
1957 Saturday 29 May 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page n Ng Lic. Francisco Fonseca Ch. Foot Ball Cen co usted 6. 000. 00 tenis nen: lo.
ACION Compre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL Trustees Members of Royal Family Cannot Attend Duke Marriage Our Labour Problem Cricket puede sacar 16 The Independiente Team en el nuevo plan la de LOTERIA NACIONAL staleri Abogado y Notario Público Lawyer Notary Public from the Argentine Republic is here engaging our best Con la lotería que más se importa Clubs, and up to row the Oficina contigua a la con 00 sólo saca. 000. 00 Office: Adjoining to the City playing has been marvellous.
Public Library Taey easily whipped our pre Biblioteca English Spoken sent Champions, the Cartago Clul. and on Sw day last they Former Judge of the Limón District Court defeated the Libertad by to Tomorrow they engage the y sacará MAS dinero gastando MENOS PLATA.
Heredia Club for the second Además, que, así ayuda al Hospital y al Asilo.
ame. They were beaten by chis Club in the prevous match but it is generally expected To page 11 (From PAGE 7)
appropria The anxiously awaited decision rasa the government was made trained in this line from the eighties when Captain meublic last Tuesday by a special Haiti and Her Banana In. Baker and Mr. Hopkins introduced the Boston Stine dict under which every member Fruit Co. into Jamaica. The Nicaraguans follow next.
them for the Royal Family, as also From Page eight million with to anctionaries of the Crown, were aspect. This year output is exTherefore, if competent labour is to be secured, they The Standard Frui company hat in a trictly forbidden to attend the pected to reach a mitiba stems who hold a monopoly for the will have to be imported from Jamaica, Nicaragua and two larriage ceremony of the Duke and in view of the scidi enal purchase of all the fruit pieduHonduras. But if the United Fruit Co really intend mak Trustees Windsor which is expected lands which are being brought ced are now paying one shilbog ing extensive developments in Nicaragua, the Nicaraallow take place at Monts, France, under cultivation, it is calcul and eight pence a bunch at their guans will be required at home; and as the Hondurange 10 in the 3rd of the coming month. ted that exportations will he buying stations their suppiiers ians who might migrate in a Southerly direction will King George personal y com doubled during the sonung years being accorded free transportanaturally be attracted to the Nicaraguan operations ranunicated the decision by tele until the total output reaches tion.
shone to the Duke who is said ther than those here, Jamaica is left as the most likely o have been greatly affected, source from which the required efficient labour could ss it had been his special desire be drawn.
hat his youngest brother the When the prohibitive immigration law was decreed Duke of Kant should attend and ict as his Best Man, a duty Importante Conocer it was a wise move as the United Fruit Co. then planned Important Notice which it was also known the to create Honduras their great Banana centre and were atter was very willing to. Aceite verde Green Oil shipping twenty odd million stems per annum from the dertake.
Division, while poor Costa Rica was being chasticed and It is also believed that the only permitted to send a way two millions. Even the price Queen Mother endeavoured to.
of Cacao had then dropped so low that farmers were influence a different decision Para la picazón del Warran ed to cure but without avail.
unable to recover the cost of reaping. Distress and deCuerpo, Sarna, Rasquinia lich, Mange, and other privation stared us hard in the face and unemployment Coinezones.
Skiu diseases.
was rampunt in every nook and corner of the country, it was therefore correct for the government to prohibit The Construction obCómpralo ahora mismo Dont Deluy in getting a the entry of more immigrants. The Gods have, however, tained another point in their Búsquelo en todas Bottle on Sale in all repented of their anger against us and Cup Competitioa by defeating las Farmacias Drug Stores the Surtidora very easily last THINGS HAVE CHANGED; Sunday. Captain Henry tried hard to save his side Honduras dois not now rank as the premier Banana se tatted well and bowled even more successfully, but producing country of the world; prices of Bananas and the fielding of his men gave NUEMPLOYMENT IN JAMAICA Cacao have been stabilized and all eyes are watching away his efforts.
our coming into, if not first, then second place in world It is understood that, as a engaging the seriou attention of are production. Vast additional areas He went on to blow when result of the large number being brought of the authorities.
his rivals had three wic the Island national, who have under cultivat on in this Zone, and the United Fruit Co.
The matter was recently taken kets down for 61 runs and had to leave Cuba and Panaman, under consideration at mbet are prepared to develop the industry the Pacific secured the remainning severas also a majority of the Latining of the Council of the Kingsside on such a gigantic scale that they project instituwickets for an additional oi American Republics in conse ton and St. Andrew Corporation ting an independent Division o nthat Coast; open up a only 24. The Inning closed for quence of the restrictive decreas when it was decided that a Denew port at Ceiba, between Puntarenas and the Para85. If the Surtidora men had inaugurated against their emputation should wait on the manian Border, and connect it with government main taken the catches offered them ployment, the unemployme Governor, Sir Edward Deniam, the game would have ended problem has reached such a to fully discuss the situation.
Railway by a new branch line.
condition in Jamaica that it is and to see if the long standing Our principal producers also contemplate extensive proposal to settle the Island plantings; Mr. Hug purports planting 700 hectareas, surplus labour in British Guiana Mr. Fernand o Castr. 500, Mr. Gutiérrez 500, Mr. Harcould not now be carried to rington 300, and many others from one to three huneffect. The Hon. Simpson, E, the Mayor of Kings dred. Apart from all this there is the proposal to bring It is learned o nfairly as part of the Officials of the tong who is in England as one 500 hectareas inder cultivation of the Abaca. Labour thoritative grounds that as Company here who were gou or Jamaica representatives at is consequently badly needed; but here are the men. from this month the authorities enough to make the recom the recent coronation cere. no The United Fruit Co. many years ags brought thousands in Boston have consented to nendation to Boston.
nies, was asked to also take up of these from Jamaict, and if the industry is to be reanother increase in the sala The Atlantic Voice con the matter with the Secretary suscitated, the Company will again have to be allowed ries of the employees of the gratulates our Officials for of State for the Colonies.
We have already referred to to import from that little Island, those who are versed Compañia Bazanera and Nor their humanitarian dispositioa thern Railway.
in this class of agriculture, and we are sure Congress in view of the high cost of this important matter in earlier This is very encouraging living now being experienced issues, and we hope that this only awaits a request in due form to withdraw the ban and most considerate on thel in this country.
further effort to get unemployed placed on such immigration.
Jamaicans and other West Indians settled in a British Colony Thousands of Jamaicans have latterly returned to where there is need for all of their native Island from Cuba, and as they are versed in them will be successful PROCRASTINATE We Sugar Cane and Banana cultivating and are also conshould like to see this question versant with the Spanieh language, they would, if broand you may bring about much suffering settled in its entirety so that all ught here, be able to favourably fraternize with British West Indians who Make an Immediate Investment unable to secure employment in natives, thus guaranteeing harmony in all their agrirul of TWO COLONES with a monthy contribution of tural pursuits. We, however observe their native Islands, may be utistated elseSIXTY CENTS and you not only protect yourself when lized in the development of the where in this issue, that in view of her present unemsick and assist your family in case of Death, but vast regions which now lie idle ployment difficulties, Jamaica has again taken up the you are also able to participate in all the Huma not only in the Colony of Guiana question of having her jobless labourers settled in the nitarian Activities of the but in that or Honduras as well, other British Colony of Guiana: this may probably prove thus eliminating the necessity of COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION their being forced to submit an impediment to our efforts, however we await with to Establised 1928 the serious disadvantages in the.
interest the result of the overtures being made by our se and other parts.
principal farmers for experienced, efficient labour.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
on res Increases in Salaries our are as


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