
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 29 May 1937 Sat ALLAN SIME Manipulations of Lodge Funds José Achion Ng Personal Cedulas Comerciante Detallista Every not na again we hear the necessary sum. E2 when LIMON, COSTA RICA of certain peculiar manipulations tricky manipulations arise ant Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, Ab Importación of the funds of some one or other deplete the funds of these OrgaArticulos de Ferreteria y Imports and Exports of our Lodges. Some time ago wenizations, the government should Eléctricos; todo se encuentra y gained the enmity of the members be called in and should take a en este establecimiento.
Exportación of one of these fraternal Socie. very active part in elucidating ties because we wrote about the the parandeering propepsities of PRECIOS DE SITUACION Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit careless manipulations of the mo the funds of such Associations LIMON neys of our poor poeple. This is. These funds tend to Desist our Fo Compra de Cacao en however, one of things for which Municipality by reducing the en as carefully as that of the govern Cocoa Purchased grano a Newspaper exist to protect ormous calls which would otherment.
the interests of the community, wise be made on its pauper deWe do not mean to cast asper especially those of our poor lab partment for hospital tickets, assions on the integrity of this par ouring people.
also our Junta of Public Assistenticular Treasurer or the Trustees When mismanagement creeps ce whose funds would be heavily or other Officers of the particular in and Yunds vanish as the result taxed to meet the frequent calls Lodge; although there arises in of miscalculations it is bad eno for coffins and graves. hence our minds glaring mis appropria ugh, but when they are wilfully these Association Funds can righ robbed, in cold blood, it is mur tly be designated Public Fundations of the funds of certain er our Lodges in the past; some so The following Cedulas of Iden, George Clarke Mesagher, Alberto derous. In such cases the limbs and be zealously safeguarded.
barefaced that even his Satanic tity are now in the office of the Clarke Smith, Edgar Clarke, Geo of the law ought to be brought in Oun government really does not Majesty would condemn them for Governor ready for delivery. rge Clarke, Septimus Clarke, to investigate, and full punish give the ensideration she should clumsiness. But we do wish to be James Clifford Cachaum Di Alexander Clayton Dillon, Cyru ment meted out to the guilty to these Societies, but indeed encli ask how is it possible that in a xon, Nathaniel Campbell Clarke Clayton, Alfred Clunie, Lint ones one should be regarded as just a small town as this, with two per Lir Adophus Campbell Gayle, Wil Clyng, Alexander Cochra Blake, It has been brought to our mo Branch of the Board of Public fectly rel able Banks, the Trustees liam Campbell Grant, Alexander George Cofi Redney, James tice that the Treasurer of a Lodge Assistance (or Charity Board) of an Association can Campbell Johnson, Walter Camp Cohen Koningan, William Cald has reported he has sustained and their wellbeing watched just bell Hill, Rudolph Campbell Pat well, James Collins Robinson, robbery by which the poor lab(To page 10)
terson, James Campbell Scott, John Collinmore, Ferdy Coo ouring members have lost Eduard Campbell, Phillip Camp per, arry Corwell Levy, Ivan six hundred colones of their hard! YENTA DE PROPIEDADES bell, Llens Campbell, Cleveland Cowan Powell, Charles Cowan eamed cash. We refrained from PROVINCIA DE LIMON Constan Camilion, Daniel Carr Ferguson, Arturo Coward Ma publishing the incident as we exRichards, Ruben Carr Weber ta, Leonard Cunningham Forbes, pected an investigation would Louis Carter, Mariano Cartin Cyril Coustin Burke, Donald Cree have run its full course before wels. Benjamin Clarke Boina, se, Robert Cruikshank Logan, Ro the Law, but as nothing seem for FINCA DE BANANAL, CACAO MONTANA Federick Clarke Collins, Henry bert Cruikshank Reid, Frank Culthcoming we consider it is time SITUADA EN EL CANTON DE POCOCI Clarke Douglas, Charles Clarke tis Weir.
to ventilate the matter.
Johnson, Simon Clarke Linton These funds accumulated Finca 10. 836, tomo 388, folio 145, asiento 11. by the thrifty savings of the very EL IRAZU Finca 20. tomo 974. folio 168, asiento 30poorest of our people, who, at ti EL RECORD mes, find it most inconvenient to Finca Nº 10. 841, tomo 683, folio 526, asiento 11. keep themselves financial by LA CLOTILDE their monthly contributions ESTAS TRES FINCAS FORMAN UN SOLO LOTE, se that in sickness they may be pro hallan situadas a 100 pies de la linea férrea, ramal de vided with an allowance ranging centiareas y 58 decimetros cuadrados: la segunda 168 hee from fifteen to twenty colones tárcas, 73 áreas, 30 centiáreas y 63 decimetros cuadrados per week and to assure themselves Guápiles. La primera mide 182 hectáreas, 30 áreas, 20 y la última, 23 manzanas 1580 varas cuadradas. Son tey a decent burial at death instead rrenos aptos para el cultivo de banano, con aguas abunof their relatives having to resort dantes y pastos frescos todo el año.
El más surtido en Matina to the obnoxious saucer and CULTIVOS. Hay sembradas 20 hectáreas de banano nuevo, veinte de cacao y buenas maderas. Tiene contrato pinch of salt method of securing para la compra de banano con la Compañia Bananera de Costa Rics celegrado el 29 de abril del corriente atio por cicusto cuenta hseláreas y vigente ha ta el 29 de abril de 1942.
allow it over are HOP LEE LUNG Establecimiesto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes IMMORALITY IN LIMON AVALUO 30. 000. 00 DOS LOTES SITUADOS EN CIENEGUITA PARA CONSTRUIR Finca 1855, tomo 824, folio 263, asiento LINDEROS: Norte, Amelia de Pardo; Sur, Panfilo Valver de; Este, Ferrocarril del Norte hoy carretera a Westfalia: Oeste, Panfilo Valverde.
MIDE: 13 áreas, 79 centiáreas, 11 decimetros y 12 centimetros cuaduados.
Finca 1795, tomo 824, folio 131, asiento LINDEROS: Norte, Finca Cienaguita: Sur, Calle en medio Este Northern Railway Company: Oesfe, Panfilo Valverde.
MIDE: 15 metros centímetros de frente por 25 metros 14 centimetros de fondo o sean 379 metros cuadrados, 11 de címetros.
AVALUO DE LOS DOS LOTES 4. 000. 00 Draft Mule For Sale By THE MAN on the STP. EETS, ees as they adhere to the Roman low their category, some of whom axiom. Falso in uno falso in are even depentent on the good Few people possibly ever stor omnibus. They naturally expect will for the security of their jobs.
to think ofthe enormity of im that if employees indulge in riot What follows when these loans moral acts which exist in out ous living they will accede to pro cannot be met? Favours perchas small City and especially so a pdsitions which will eventually ce have to be done which are pre mong our Gentlemen under ma lead them into disloyalty to those judicial to their positions.
triraonial bonds.
streets at all hours have seen do not propose to be a moral Standing for a while under one some of these high flyers making scavenger for Limon, but do or other of the lamp posts of the secret loans from men quite be detest seeing respectable homes Municipality on sees myriads of being sacrificed for the sake of very strange things. He sees men carrying on these nefarious night in high positions spending most practices. The maxim should be of their earnings on women of home first and all other be apn dubious characters: they dance venient thereto.
with and fete these night birds at the Public Baths; am in arm Fine Big Mule, 56 This is only a warning to some they escort them to the theatres Inches in Height, Tame. ing their home life to the winds of our gentlemen who are throw and such like sporting places, while their poor wives and chil Good for Pack or Draft, and leaving wives and children dren mope and often starve at to be profligates on our streets And this home. Some of these men are reminds me of the retort of employed to our leading commer of one Apply. NATION, and cial industrial Companies ghest government AdminisBox 137. Limón.
who do not tolerate such despi.
trators to criticisms regarding his cable actions among their employ marrying, as ex King Edward soon will, a woman who did not belong to the first circles of the land. Said he, Yes, have married a woman who was not so virtuous, but have made her for HOME SCHOOL CHURCH a lady, while many of you have married ladies but have contriMusic Tutors for Piano, Organ. Violin, Banjo, buted to make them prostitutes.
Mendolin, Guitar Lk2.
This prostitution in Limon will Testaments, Bibles. Concordance Bibles.
be denounced in these columns, therefore you Libertines had bet at JACK ORANE ter take heed of your lives or you will be so indirectly pointed out THE PEOPLE HCU SE LIMON that you may lose your positions of trust. Beware. FINCA PARA BANANO SITUADA EN HONE CREEK Finca Nº 1517, tomo 789, folio 56.
LINDEROS: Norte, Milla Maritima; Sur y Oeste, Baldios!
Sste, denuncio Dr. Rafael Calderón.
MIDE: 203 hectáreas, 9345 metros cuadrados.
Hay muy buenas maderas en el lote y sus tierras son aptas para el cultivo de banano. Está situada en la margen izquierla del Rio Hone Creek entre éste y la Milla Maritima.
AVALUO. 15. 000. 00 our BOOKS: BOOKS CONDICIONES LOS AVALUOS INDICADOS NO IMPLICAN BASE PARA LA OFERTA, son un dato informativo y las ofertas pueden ser mayores o menores. No se admitirán ofertas en que no se ofrezca pagar un minimum del veinte por ciento al contado en dinero cfeetivo. La parte que se quedare a deber podrá pagarse en cuatro anualidades sucesivas a partir de la fecha de la escritura garantizándola con hipoteca de primer grado sobre la finca. Este saldo devengará el seis por ciento de interés anual. Me reservo el derecho de aceptar la propuesta más conveniente para los intereses de mi cliente o rechazarlas todas Se reciben propuestas hasta el dia 20 de Junio de 1937.
PARA MAS INFORMES, dirigirse a LIC. FRANCISCO DE GUTIERREZ bijo San José, Bufete del Lic. don Alberto Echandi.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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