
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday May 1937 Jamaica, a Treasury of History BOOKS: BOOKS Labores Municipales The Mystery of Old Age From page 11) world. also described as the ported to supply the Spaniards, Importante Conocer Important Notice Por Royal, which now lies buried Store House or Treasury of the, Indians and other nations who under the sea by the aerthquake West Indies a continual mart or in exchange return us bars and of 1692, may be rediscovered.
fair where all sorts of choice mer cakes of gold, wedges and PES Aceite verde Green Oil Today there are only a thou chandises are dally imported, not of silver, pistols, pieces of eight. and people living in what was only to furnish the island, but vast and several other coins of boih of Wrought once the wickedest town in the qunntities are thence again trans mettles with store plate, jewels, rich pearl neckla Para la picazón del Warranted to cure ces, and of pearl unsorted or un Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquiña Itch. Mange, and other drilled several bushels: besides Coinezones.
Skin diseases.
which, we are furnished with the purest and most fine sorts of dust gold from Guinev, by the Negro Cómprelo ahora mismo for HOME SCHOOL CHURCH Dont Delay in gelting a ships, who first come to Jamaica Búsquelo en todas Bolile on Sale in all Music Tutors for Piano, Organ. Violin, Banjo, to deliver their Blacks, and there las Farmacias Drug Stores Mendolin, Guitar Uke.
usually refit and stay to reload three or four months.
Testamenis. Bibles, Concordance Bibles.
Church tablets, in which Jamai ca is rich, record the deaths of at JACK ORANE some forty midshipmen and lads THE PEOPLE HOUSE under the age of 20 in cruisers LIMON and trade ships in the port the victims of Yellow Jack. In the Viene de la página Jura de Higiene, al señor Art Cathedral of Spanish Town, the Ejecutivo Municipal. Por esta ro Mora en la suma de cient oldest cathedral in the British hago moción para derogar el cincuenta colones, diciendo qy colonies, can be seen monuments acuerdo XXXII de la sesión es necesario que se explique ome 28 years ago Dr. Alex, univ. rsity scientists have Deer and tablets, many of them the ordinaria, pues la Municipali calidad y detalles del mismo Carrol of the Rockefelle: Insti caring chickens hearts to pieces works of such distinguished sculp se le lleme la atención a cada se acordo comisionar al seng dad no debe exponerse a que que sea debidamente valorada te, discovered a substance that has the endeavor to locate or iso tors as Bacon and Steel, bearing momento, dice el señor Regi Maestro de Obras por medi kept heart late the growth beating up to now. The abstance cal which it is claimed existis testimony to lives spent in work dor Tesies. Después de varias del señor Gobernador, para qu is in use heart itself and ever since abur Nantly in the extract of a chci for the colony. Many Governors discusiones al respecto, se apro valore el escritorio e inform kin embryo.
are here commemorated, but none bó, por mayoría de votos, la la la Municipalidad. Acuerd diversity of California scien receives a greater tribute than moción Tasies, para revocar definitivo. 30OTH, tists revealed on March 22nd that Sir Thomas Modyford, who died el acuerdo dicho. El señor Rechey have come surprisingly close in 1679: gidor Vargas voló en contra.
VETO co unraveling themystery of old! Mistake not Reader for here Best ag, but would not venture the polyes not oniy the Deceased Budy ESCRITORIO UNIDAD Leida la nota No. 1609. po Dared un cy as to when the vell would SANITARIA of the Honourable Sir Thomas la que el señor Gobernador en ta drawn aside. They let it be invió a la Corporación su verf Berlin jerstood that the whole thing was Bodyford, Barronett, but even the Leida nota No 1063, por lo al acuerdo XXVI de la Sesio Bread too deep for a layman anyhov.
soul and life of all Jamaica, who que el señor Gobernador se re. XI Ordinaria celebrada el 20 de it Buns The cause of old age is fairly first made it what now is fiere a la compra de escritorio corriente mes, en que se des Biscuits Cakes well known. It is supposed to be Here lyes the best and longest para la Unidad Sanitaria, Jefa en firme el acuerdo tomado par u to a greater and greater ac Governor, the most considerable hacer un Presupuesto Extraor The People Bakery sumulation of a liquid or fatty planter, the ablest and most updinario para la construcción de 11 Lim 51 substance in the blood stream its right Judge the Island ever in varity of the place names throu boladero de basuras, por vario orig being as yet unknown. The joyed.
ghout the island indicate its motivos legales que inseria; growih promoting substance found wealth of history, legend and ro señor Regidor Tasies ecoge in chicke hearts, it is asserted.
Those in earch of the marve mance.
velo, asimismo, lo acoge el se Bocas del Toro tends to counteract its effects of lous can visit the grave of Lewis Among the small harbors and nor Regidor Vargas y el señol che tissue thus Celebrates preventing body Galdy, who was swallowed up bays around the coast are Run Regidor Peralia, por lo que que ieterication and decay. Meanwhi in the great earthquake the The British subjects in te Doctor Carrol is leaving it to year 1692 ana by the providence Bay, Galleon away Bay, Carlisle Bay, Banister da aprobada la aceptación del Harbor, Span sh veto por mayoría de votos.
this section of our neghbour brother scientists to pursue their of God was ing Republic were not lack Stare box whimbate continues to and thrown in the sen and miraculous bor, the Devil Cookroom, Hogs Continuará en el próximo nim by another shock Lookout River, Turtlecrawl Har señor Regidor Flores votó en contra.
ing in their celebrations in duct experimeats in the effort to locate the source ly saved by swimming until a of the liquid ty Bay, Starvegut Bay, connection with the King which ages body tissues.
Lousy boat took him up. He lived many Bay, Carrion Crow Cliffs, Among ye Coronation, as it is reported years after in great reputation the villages in the interior, days that hundreds of them, from Whether these researches, if suc beloved by all who knew him. of peace, happiness and prosperi, Movimiento marítimo the many interior districts, cessful, will prove a boo or not, The history of Jamaica is so ty are commemorated by a large gathered at Almirante on is problematical. Een the closely associated with that of number of Contents and Amity El vapor «Limón» que zarpo Wednesday and spent a world is wrestling with the old England that links can be found by Bachelor Hall, Tranquillity, very enjoyable day indulg. nee problem and to keep alive a not only in its naval history but Coolshade, Pleasing Prospects.
hoy sábado a las a.
para Boston, Mass. directaing in Sports of all kinds. lot of oldsters, who are about rea in the waves of emigrants, includ Lucky Hills, Save Me Rents, True inente, llevó la carga siguiendy to pass on, for an indefinite ing regicides and Quakers, Hu Blue and Homer Love.
period, will not make things any guenots and political prisoners, le: para Boston. Mass. asier. Then, too, this planet would Spanish captives, Less pleasing conditions under 47 012 racimos Bananos. No José chion Ng recalcitrant lie such names Soorbe overcrowded, and where Ultimatum, Vevó pasajeros de este puerfo.
Comerciante Detallista to go next would be the question preachers and troublesome young Needsmust, Extinct Volcano, CutEl vapor «Veragua que corpo Scientists like to improve onorer sons, many of whom were suc Throat Haul, Crooked. Spy. Axe Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, hoy domingo a las p.
alter the process of Nature, but cessful in making large fortunes and Adze, Dear Bought, TombArti ulos de Ferreteria y Nature has limits of its cwn.
in this island. The richness and stone, Poor Thing, Maggotty, Boo para New York vía Cristóbal y Habana, llevó la carga 81Eléctricos; to lo se encuentra sy Ridge, Far Enough and, perguiente: en este establecimiento. DESOHH. 06. 06. 06 haps the most pathetic of them Para New York: 56 347 racimos PRECIOS DE SITUACION all, a district which today bears de bananos, 20 piezas cilin the name You Call Me, Me Not dros vacíos. 11 sacos hule LIMON Come.
crudo, 20 Tortugas vivas, The efforts of the many sects sacos café oro. saco cao who have preached with and cao en grano.
Ireland Protests Para Londres vía New York: LUMBER YARD without success in Jamaica have their witness in the prevalence 101 sacos café en pergamino 199 sacos café oro.
Coronation of Mount of Olives, Jericho, Ca Para Homburgo vía New York: We have opened a Lumber Yard naan, Geneva, Mesopotamia, Pa650 sacos cacao en grano.
Southern Ireland did not only radise, of which there is one in Para Génova vſa New York: where we carry in stock a complete bata from assisting in the ceevery parish; Eden Mount Sinai. 123 sacos cacao en grano.
ronation ceremonies in London, assortment of all kinds of Native Free People, New Jerusalem, Para Triestre via Cristóbal: 53 but according to advices from DuMount Moses.
blin public marif stations sacos café: 39 en pergamino Lumber.
toot Special sizes to order.
Jamaica is celebrated in y 14 sacos oro.
place in that city to repudiate the We also have Portland Cement, RoofCoronation of King George as Kirs Para Puerto Colombia: 500 sa8 pages of Michael Scott Tom of Iceland, Similar demostrations cos cacao en grano.
ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenCringle Log and Lady Nuwere also held in the North with o gent Journal, and Tobias Smol Para Puerto Cabezas: sacos tine and all other building materials. let once lived in Kingston and semilla de zacale.
sanguinary results.
Para Curazao: paquele pelldrew inspiration from it.
As a riprisal, it is suppose. for culas de cine the re ueal of the gover. men: 58 Send in your orders island has many resources left Para Cristóbal. Zona del Cafor the historian permit the Irish Republican Ar lo and novel st nal: 472 Blos. Frutas y Lemy to hold a demonstration Ir. LIMON TRADING COMPANY and offers much of historical in gumbres terest to those who have the time protect of the Coronation, sue statute of Georg II in Stephen Limon Division and mind to study in surroundGreen Park Dublin, was Jyadmit ings which cannot be excelled Always Read ed early Thrusday morning and almost entirely destroyed.
now as LIMON TRADING COMPANY the The for the rest and relaxation they The Atlantic Voice Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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