
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 29 May 1937 salu Excursion To Panama Manipulations of.
Manipulations of. SEMANA SOCIAL FON Joon Our Commercial Tariff.
th Treasurer to accumulate so much Vlere de PAGESA. VISITANTE The Motor Ship «Bocas del Toro» will leave Limoney in bio tranda. Why th me DE SAN JOSE Por unos dits estuvo mon on August 16h. for Colon via Bocas, arriving ney is not deposited in one of Regresaron de la coital el nosotros la estimbe y distipu Colon August 18 h, and will leave Colon on the re the Banks: Can any othese res doctor don Satomino Medal guida dama dona Elvira Odio po turn trip on August 24. also via Bocas, arriving ponsible parties blahe one for bella señora doña Grace Castro, a quien saudanos more Limon August 27th.
coming to the conclusion that d: Medal. Nuestro saludo. atentiniente descándole una grber Round Trip. First Class 12. 05 putting it in the mildest terms dable permanencia Spa Second Class 00 possible and saying the least one RUMBO LA CAPITAL can that it is rank carelessness Book Your Passage AT ONCE as space is limited and they all should be made to nuevo para San Jose, la distinz la semana pasada salió de DE VISITA En dias pasados estuvo entwe Tickets and all Particulars from equally pay for it guida señora dona Otilia de Var nosotros doña Blanca Pardo Suhe NELSOV We hope this win be a lesson gas. Deseamos que esta vaz re Salas a quien hacemos preset Box 529. Limon.
to every Association, and that eve cupere completamente su salud. nuestro afectucso saludo ry indiivdual member will see to REGRESO it that their funds are safeguarded PARA CARTAGO Dona Adelaida de Alvarado rada en la capital se encueim Después de una larga temps in a responsible Bank. There are many high Officers of our Lodges salió para la vieja met opolia de regreso entre nosotros la e From Page dines and other canned fisk, who do not like to be associated pasar unos dias. Saludamos a la timable dama dona Nini de the tariff was reduced from 75 with a local Executive Council distinguida señora.
bles a quien saludamos mu on his return he found it all to 50 per cent and on these the because of the fear of thefir funds atentamente, signed up by his locum te loss would be about 50. 000 c, being investigated by such Coun AMIGA QUE MEJORA nens, Lic. don Luis Fernan tones. On dried fruit and pharcil. Had there been a Council in Celebramos que nuestra muy PARA SAN JOSE Salieron el miércoles pasad dez, and the United States macuetical preparations there this instance, so much cash could buena amiga la señorita Anita nister.
were reductions producing a never have been kept so careles: Royo, se encuentre va perfecta a San José los esposos don 161 Lic. don Teodoro Picado, loss of about 14. 000 colores ly as it gives rise to many temp mente bien. Nuestro saludo pa quin Badilla y su señora espor dona Aniadita Rosabal de Badill who was one of the signato but taking into consideration tations. There have been cases in a la gentil amiga.
which loans have been made by Les deseamos mucha felicida ries in a very elaborate and the benefits which this coun AMIGOS ENFERMOS extensive speech, save his try would derive from the the high officers, then the Trel Mucho hemos sentido que en sus vacaciones, cases for having signed the greenent these losses Deputy surer knowing that these are in nuestro buen amigo don Amaro DE SAN JOSI contract. He proved there was Picacio crimed would soon ap the deal also makes a loan on Castillo, secretario municipal Hoy regresa de San Jose del a policy of give and take in pear insignificant.
su encantadora hija Gracer ha pués de unos cuantos dias cannot be repaid on time, a squcal all trade agreeinents, and whi Deputy Orlich expressed for robbery is the oniy solution van guardado cama sufriendo de ausencia el muy respetable le it was true that Costa Rica the opinion that the atten un fuerte tranicazo. Sinceramen ballero don Israel Blanco would be losng about 217. 000 dance in Congress of the Mi to the difficult; and as there is neither an Executive Council nor te deseamos su pronta curacion quien saludamos muy atenta colones per annum On certain nister of Foreign Affairs was niente.
items of importation, yet we necessary and that all the lo Grand Lodge to investigate, it na BAILE EN EL COMMUNITY PARA LOS EE. UU.
Turally dies a quiet death, there. HOUSE hid gained the free entry into cuments relating to the agreefore a banking account with all su the United States of our Bana ment should be submitted so the disadvantages is the right lebro un bien animado baile pa salió el domingo pasado la erdia El lunes en la noche se ce Rumbo a los Estados Unidth nas and Coffce as well as ap that the Legislature could be preciable reductices in other come acquainted with all that course and members should see ra festejar a los numerosos tu cantadora y simpática jovencithe exportations which amounted led up to its consummation the names of four responsible ho bailó hasta la una de la ma. Nena Grab unr, a quien deseamaco that their funds are deposited in ristas del vapor Santa Marta. Se de la Colonia norteamericadle to quite a great benefit. He The Minister his refused to nourable members, drugada al compás de una mag uma muy agradable travesia ta showed that the local Lard in go into Congrers to explain nitica orquesta y les turistas re pronto regreso.
dustry could only produce 71 a matter to which he was not sumamente fw per cent of the amount requir la party but is willing to sub 168 mil racimos de. gresaron al barco contentos de todas las atencio.
GRAVE ACCIDENTE página UNO ed for normal consumption mit the dcouments. It is left, VIENE de la nes recibidas.
En dias pasados sufrió u thus leaving 29 per cent to to be seen how the matter willes bien arande.
serio accident: nuestro estimad Hemos sido informades que be importe don which the ta evolve luring the next few VACACIONES amigo don Manuel Antonio riff had been lowered to 55 days.
en la siguiente semana del mismo mes de junio, se rienPasando los dias de vacaciones de salud es a estas horas bas rrera. Dichosamente su estad cents per kil and would represent an annual loss of only the items on which the Import suma de 240. 000 racimos encantadora y linda damita de Atlántico hace votos muy si The following are some of sa exportar la considerab e entre nosotros se encuentra la tante satisfactorio. La Voz about 23. 000 colones. On Sar arift will be lowered to suit tres o cuatro vapores nuestra sociedad Estilita Presticeros por American exportatica: Typew Mucho celebramos la ante nary, a quien saludamos inuy del amigo Herrera la completa mejor riters and Adding machines. rior noticia, pues bien com atentamente deseandole una muy furniture of all kinds: prendemos que ello será de grata permanencia.
Silk stocitings and socks: Fly mucho provecho para los se paper: Paper table serviettes:nores comerciantes, especial CONDOLENCIA Trunks, ctc. Radios and their mente de esta provincia, y En los primeres dias de la accessories: Lumber of every también por lo que ello sig semana dejó de existir el amiWee. Le LIMON kind: Fine manuiactured leanifica para la economía y guito nuestro Manuel Otilio Va.
ther: Dried fruit; Wheat flour progreso nacional.
glio, hijo del recordado amigo ESTRADA Prepared oats an other ce Se nos dice igualmente que con Otilio Vaglio y su señora Abarrotes y Licores Fábrica de Hielo reals: Condensed and evapor los trabajadores que se ocu esposa doña Josefina de VaArtículos del Pais rated milk: Hog lard, ou pan en el trabajo del muelle, glio. La Voz del Atlántico al y Refrescos which article alcire there is o sea la carga de los vapo. dar a conocer tan penosa noticia Precios Económic)
claimed to be a loss to our reres, están ganando un pro hace presente a su señora madre LA IBERIA renue of approximately medio de veinte colones por y su demás familia su más 308 984 colones: Canned fisl dia de trabajo.
sentido pésame.
of all kinds; Dried and conser ed fruit; Conserved vegetables in tins; Chewing gum; Pig LA FLORIDA meat in tins: Prepared points Son muchas las ventajas que le of all kinds for imrnediate use: Liquid pharmaceutical prepa Fábrica de Hielo rations; Toilet soaps; Tooth Venta de Leche nastos and Dental prepara nuestro ya bien conocido plan de tions: Medici al pomades, oin!
y Maderas ments and other preperations such as pills, capules, etc. medicinal yeasts, Cigaretes.
Aumente hoy mismo el número de Guillermo Niehaus Co.
nuestros favorecedores. Tráiginis MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS o envíenos su CACAO.
LIMON Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia Sercicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo Importación de mercaderia en general Iron ar ly COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY SALOMON CHIN FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
ofrece a usted, señor agricultor. COOPERATIVA.
BANCO DE COSTA RICA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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