
Jamaica, a Treasury of History THE VOGUE JOHN ROGERS ALLAN SIME رو AMERICAN TO SURVEY Nicaragua Finances The President is Given a Warn.
Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON Kingston, Jamaica.
He wrote with some pride that In this island, to which last the defense of this place was season 49, 800 visitors were ai By SIR EDWARD DENHAM, the key to the port of the whole tracted of whom 6, 192 stayed, Captain General and Governor naval force. the town of Kingsthe others spending no more than ton and Spanish Town it was Ladies and Gents Tailoring a day or a day and a night, a the most important place in the youthful hawker of imported bead whole island Today at Fort For Style Character necklaces was heard to observe by the preaching of George Fox. Charles can be seen the inscripto a competitor in the trade: Fox visited Jamaica in 1671.
tion: and Good Taste. Times is real bad. One time one Many of the great British adcould sel dem tourists anything mirals spent part of their time show dem treefrog and tell here, among them Penn, Benhow In this place dwelt Horatio. NelIf you want the experience of tem it was humming bird now (whose grave can be seen today. son.
wearing a real smart outfit, come dem getting altogether too civi Vernon, Keppel, Rodney, Peter You who tread his footprints realong to lized. The tourists may have be Parker, and Nelson, whose first member his glory.
come civilized, but they often, actual command after he was pos day may come when the old miss much by neglecting the re ted as captain was at Port Royal. To page 10 cords of the past.
Across the stage of this colony LIMON have passed many of the greatest discoverers, adventurers, buccaneers, pirates, and seamen. CoLadies say he is adept at making lumbus spent his long sojourn on LIMON. LIMON, shore outside Europe in Jamaica, Coats, Costumes, Breeches, Etc. which he first sighted some 450 Importación years ago and hailed as Santa Imports and Exports Gloria Nine years later storms Exportación drove hi mback to spend a year on its north coast, where he en. Deposito de Madera dured much privation and suffer Lumber Deposit ing. It needs little imagination Compra de Cacao en MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Pre cordoba, formerly one of the most to stand today looking out to sen grano sident Anastasio Somoza has an stable currereies in the world, from any one of the enchanting Cocoa Purchased nounced that James Edwards now is subject to severe fluctua small harbors on the coast where American scor omist, would be emtions.
he landed to imagine his ships ployed to study Nicaragua fi President Somoza said he ur coming over the horizon.
nancial and exchange situation. derstood that some merchan In Spanish Town may be seen Because of borrowing from the wished to cicce their establisha copy of the will of Sir Henry National Bank of New York by ments because of exchange condi. Morgan, whose distinction was to (From page 91 the communal life of the country the government in past years, the tions and he had informed them be the scourge of Panama and the part of some parents, the and learn to bless the advent of that if this was done they would the Lieutenant Governor of Jastraitened financial earnings of Lic. don Leon Cortes Castro and be obliged to remain closed.
others, we find our streets infest His Executive Officers.
Foreign merchants who closei maica, to be associated with the ed with youthful vagabonds, sleep Fifthly: modification of the their shops will be deported, he burning of churches and convents ing in railroad cars through a ban to naturalization of coloured added, as the merchant profits and the endowment of schools Abogado y and all their merchandise come and the encouragement of learnlack of other decent habitations people who have live dhere the through exportation of Nicara ing. In Spanish Town Sir Hans by a shortness of funds; these ho better portion of their lives Notario Público guan products.
of English vering in dens of immorality and Sloane, the father In conclusion, Sir, long and hap medicine. attended and prescrib criminology, thus being a menace py may your years be, coupled ed for the reformed buccaneer, to our community and a pest te with those of your family, May who may also have been edified our law officers.
your name be recorded as a ben We beg inat Your Excellency efactor of Limon and Costa Rica will institute a School of Correc generally. In the annals of time cual Ingianna trial Centre within the Province, may History chronicle your name whereat London 13 London wolub ITALY And The wornen of the country may be these future men and as an emblem of Moralityproa steady drizzle and a cola gress and Confraternal affections wind blowing across 10!
British Press redeemed and made to grow up and thus associate you among VI and Queen Elizabe.
useful citizens of the community the great men of this world.
Gets Annual Grant Of opened up and answered about Rome before Secondly: We beg the Institu Again Sir, do we wish to as600 Pounds como imeendeling goodwill and ca: Chamber of Depures, sont meilletion of a Public Gymnasium for sure Your Excellency that your reration ereetings from all over the deplared the inerticay of the non the physical development of our visit to Limon, coupled with the world. In the afternoon the royal interver tion control of th: Spancouple surprised their subpects on the coast and announced that it was young men and girls.
manifestations of your comradethe North of London by taking LONDON The heir presusap drive around the districts in the Italy intention to loyally and seru Thirdly: We suggest a modifi ship among us, will remain as a tive to the British Throne, Prin section commencing with Is ington. pulously fulfill the engagement na cation of the Food Law whereby, lasting monument of our loyalty cess Elizabeth, eldest daughter of They received a tremendous wa) de With Nationalist Spaia, Italy King George VI and Queers Eliza ing. which was accomplished come along the route of their oul Foreign Minister omplained about the products Bovine and Cerdo and affection to your person and the campaign made by the British may be imported as formerly, so be inscribed in the fleshy tablets beth, has been recommended for automobile.
Press against Italy on account of the of our hearts.
An annual grant of 600 pounds the activities Spain and said that necessary to the sinews sterling by the Civil list Committhere was no special treaty between working man, and which cannot While we grave to remain alGermany and Italy that bound the be manufactured commercial ways among your most devoted te or the House of Commons The BRITISH DESTROYER HIT MINE wie an the other netion had en guantities for several years to admirers and supporters.
two countries, but that they inof IN PANISH HARBOUR the two countries in their effoots to come due to a shortage of the an The Committee of the tioned.
establish true beare in Euron The total recommendation, imals used for such purposes.
British West Indian Colony.
Val ocia, 13. The British des mains unchanged 410 000 troyer 35, one of the Control and as a consequence the State ships, tit a ine and three mea are loses many thousands of dollars sluned) Nation, Chairman; report kills and walve found.
in customs revenues.
The Committee recommes that The au ident happen. a nm. Thomas Secretary: HaPrincess Elizabeth pension be it today and the explosion recurred Fourthly: The institution of a roll Smith, Treasurer: Bro whie the shit was lying in the har Wee. Le creased upon her naturity to bour Almeria. nie bolo vas class or two in Secondary Edutherton; Mitchel; E 15. 000 pounds, in the event cause in the bow of the destr. cation within the Province where Izevedo: Stephen Daly; there being no Prince of Wales er and she was being inwee tr the ESTRADA our deserving boss an dgirls of Davidson; Llewellyn Brock, Peat that time.
inner Barbour. The Savorhmerit: imme liately sent planes and renue Abarrotes y Licores poor parentage could attend to tei Blackman; Frank Abel: The Duke of Gloucester, owing vessels and ambu ances and Go. Artículos del Pais equi pthem for higher prepara Gulbourne: Charles Hayling: to his assunting additional dutiestors are waiting at the dok to tion when they shall have arrived Brooks: Weeks: Farquduring Princess Elizabeth minc take care of the injurd wno um Precios Económicos be transferred to Olal hospital.
at discretionary age, say from 14 harson; Scharsmidt: Mts.
rity, has been recommended for The dastrover was thout five rides LA IBERIA to 18 years, whereby in later Blackman; Mrs. Bernard; Miss An annuity of 10 000 pounds in ad out wnen the exploi Bucured years they may become assets in Passmore, and many others.
dition to the 25, 000 pounds he row and hundreds witnessed it.
receives, Dowager Queen Mary allowNos permitimos llamar su atención a larnofa el dorso ance is continued at 70. 000 pounds.
We beg to call your attention to our remark of the back de su recibo que dice: Princess Margaret Rose the soyof receipt which reads.
ereigns younger daughter has Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office bean commended for annuity of 000 pounds when she marries cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th, of the month or attaius the age of twenty one.
de cada mes In the event of a son being born Be so good as to comply with this request and do not to the royal couple, he will recive Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which in ar nu ty of 10. 000 pounds, and de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take similar amount has been recon me ded for each other Royal Pon ce un til their majstity, when they shal then receive 25. 000 pound: or when they marry.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Oficina: Altos Pas King and Queen Visit!
North London Heir To British Throneedly. While their Majestes e a תו at pounds, SALOMON CHIN Compañía Eléctrica de Limón

    ItalyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSpain

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