
THE ATLANTIC VOICE UUDIG Page Saturday 22 May 1937 To Investigate Our Territorial Tax Political Agreement IS THE WORLD GON In Europe MAD ON SPORTS?
OP EDGAR YOUNG On The Sick List consequence of which he has had Experiences From Hindenburg EL ATLANTICO Maderas del pais. Exir Best native lumber PROCRASTINATE a There are suppose you More About Davis Pocomani Much interest seem to be arods The Municipal Ortice of Invete ed in the western section of the tigations, Los Argeles, have United States in connection with ed our Chamber of Commerce arrived at a complete agreement England, France, Russia have the operation of cur Territorial give them the fullest information with a Formerly the sums required to pare, equip and send their Tas system segarding the manner is view of safeguarding which the Law governing the Tax hu permanent Peace in European defray the expenses of memberi batants to the Olympic Games operated; and there is the propo matters. The accord is consid of Sporting Clubs travelling to be held in February of next y sal of an Expert being sent here ered of transcendent importan other countries to take part in the in Panama among representati to carry out a thorough investigace; it was discussed in London various tournaments had to be of the Central American Rep tior.
during the Coronation festivit met by the Clubs disposed to comblies and West Indian country COMERCIANTE The Los Angeles Crtice Wishles and subscribed to finally in pete in such competitions but At a meeting of the differ to know if such a Tax exists; for Paris last Tue day.
por más de 20 años today we find the different coun Sporting club, held recently. Establecido en la Provincia how many years it has been in This agreement is regarded tries subscribing heavily for the Jamaica a Committee was name: Vende al detal, Vinos y Li operation, or if abandoned, for as a setoff to the Austro Ger maintenance of their nationals so to start preparations for that Be cores extronjeros y del pais, what reason it was; what pereen man agreemeat to dominate tce engaged abroad.
abarrotes en general tage of the valuation of the pro Danube Valley and an antedote land being represented in MISCELANEA perty it covers; how it is collect We are now entertaining the Games.
for the German. Italian preten Club Independiente from the Establecimiento esquina 2d, etc.
Our Wise Book says that in tions oy Norte del Mercado This Tax seem to appeal to the Argentine Republic whose govern last days men shall go mad Entre 40 fancies of our Big Northern Bro.
England has recently purch ment has subscribed to their trasports rather than look alhe thr: it is evident he sees 11 ased an immense quantity of velling expenses, and we note things which pertain to the hele Justice anal feasibility of such as Swiss anti aircraft cannon as that the Republic of El Salvador dom of God. Surely these Dm impuesto and wishes to take her factoriey could not turn has voted the not so small amount The signs of the coming of the page out of our book. Very good! them out fast enough for ter of twenty thousand dollars to pre last days son Our Cotsa Rican Legislators national defences. Hitler is said after all set an example which to have made a bid for the can 20. Pallip Booth, proprietor of their Elder Brother now wishes to non but was outwitted by the follow the famous Booth Bakery, is sufBritish Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard lo fering from serious illness in NACIONALES to set the medical advices FRANK MADURO Jr.
our professionals in the Hospital Destruction to 23 to undergo a delicate ope.
Following on the destruction of used sa these air ships instead of The Atlar tic Voice sympa the great German Zeppeling by nitrogen. He claims that helium is Frank Maduro hijo, thises with him and sincerely ho the supposad ignition of the nl perfectly safs from Ignition this pes lie will soon be sufficiently trogen from a lightning spark it rendering travel by these aircraft recovered to resume his usual ac has now been suggested by an ex more reliable.
tivities in our community.
pert aeronaut that helium can le tencia permanente en nuestro depósito. at moderate prices LIGHTER VEIN I had a date with a millionaire last night and charged him thousand dollars a kiss and you may bring about much suffering That so! then Make an Immediate Investment have made another date with him of TWO COLONES with a monthy contribution of for this evening.
This man has refused to answer, the Constitution and form of of IXTY CENTS and you not only protect yourself when Nothing doing. m not dating why his Church property was not ship the Pentecostal Uni!
sick and assist your family in case of Death, but up ex millionaires.
bought in the name of the Pen Society?
you are also able to participate in all the Humatecostal Society but in his and Is this man such a maniac nitarian Activities of the can understand why the one at Estrella in that of Me to believe that anyone in Cd you should want to fire me, Sir, Beckford. He rather threatens, by Rica will be afraid to call the qum COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION haven been short in my accohis publication in the Centralnaticism, which borders on Brits Established 1923 unts, have I?
American Express, to file a Inwieria and which he introduced That just it, you mugg. Your, suit to explain why the nomen to this progressive country ess accounts of your fishing expediclature of his jumping and hog operated up to the time he in tions, your war exploits and your crunting Society should by chan forced to abandon it by the de STRANGE SUBMARINING OF love affairs have been too blamed. ged.
ortation of Alti, his confrere, cu long It is evident that Davis has the name of Pocomia, Pocomanli HUNTER been smart enough to deceive or any other which the vulgoflar he has been practisitley knew a man who made a for everyone who had any transac lunacy As a result of the investiga. 10 that the danger would have tune by renting parking space in tion with his Pentecostal Society, justifies? If he ceases, then, Pintu tions into the mysteriuor explo been noticed and avoided. On the front of an old haunted house in better known by his religious sibly, we shall forget him and nd sion which ricently damaged their hand, witnesses have tasti the country.
practices as The Pocomania pocomanian habits, but he woul Britisa Submarine Destroyer Huntied that the periscope of a sub Why, really didn think our nicknamed Pocomia. By deceiv first have to ordain a priest ter off the Spanich coast in the marine was seen cruising around people still believed in ghosts. ing the government he secured carry on his Church and keep nel Mrditerranean, two theories are the vicinity on the day of the ca.
is put forward.
tastrophe arid as the explosion oc: believes in spooning.
They don t; but everyone still the registration of a Society which faithful together for all he citiv has never functioned. He deceiv do is to sing what he is taught le floating mire of German surred in the bow of the ship and manufacture was picked up near from an outside agency, it suped those of us who helped him to his Organist. We do not inteng.
ny the spot the Destroyer was struck ports the idea that she was torEat your spinach, child. Don obtain the registration believing to ontinue giving notoriety and this strengthens the idea of pedoed.
you know it puts firm, white it to be a sober Society. We even one who is not intelletually fit her having hit by a mine; but this English and Spanish Experts, teeth in vour mouth?
believe he succeeded in deceiv be considered in journalism th secm improbable from the fact are, however, still proceeding with Then why don you give gran ing the Lawyer who carried thro therefore Amen to Pocomia.
that the Hunter was not in mnthel Investigations dpa a regular feed, until it gives ugh the matter, for being a good Dev tion at the time of the occurrer him a few, at least Catholic, we are confident that tre had he known the Society to be Sted the scandalous affair it is, he ne fes ver would have had anything to do with the work. We further believe he deceived the officials of the Northern Railway Compa.
ble ny as to cause them to think his LIMON mi cult was a genuine religion; We are sure he would not otherwise have obtained complimentary Fábrica de Hielo travelling Pass. his arguments are true, he must also have deceived his supposed Headquarters at Oregon by introducing the Pocomania section of his fanatical worship into the Society and which he low denounces by rea son of the force brought on him by the government officials.
LA FLORIDA Can Davis deny that he brought two women companions from Cahuita who es his jumping Fábrica de Hielo foddesses, performed their danc Venta de Leche ng. prancing and hog grunting unts? If this section of his re Higion is now abandoned, has he or his biefs at Oregon hanged Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY er Son muchas las ventajas que le ofrece a usted, señor agricultor, nuestro ya bien conocido plan de COOPERATIVA.
Aumente hoy mismo el número de nuestros favorecedores. Tráigangs o envíenos su CACAO.


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