father and mosary to batter down Bilbao to inment thereon.
promised to help sure its capture is asking just alther have both are kept open to us on smilare The Memorial, beautifully decollines with Nationals, so that those Life rated with the Tricolor, was en who are qualified therefor. can cased in an attractive casket on take the opportunities afforded, his LONDON. Some of the lead which his name had been most to meet life problems alongside ing London newspapers disclosed artistically engraved by our local the Sons of the Soil. We enprethat certain incidents relating to Artist Mr. Nichael Norton.
ciate the fact that although the American Surgeon Dentist an alleged Coronation Day Plot Catholic faith is the religion of against the King life had been THE ADDRESS the State and the overwhelming reported to Scotland YardotFrom Loyola University, New Orleans, majority of Costa Ricans, yet our ficials. man, it is said, who occupied Limon, May 9, 1937. religious, fraternal and benevoOffers his Professional Services After April a room in a certain house was To His Excellency lent societies are recognized and permitted to operate without let closely examined by Special Branch Lic. don León Cortés Castro, 1st. in his new Up to Date Dental Clinic of ice za President of the Republic or hindrance so long as we are The Bottes continues: Detac of Costa Rica, in confoxmity with Law and Ortives who raided his room found: Limón.
der. The commerce and indusLocated next to the All American Cables. throwing knife and a map of Honoured Sir: tries of the country are open to the Coronation route wrapped up We your humble servants, re us on similar lines with all comcarefully together.
presentatives of the British Westers. Our sporting clubs, constitu number of letters and no Indians resident in the Province ted on decorous lines, are afford Affair Ovr a hundred newspaper cut of Limon of this Noble, Peaceful ed equal rights.
tings giving details of the Corc and Progressive country, beg to All these hospitable and conThe large number of our CacsoIrration procession, the position to grasp this opportunity of expres fraternal acts have not failed to According to the San Jose Dai Farmers who are interested in the be occupied by the Royal carring sing to you on behalf of suchendear ts to the beautiful counles the total of the monetary ir Cooperative efforts of Mr. Gabriel th: times when the procession is West Indians, our most fervent try of our adoption to her peoregularities discovered the Ram, Manager of the local country Postal Department tow Branch of the Banco de Costa Ri route to be fczlowed.
expect to pass, and the exact loyalty to yourself and your Gov ple and her institutions. In eonamounts to mcre than half a milce, will be extremely sorry to ernment, as a re uit of which we sequence of which we bow reve lion colones Everything was removed crave leave to WELCOME YOU rently to the wise learn of his serious illose Scotland Yard! where experts administraamong Mr. Ramos. was badly wounded are: examining the finds.
this day from the It is said that as a farther retions of our past Governments Detectives were busy checking depths of our inmost soul.
who have dictated these congepult of the series of investigations last Saturday night and has since which the government has beep been confined in our Hospital, is the man movements during Having watched your public nial, demneratie and intellectual carrying out, it has just be ex condition is now bepuover much the past few months as they are career, Sir, in your ministrations decrees, but especially so fo you for improved thanks to the care au particularly anxious to discover of Public Works and Agricultu and your Executives in carrying found that arnther cheque twenty thousand dollars, rimited attention of Drs. Oreamuno at that people in met and how bre. as well as your Administra out in so impartial a manner the by a fheign country, waz receiv Gamboa, and it is expected he will obtained a living.
Grent seereey is being maintion of the Ferrocarril del Paci intentions of these decrees.
ed by the Ex Director of the De be able to be out and about in tained concerning the man identie in which your patriotism and Your Excellency ma ybe conpartment but never brought to a thirty days time or so.
tity, and until the Special Branch rectitude in all your transactions sidered by the careless and waycount.
We wish him a complete returnenquiries are completed ne stat are most exemplary, we can cerward a hard President, but due It is also stated that th: request of his accustomed health.
ment will be issued.
tainly congratulate the public to the firmness for the extradition of the Ex Diof our British Tector has been presented fore training with regard to duty, to the American Department of Sta.
66. e the love of justice and impartial te and the result in now awaited.
ity, a virtue so conspicious in your life, we admire and respect you for your STRONG ARM. The Duke of Windsor and as a consequence of which we beg to vouch your our most Marriage loyal respect, love and fealty to BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE person and Government, According to the information praying that you may long be said to be from a reliable source, UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK spared to Costa Rica and us, in it has been an ounced that there that firm hand of justice and sic is the likelihood of the Britah gor gleness of purpose, to uphold the Die ernment requiring the marriage os ofrece al público los Offers the Public the principles of equity in patriotism the Duke of Wirtisor being car servicios de su Services of its thus endearing yourself more and ried out religiously despit a the more to the people of your land.
100 known opposition of the Church We will not touch on the civic de should the Duke and the Royal affairs of the Province as we are Family insist ceremony being a public one.
aware these are being zetlously is It is also stated that the Duke EN LA IN THE taken care of by our Murfcipal wil specially request the governFathers, but there are one of two ment to recognize the right of his points affecting us on which we wife to tho title of Duchess will pray the attention of Your On Thursday last the Duke teExcellency. That whereas, conse lephould his mother from France para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service quent on the back of ambition on congratulating her on the Corotion for these walls and staysy nation ceremonies, and asking her servicio bancario Rendered by creating a Farm and Industo definitely arrange his matrimonial matters tedecoreescoceset (To page 11)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The Postal Department PERSONAL us BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA your fol SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE on the Ciudad de Limón City of Limon.

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