
SCIENTIFICAMENTE British to Store Oil in Dutch West Indies eric endez Resolveremos sus problemas manufactureros. Análisis químicos de toda clase. Investigaciones científicas sobre su proceso manufacturero y control de calidad. Especialización en textiles, especialmente en la seda, sus problemas, su producción, Tratamiento, etc. etc. Escríbanos dendo completos detalles de in 50 my beau Curacao, The Canadian Ea tanks is being financed, at least, at some other secret gle Oil Company, whose capital in part, by the British govern vous.
is mostly held in England, has ment, which is anxious to have It is also reported that anothjust started to erect storage sufficient oil in reserve in case er factor in the recent increas tanks at its refinery on the Britain might be involved in ed oil refining operations at Aru neighboring island of Aruba to another war.
ba and also at Curacao, is that take care of an additional 000. the oil companies operating in 000 barrels of oil. This large sto The isolated island of Aruba Venezuela, fearing the possibilt rage is considerably in excess of is reasonably safe from air bomb ty of serious industrial distur normal refinery requirements on ers, and large tankers would be bances which might curtail prothe island able to lift their cargoes there duction of crude oil are sparIt is believed that the cons and then proceed to refuel Brit ing no effort to take out oil from truction of the new storage ish warships in mid. Atlantic or Venezuela while they may.
Pan American Research Laboratories setting 192 Lexington Avenue New York, ple Momoto the su IN ANNIVERSARY FUNCTION Teltoft Humor The Volcanoes of Central.
LUIS WA CHONG Braard gle?
Leon st Saturday night the men the care of their unfortunate fe or of the Costa Rica Burial Schollow beings such as did the Good Sa malte, Association made their debut maritan. He eulogized the tender samoly he Anglican Church to render sentiments or those among us who From page 10 the mountain was blown off in eo lay thanks to Gqd for the ma had visioned the core as the new a tremendous eruption which My darling. am getting you na hrnessii s showered en them du dy and had placed such fure high volcanic peaks, towering plantations, will you like it?
amed Skities in this community their ninth year benevolent thought into practice by the fore wrist watch with 21 jewels, grees. Airplanes fly between four destroyed life, coffee and grali mation of such Societies as the one Don bother avout the watch, 12. 000 feet or more, to enter the were for Rector gave a very approbore him. have one alreaay, just give me capital city. Heavy sulphur fuUne te addres in the need of more After the service the members, the twenty one jewels.
mes from El Fuego penetrate rater bastable and sympathetic action marched along some of our princi their cabins. From the air one the weeg mankind as exhibited by pal streets, headed by Yankee has a superb view of two of the Very Good Samaritan in this minis Band. On returning to the Socie ve had enough. Next week, most important groups of GuaGUACIMO GUAPILES the to the fallen and emphasiz ty Flall the festival was complet m divorcing that faithless husb temala volcanoes Lake Atitian day Lahe different characteristics ofled by a variety of speeches, songs and of mine.
is like a glowing blue jewel surElfish, sha to be met with this pla and anthems, ist which the As.
Ah, so you re part of a trian rounded by six towering purple Cantina, Licores mater fl hose who by reason of their ciatio Choir excelled with cones. Lake Amatitlan is set off Extranjeros y del pais.
elves to lasce in material things kep Mr McCreath and Mrs.
Tienda bien surtida officia itin at the piar.
Triangle nothing. m part of by the smoking Fuego, Acatenan Pfresh those selves aloof from all go and Agua nan we were not as fortunately situas ments were afterwards served and an octangle.
Abarrotes en general feet is theyw ere Those who are Edwards, reminded the memlers in closing, the chairman, Mr Santa Maria is the most fearPRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA its only to give utterances of sympa of their obligations in der to ens Are you a man who can smile ed and active volcano of Guateras bas and condolence to the afflict bethe Society to fulfill her high when things go wrong?
mala. In 1902 the entire side of of eet never ofrer any rellef or aims which could only attain Sure. am the owner of a gable form of their sympathyed by their zalous cclesperation rage, and get paid for fixing all had ents hose whom misfortune So delightful and enthusiastic the things which go wrong.
was this function, that And several ast halt rated by the wayside, those who were at all times te themselves in the rank of tas varying of those present offered to affin hear your wife has gone to age of and willing to help the fal Society the Bahamas. Are you going to MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS some even going as far as THE ATLANTIC VOICE join her there later?
mpromise themselves in order wishes the Association LIMON another Oh, no, certainly not. Those Juarantee futurs provision for cost successful year.
Islands are uninhabitable.
Compra Cacao Material de Tranvía But how can they be when your wife is there.
Servicio de Cab taje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo That just why they are, at least for me Importación de mercaderia en general but it is Guillermo Niehaus Co.
ALLAN SIME por el Lee ra, sina King Seeks a Wife Colombia Coffee Growers Dissatisfied pero con pellola na abad mos pais artistic e Marriage of the Duke of Windsor four or his sisters married os.
ahora be LIMON, COSTA RICA Importación de 1937 y Imports and Experts Exportación TIRANA, Albania, King Zog of United States or some other coun Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Albania still wants a wife, but try in his little kingdom.
royal romance comes high.
Bogota, Colombia. The disCompra de Cacao en Piplomatsedenying rumors of 15. 000, 000 Payment satisfaction et congressen ere sand a mebre grano Cocoa Purchased coffee growers with the Italian aristocracy, said there Expected by Nicaragua or the coffee erderation põliremained two obstacles to the From page cies and methods of attempting.
King marriage. The first is to Thus far only 000. 000 has to sustain coffee prices reached find a wife with at least 000. been paid for the option on the a climax when the National Coi000 dollars, to get right of way. Nicaraguan opti fee Growers Committee acceptmism is based on the inequality ed the resignation of the federa Albania is a poor country with between this sum and that paid tion manager, Alejandro LO: is an and from France in London circles that to a possible future in oil. King Zog to Colombia and France for Pa pez, through the device or a tem this much discussed marriale Duke sleeves will pro figures a beiress, perhap3 an nama Canal rights and on the porary leave of absence.
ill take place in the Castle cent at the marriage es King American, not only would bring belief that President Roosevelt The committee, which inclus indie on th 3rd of June but Ceorge wishes to avid the poze him a personal fortune but will wish to maintain his good des the managers of governhas since ben the report mty or the Royal bumiy bing would aid him in interesting the ueighbor policy.
ment banks and the Ministers of ombre de Was Loth the Duko and Mirs Agata dragged fore the public Finance, Agriculture and Indusmamede bon ar: unfavourably dispos with unnecessary press comments try, also called a national coffee mount: a civil ceremony, they are and criticisms. It is however growers convention to meet in ela de un avouring to secure the servilaid tha: several Exarchu Bogota or ard ma: intimate friends of the os principal cither American It is very pleasing to note that oeen most. zealously admastered Mr. Lopez says that he defiel Erikseb those who were previous ignados a Dian Predats of the Anglican British The question of the title while jour most genial and efficient patur quite a periou by Mrbiau nitely out. Former Finance Min: sed having deelned to oft Monarchy will b: attending. master has sufficiently recorredo, ond the public mind has ever ister Gonzalo Restrepo, who It is therefore just pozal should be borne by the wife of the from his recent serious illness to ocen as case regarding the per now Mayor of Bogota, is rumorhat this new difficulty may Duke is still engaging the at: be back at his deski tainty of their mail reuching itsed to be his probable successor, delay the mariage. tion of the government, but it is The duties attached to the offi destination, hence his where whom the convention will ap definite segur que le no statement espected that sh will have to belce of Postmaster for Limon have was keenly felt by the busineas point serdi teen made, the belief prevails conceded the right of using that rcction of our community of Her Royal Highness in view Preparation and matured age of the Duke royal lineage.
experience in service Fran Monts it is reported that therefore our people are very gra ose Action Ng the Dulce and Mrs. Simpson ar teful to God for having Fine Big Mule, 56 likely to spend their honeymoon in sparsa Comerciante Dotalista nnctficiere Officer of the govem Wee. Le Africa and the British Colonies Inches in Height, Tame, went to the back camongst them res, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, weking will more The ATLANTIC VOICE rejo ulos de Ferreteria y u. dertake the office of a goodwill Good for Pack or Draft. ces with him on his recovery and ESTRADA office tricos; todo se encuentra ambassador for the Empire prov.
with our people in ths goal fortu Abarrotes y Licores ste establecimiento.
ed the stirernment agrees.
The Duke has occupied a part De pr again having Mr. Cordero Artículos del Pais of his spare time in discharging his duties as Chief of composing Apply NATION, sur local Postal Department Precios Economics and do not CIOS DE SITUACION his own wedding march; he playLIMON Box 137. Limón.
ed it recently on the bagpiper he trust he will continue to stesuiry LA IBERIA fore Mrs. Simpson.
al firmly recuperate.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Much Recuperated ramount o sus plan pero de bo dad de LE Draft Mule For Sale bepeak Sores SALOMON CHIN the bat nth we


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