
The Atlantic Vaice Our Labour Problem UANA Flos The Spanish Conflict Baldwin Damits Office As we have on several occasions pointed out in Devoted to the interests of the peope of the Atlantic zona these columns, the question of labour is one which demands the earnest and immediate attention of our ConE litor English Section: NATION gress. The existing laws forbid the entry into the coun Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 29th. May 1937 try of any immigrant except he can deposit 000 coNo. 146 lones; but if such a one can afford to deposit this sum, it is evident he will not go into banana or other farm ing as a labourer, he will look for some other means of earning his livelihood rather than by the handling of an os axe and a machete. The Pacific side planters are expeAfter a dull of a few days in of fortifications has, it is said, riencing difficulty in obtaining efficient hands for the the fierce fighting which had bcen been effected and might have an development of their Banana industry by reason of the taking place in the Basque terti important bearing on the immeOS tory for some weeks, General Mociate operations in this sector of aw which prohibits coloured labour migrating from Ja yesterday launched his expec the conflict.
this Zone to that section of the Republic, although it is ted heavy offensive against the edies well konwn that it is the coloured workers who The Sub Committee the In As was anticipated for dos, defenses of Bilbao and as a re ternational Neutrality Committee aime past, the Rt. Hon. Stanley adepts at the cultivating and reaping of Bananas; con ular sult of the furious aereal bombis expected to submit today, for Baldwin yesterday resigned the sequently while labourers are being secured from Guaacl ings and artillery fire to which the consideration of both contez British Premiership. His resigna nacaste and the neighbouring provinces and districts, un he subjected the loyalist; they tants, their proposals in connection pere forced to abandon the imwas accepted by the Kirs like Lucky Strike, they do not satisfy. There is quite tion with the withdrawl of all who immediately requested Mr.
Πη a difference between the planting of Rice, Beans or portant position of Orduna to the alien volunteers now taking part Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor south of the Port. The advance of in the warfare, but in view of the of the Exchequer, to form a new Corn and the cultivating of Bananas, and the real test XPO the insurgents is being made from results being obtained by Gene Cabinet. The newCabinet lika occurs in the cutting, transporting and delivering of the two point with the view, it is pense ral Mola forces in the Northern that of Mr. Baldwin will be a fruit; farmers are therefore justified in complaning that DOS presumed, of weakening the re front, it is hardly to be expect a National Coalition one, hence ill advised laws are hindering them from obtaining the Inc sistence of the defending forces.
that General Franco will be fav is not expected there will be any right class of labour to safeguard the success of their Madrid and Valencia are still de sus investments.
being subjected to heavy bomb ourably disposed to any such pro difficulty experienced in its for ings from the air position, especially as the Italians mation.
e in are supposed to be yet suffering The Ex Premier has been creat It is a recognized fact that Jamaicans are first in With the capture of Orduna a from the humiliating experence ed a Knight ofthe Most Distin efficiency in the cultivating of Bananas, having been serious break in the loyalists line of some week ago.
guished Order of the Garter. To PAGE 9)
are some Bello, Domestic Arts Sciences International Correspondence Schools Pan.
y desiging. Complete Course in dressmaking and and digning, advanced course in dressmaking and llinen designing, complete course in foods and home ds to profil huteed. Women everywhere wanted training in the housewifely sity of eaming their own living they could not leave home te to them. So the Institute came. It wiped out distance. It nice touched becanic at once a school and the tinic for Scranton, Penn Architect, Architectural Draftsman Building Foreman, Concre e Construction, Contractor and Builder, Structural Draftsman, Structural Engineer, Structural St:el Worker, Electr cal Engineer Electric Wiring, Electric Lighting, Electric and Gas Welding. Telegraph Engineer, Telephon: Work, Mecl anical Engineer, Mech nicil Draitsman, Machine Shop Practice, Reading Shop Blueprints, ToolmakerBoilermaker. Het Treatment of Metals, Inventing and Patenting, Civil Ergineer, Avia ion Engines, Diesel Engines, Plumber and Steam Fiter, Plumling Inspectos, Heating and Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Sheet Metal Worker, Steam Engin:er, Steam Electric Engineer Marine Eng neer, Refrigeration, Eigway Engineer, Petroleum Reining Plant, Che nistru. Pharmacy, Coil Mining Navigation Testile Designing, Cotton Manufacturing, Woolen Manufacturing, Agricniture, Surveving and Mapping. Bridge Engineer, Automobile Work, Fruit Growing, Pou try Farming. Mathematics. Radio, Business Management, Industrial Management, Traffic Management, Section Foreman, Steel Mill Workers, Fundamentals of Aeronautical Eng, R. Signalman, Accountancy, Cost Accounting Certified Public Accountant, Bookkeeping. English, Private Secretary, Spanish French, Salesmansh Service Station Salesm Advertising, Business orespondence, Show. Card le etin: Sign Lettering, Stenography and Typing, Civil Service, Railway Mail Clerk. Mail Carrier, Grade Scho Sabjects, Hgh School bjec s: First Year College, Illustrat ng, Cartooning, Linter Dealer.
The cure is the substances price is the hallow, The offer valu, not cheapness.
Box. 1211, San José, Costa Rica Haiti and Her Banana Industry Our Commercial Tariff Regulations with Uncle Sam UNITED FRUIT Co.
New Bank Manager According to information je the Republic of Hanu state ceived recently from a reliable to be showing a most favourabic As published in our last is that other countries had at least, the oppositionists in source. the Banana situation (To PAGE sue, this agreement on to deca more favourably treated Congress consequinetly took relationships with the Uste hin Costa Rica and it wa: the matter up and very hear States of America is causing shown that the rate of duty on dº discussions have been in soras anxiety and even unplea Flour and Lard had beea con lulged in regarding the rea santness tween the Execusiderably reduced, which sons for the signatories to the tive Council and our Legisla would allow the consequent agreement lending themselves tive Body heavy importations to compe to such a thing which gives There was reason to belie! with our locally made land the United States the better nand of us.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES The publshed argumenta disclose tha our Minister of Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Foreign Affairs, Lic. don Ma con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA nuel Jimenez, was not in 11 consequence of the very years, has been selected to sucavour of LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS the suggested reunfortunate and serious injury ceed Mr. Ramos.
ductions, but just at the time EUROPEOS AMERICANOS custained some weeks ago by The Atlaatic Voice wishes che matter was under conside. Gabriel Ramos, the genia Mr. Prado a very successful ration he was called away to wellknown Manager si ime among us with the hope attend the Pan. American Con VAPORES SALIDAS our local branch of the Bance that cur Cacao planters will ference at Buenos Aires and de Costa Rica, we sincerely re ind him cs good a friend a VERAGUA Mayo 30 gret to learn that he h:s had ras Mr. Ramos To page 10 10 resign his position. QUIRIGUA Junio PETEN Mr. took te Junio 13 that coul condition, and it is largely duc AFOGADO NOTARIO LAWYER and PUBLIC NOTARY to lis zealous and unselfist ALVARADO CIA. A.
Tiene el uso de ponerse a las Take pleasure in offering his preefforts that cur Cacao farinere ordenes del pub leo en esta provincia fessional services to the peeple of Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
particularly the smaller ones this province OFICINAS San Josc: Frente a la are now obtaining a profitable esquira Noreste del edifici de CoOFFICES. San lose in front et Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Northeast Corner of Post Omce Bu return for their product.
TIVOS y Teegrelos Limón: Contiguo ding Limón: Adjoining the British al Vice comm cdo Britenico.
Vice consulate Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica. Mr. Eladio Prado, who has been serving the Bank in San San José: 1463 TELEFONO 3156 Tose during the past twenty Apartados: Boxes Limon. 51 iveliest interest in alta Guillermo Arias Delgado Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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