
The Law On Holidays Spain Still Causes Concern reThe Atlantic Vaice The Need For Greater Sanitation se The Milk Service lo Town Our Labour Problems It would seem as if the inter ultimate and complete success for ral Mola are still gaining ground President don Leon Cortes and his Executive Adnational ontrol of the Spanish their cause.
in their offensive against the vers have added another Laurel to their crown. frontierg and coasts has in no England being however of the Basque warriors, and that during way affected the warfare, at least opinion that the end is far from the past few proyect which provides that every man or wodays serrera!
in so far as its early termination being in sight, initiated another important pasitions were taken Ran who works on a monthly or weekly basis shall be is concerned. The severest move to see if this wanton and by them with the lopalists being balentitled to a yearly vacation of fifteen days on full pay fighting continues to be pursued useless destruction of human lives forced, in some parts, to retire to ms forwarded through the Minister of Gobernacion to in most of the more important and valuable property could not their inner lines of defence Cngress and has received the unanimous approval of sectors, particularly in the Basque be stopped; she invited France, cently established in the vicinity tis Assembly without even a discussion. All employees territory, where the nationalist: Russia, Germany and Italy to join of Bilbao.
fom the highest official in the service of the governare doing their utmost to obtain her in a movement toward this, The government at Valencia tent, large commercial or industrial enterprises to the possession of the important city end, by France was the only has lodged with the League of and port of Bilbao. As a conse one who agreed with her. Russ. a Nations further charges against Iwest domestic servant, are included in the Project.
quence of these intensified acti declined as she was of the opi Germany and Italy for their inThis is a glorious movement by our Executive Body vities, there has been a more se nion that the loyalists will even terference in the conflict, and it nd cannot fail to endear the President and his Staff in rious loss of lives throughout the tually be victorious while Italy is expected there will be some he affection of all workers who have to toil day in day country, but it has not, apparen expressed herself similarly on the heated discussions when the mat to, interfered the optimi o side of the nationalists.
ter comes under consideration at without the privilege of enjoying the shortest rest, either of the Executive Comman From Bilbao and Paris come the meeting to be held on Monday me being even denied their pay or wage during illders who are still confident of reports that the troops of Gene the 24th. instant.
19 Vacations are essential for the upkeep of the huvan system. Employees who can look forward regularto a fortnight rest and change will make the neces kry saving and spend same in the recuperation of their ervous systems and return to work with reinvigorated bdies and happier minds, and thereby reader more ef. Icient service.
Devoted to the interests of the peope of the Atlantic zone Every man, woman and child of this Zone cannot Editor English Section: NATION lut be grateful to Lic, don Leon Cortes and his ExecuStaff for such forethought in alleviating the hum Year 11 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 22th. May 1937 No. 145 irum life of the monthly workers, who are very often equired to work at night and on Sundays without being onceded any additional remuneration or cther consiTO jeration for such sacrifice. By the inauguration of this aw a man will be able to take his wife and children way for a fortnight change of scenery which, not on The laws relating to the sanita in Limon which has not paid for the mears of relieving our city ry conditions of buildings offe itself by the many years of roes of the disgraceful sights our ai. provides the elders with their necessary rest, but ened for rent as rollerces seum collected from the occupants and lapidated buildings now are to vi lances the education of their children who by becoming to be very strict in the Republic now represent nt revenue to the sitors.
of Guatemela as we note that be owners, therefore, following the We hope Dr. Umaña wih To page Core a landlord can place a tenent example set us by the Guatemala this article and find it possible in possession of a house he has Sanitatio. Decree, there is no real to inaugurate the suggest or co obtain a certificate disclosing son why a similar provision should regardless of those whom they ts fitness for habitation from th not be enforced here and so be may affect.
Engi. sering of the Sanitary De perfome.
Our Sister Republic, Guatema and eventually falling in the milk It would be a very good propio. seem very progressive in her pail for consumption by human sition for our industrious Doctor eas On Sanitation; we find that beings.
of Hygiene to institute a simila As mentioned in these column like to induce the coloured labour 1ere milk cannot be sold in ves. These are matters which re regulation for Limon. There is a row issues ago, the labour sissity.
els made of tin ware, nor can quire the most careful conside hardly a house on the approach tuation is engaging th: serious These Pacific Planters would te measures be oi tin. Both are ration as they are a serious me to this City from th interior a attention of our Banana growers of the Atlantic to go over and Tegal, as it has been proven that nace to the health of our com ather adjacent tskirts th is a: Cattle breeders, and the n help them, but the law which now here are certain cmanations aris munity.
rca ly fit fcr habitation. The maters of the National Benana Asso prohobits the use of such labor ng from the action of the mill: o ty of them are much over this ciation are considering the neces on that side of the country would ty years old and have ever be neity of bringing, the matter bi baye to be first amended.
LA oming in contact with the solderrepaired or even paint:d; they for Congress as it is assuminz ourers from Alajuela, Gua raca to bg of the tin vessels which rend 15, 000, 000 Payment 70 long since repaid the cost oy alarming proportions on the Paci and Puntarenas have been irs such milk injurious to health, their construction, therefore their fie side. With the high wages pole migrating to the Barana centro This is one article of food which Expected by Nicaragua owners can well afford to Low for expert Banna labourers in but are insufficient to meet the leeds the most thorough overurd:rtake the necessary rupairs that zone, the men we left th ir requirements of the planters who auling in its gathering and disManagua, Nicaragua The which would at least give a shown plantations of Rice, Bear. se activities are daily on the ribution. The men who milk the feeling appears to be growing in decency to visitors arriving a cor etc hence the searcity increase.
bws are generally unclean in Nicaragua, as reflected in news re as well as improve the gere these articles of every day neces heir garments and habits, while paper editorials and comments appearance of the town. Should hose who do the seiling are hard of prominent citizens, that the the measures being enforced ever cleanly clad. Attendants United States will pay Nicaragua by our San tary Department, our our Guatemala Cousins be adopt a Dairy with arty hands are 15. 000. 000 as compensation for a dlords would have to put their post repulsive, and so too is the the decision not to build the Nhouses in proper repair before os ght of the milk trickling off caraguan Canal.
Pering thm fe runt. As it is te irty udderson to dirty hands! To page 11 nants are now bitterly complaining 000 of the insanitary conditions of the SERVICIO DE VAPORES budings they are forod to occu py.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK It would be well for Dr. Una con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA na to give his attention to some of our tenement ho ises which are fu LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS LUMBER YARD lly occupied. We should Ike te se our Sanitation laws placed in EUROPEOS AMERICANOS force irrespective of friend or foe.
We have opened a Lumber Yard especially in connction with the living quarters of our laborina VAPORES SALIDAS where we carry in stock a complete class. There is hardly a building!
assortment of all kinds of Native PETEN 23 de Mayo Lumber. Special sizes to order.
PERSONAL VERAGUA 30 de Mayo We also have Portland Cement, RoofMe Stanley Li do was one QUIRIGUA de Junio ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpen those who left us on the 9th. ins.
terit to witness the Coronation fes.
tine and all other building materials. Hvitice in Jamaica, Mr. Cecil Lin do, who was away. returned to ewe him of s strenors duties Send in your orders ALVARADO CIA. A.
in the management of the var!
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
industrial ard commercial activitles of Messrs. Li do Bros in this country.
Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Limon Division Th Atlantic Voice wishes den Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
Stanley and his family much pleasure and happiness during thir TELEFONO 3156 stay in the Isle of Springs. 1 te UNITED FRUIT Co. LIMON TRADING COMPANY LIMON TRADING COMPANY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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