
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 22 May 1937 Brazilian Fascists Mark Anniversary The Volcanoes of Central Americ Illicit Trading In Gold all Green Shirts of the threes th higst eart hle οδος, OP. 000 mp BOOKS: BOOKS AL PUBLICO: Chinese Census RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil. tion, while the supreme chief, About 000. 000 Integralistas Plinio Salgado, exhorted them.
e By HARDY REAGAN (Fascists) throughout Brazil, ac They sang the Integralista anThe catastrophic eruption of are quiet now, and have been for of the chiet charms of cording to figures made public them, and the Brazilian natio the volcano San Vicente in many years past, but it is dir whole region is its many beau La by the Intergralista General nal anthem, and facing the ris Salvador came as a sciock to the cult to predict how long this qulful blue lakes which ile in Headquarters, celebrated on Ap ing sun with right arms exten world. But to the people who live eccence will last.
ril 23rd, the fourth anniversary ded, they declared allegiance to along the volcanie line craters of long sleeping voldt which Maje tie are all these volcan noes like diamonds in setting of the first integralista march the supreme chief. This same per extends through Central Ameri oes, even te lowest of them. But green, brcm and purple.
in Sao Paulo formance was repeated through ca such a happening exists as an they are forever a danger. In re he great smoking Momotor Before sunrise thousands at out the nation.
ever present menace. Rumblingscent years the people of El Sal bo blew up and created the sma Rio de Janeiro, stood at atten The Integralista General He of the earth, heavy clouds of va vador have feared Vicente lesser Momotombito which lies at adquarters had given instruction por and sulphurous smoke and than the volcano San Miguel, a side. And what was left or that a half hour before sunrise rainfall of ashes are frequent oc frowning, smoking, furious old university city of Leon wit nation currences.
mountain on whose hig slopes, moved from the shores of Lala must meet under the direction South from Mexico City by air oddly enough, grows a rare, bta Managua to its present site.
of the local chieftain. The order Adolf Sherman, a subject of plane one flies over a panorama utiful, red orchid.
the nork of Leon lle smoky The emphasized that in places where Poland, has been expelled from of volcanoes. The first are Mexi To enter the airport of the ca. Pilas and flery El Viejo; iar Integralistas are not allowed to Nicaragua for clandestinely buyco s, which have been calm for pital city. San Salvador, the the distance Cosequina congregate openly they were ing and exporting gold in nug. to meet in their headquarters jestic orizaba and to the west a Santa Maria and over its giganmany years. Popocatepetl, ma plane swings around the volcano tens the Gulf of Fonseca.
The great lakes named Sichitie gets and bars. The laws on eco enclosure. In other places famiglimpse of the Nevada de Toluca. tic black lava flow. Santa Maria ragua and Managua were form nomics are very rigid in this res lies were directed to gather with pect and all foreigners are beOnward, Guatemala smoking is considered one of the most ed by volcame action. once the in their homes and repeat We volcanoes rim her lakes. El Salva dangerous of volcanoes. Its etup upper ends of salt water bastat ing closely witched as suspects.
oath of allegiance. Integralis dor twentytwo volcanic It is of interest to note that crat. tion in 1923 caused little loss of they were cut off from the ocea tas wo were bedridden or jallduring the past fortnight or so ed or traveling by trains, auto high, others via their ers, some not more than 200 feet life, but destroyed coffee crops by great lava flows, Very gr.
Nicaragua exported 10. 000 ouncmobiles, ships or airplanes also lost in the coluds, are heads and damaged the city. Near the dually the water in these lak to es of raw gold.
inostly airport the crater lake Ilopango became fresh. To ts day Lahe were ordered to repeat the oath active.
provides a landing place for zea Nicaragua has swordfish, shafto at the same hour.
One of them, constantly flaming, planes.
and tarpon, all salt stater to Salgado is to speak in a nation serves as a beacon to ships on El Salvador volcanoes are that adapted themselves to BOOTH wide broadcast the Pacific, and is commonly vided into four main groups ac ing in fresh water.
known as Sailors Lightsouse. cording to geographical position Amapala, perched on an islame Best Recent Deaths Next Nicaragua jewel like crat Each group contains from two to volcanic cone 2, 000 feet er lakes are seen. Volcanoes, nine volcanoes, more than half cerves Honduras as its only to Biked Berlin The following persons who once spewing vapor and aslı, guard for them belching fire and smoke cific seaport. Honduras has the shores of that country two Nicaragua, alding its neighbor smoking volcanoes but it is Bread resided in thi sZone are reported turned free from the fear of to have died recently in the San large lakes. Chirripo Grande, in the recent disaster.
Buns Irazu and Turrialba rise over eyez toward its own volcanoes. quakes.
Juan de Dios Hospital, San José Biscuits Cakes 11, 000 feet in Costa Rica: they It: famed city Managua was le Guatemala has twenty Jeronimo Avendaño from Guafrat veled by earthquake in 1931. The large craters, at least half The. Paople Bakery piles on the 12th of the current city water supply is drawn from which are active in varying cho Box 179. Limon month.
of Siquirres on the 14th. instant. a crater lake. From the air one To page 11 Maria Orfilia Calderon Solano Socorro Sequeira Castañeda of VOOooo. 200000. 00 Limon on the 15th. instant.
Thomas Brown, a Jamaican of 35 years of age, on the 17th. instant. He last resided in Carmen for HOME SCHOOL CHURCH Hago saber al público o o quien interese, por este Music Tutors for Piano, Organ. Violin, Banjo, medio, que mi nombre no es Kong sing Lee Mandolin, Guitar Uke.
But few of our people may be como se me ha venido llamando hasta ahora, sino: Testaments, Bibles. Concordance Bibles, ANTONIO LAO. Limón, 12 de mayo de 1937 aware that the American Lega.
tion is the representative of Cluat JACK ORANE ANTONIO LAO nese nationals in this country.
LIMON THE PEOPLE HOUSE request has recently been DD0000000000000000000 made by this department of the United States Diplomatic Service Com to the of State Go3 VIENE DE LA PAG 12 Sin gran trama pero con statement number The Editor Home Relief like some of the nese domicilied here and, accord Wood con muy buenas esperanza precioso marco, la película se y no pocas probabilidades. liza suavemente. Una abundan Please allow me a small space members of the old Aing to the information which has cantidad de lindísimos paisa in your very interesting Weekly You moreJver state that the Em already been supplied, we note for publication of the following peror prayed too much; ir you that in Limon we have 363 resi Aunque las películas en colo esta película que es una de son el complemento artistico le letter which appeared in the had prayed at the right time dents and 309 who hold certifi res no han llegado todavía a su mejores que hasta ahora hem Plain Talk of May Ist. under and piace, your Organization cates to return at any moment perfección, no dejan, por eso, de the caption would have remained intact. Fi Puntarenas has 414 residents and ser producidas, de vez en cuanvisto en colores.
thi An open letter to Garvey nally, wher, you left this coun177 to return. In San Jose there do, algunas cintas que probable(From the Amsterdam News) try for Jamaica you adyocated are 72 residents and one with a mente por la agradable variedad In was a member and 100 per a seven years plan for Negroes return certificate, while Cartago presentada a nuestros ojos, con Habana es el nombre de un cent supporter of Mr. Garvey Now that you are in London it has only 35 residents. In Gua realísticas y casi naturales en su película que próximamere til back to Africa movement. It has changed to one of five on came at a time when our race years. Such a changing of plans total 310 in addition to 238 who es una de estas películas. Los pa guiendo la sugerencia de un pdvoran nacaste the number of residents colorido. Alas en la Mañana mará la Casa Paramount; ya in the western hemisphere nee is indeed baffling.
ded a leader. It was the masses Sir, you cannot continue are in possession of the necessa peles principales están en manos riodista habanero los principald!
to at any de excelentes artistas: Helen Ha papeles han sido asignados a Dion who followed this movement betray the trust which has been ry authority to return moment.
and now am surprised to read reposed in you. All of your enyes, Henry Fronda, Stewart Rorothy Lamour y Lief Erikson.
By the above it is seen that we me. Se desarrolla el romance, sua that this very Mr. Garvey is pu terprises have failed yet you are La campaña Paramount aud blishing malicious and jealous trying to blame the Emperor for have 194 of these nationals in ve y expontáneo, entre una pre no ha hecho público sus plan and 745 at hls residence here propaganda about Emperor Hal the temporary setbacks in who, ciosa gitana española y un aris sobre esta pelicula, pero de bu le Selassie of Ethiopia. country. Sgd. Jane Baker. though cenzused here are now in tocrático señor irlandés, y, no fal na fuente se nos asegura que a Harlem foreign parts but will be permitt ta el plebeyo, pero guapo, cana te de esta película será tomaq The Emperol crowned Thamking you for space, ed to re enter the coun at any diense que cuida de os caballos en la pintoresca ciudad de La King of Ethiopia before world Edwin Morris. time.
del señor.
bana y sus alrededores.
Powers, while you were a sell styled Provisional President of Africa. You say that the Emperon held slaves, but you must reali Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back xe there are all kinds of slaves.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Tes You had yours in your Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofitula You borrowed and collected This bill must be paid at our office trica for your defunct enterprises, cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month you have torn down but you de cada mes have never built up. You even Be so good as to comply with this request and do not CIC maintained at one time, that Le peamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which there was the necessity of the de tener que cortar su servicio. we would much regret to take.
Negro having a black God; yet you attack Father Divine. Although not a follower of his; kaotice that none of them are on Poco De CINEGRAFIAS.
An Open Letter to Garvey bernacion and Interior for ha vas bs Com ste Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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