
1937 Raturday 29 May 1957 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 TAL Spanish Revolutions no New Thing.
LUIS WA CHONG a Revolt is no novelty in the throne in Madrid, found military force and held his te e pain. Off and on for nearly revolt as his welcome. beln in check. On 30 years. since Napoleon By 1820 he had a full blown Upon his death, however, de morced Joseph Bonaparte on revolution on his hands all be the long. drawn out Carher as King in 1808 the fore he realized what was hap list troubles began, finally LUMBER YARD Spanish people have periodi pening he was made prisoner forcing the regent Queen Maally risen against one ruling and held until the French. Duria Cristira to flee and lesy power or another. Even their ke of Angouléme came to his ing General Espartero in pow We have opened a Lumber Yard King. Ferdinand VII, rescue three years later. The er for three turbulent years, where we carry in stock a complete when, after a term as Napereafter Ferdinand made alter To quiet the unrest Isabella eon prisoner, he returned te nate concessions and shows of II, daughter of Ferdinand VIL assortment of all kinds of Native was put on the throne at the Lumber. Special sizes to order.
age of 13.
Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard We also have Portland Cement, RoofIsabella, when she came to NACIONALES an age of accountability, ma ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenTRANK MADURO Jr.
de concessions, but by 1865 tine and all other building materials.
the unrest had again risen to PROP.
iever pitch and the squadron.
Send in your orders Frank Maduro hijo, at Cadiz rebelled, which was PROP.
a signal for nation wide reBest native lumber LIMON TRADING COMPANY Maderas del pais. Exisvolt. Isabella fled and the peo tencia permanente ple thought their republic was Limon Division nuestro depósito.
at moderate prices at hand. But the real power was in the hands of the mili tary leaders, and eventually Po 099060000 2000. CD00000Dee.
Prince Amadeo of Savoy was Justice for Employees called in as King. Three un Joide Interesting information is just so soon as he decides the happy years and he, too quit.
Then came the republic. But From page La noted in the columns of the date of his sailing for his coun Panam Tribune re the Alien try of origin.
it proved to be virtually ana: that our visitors, being more Workers Pension Bill now un This is another great achie chy, and in 1874 Alfonso, Isa GUACIMO GUAPILES accustomed now to our clima der consideration by the Amerrement of the Association of bella son, was proclaimed te, etc. the homesters will ican Congress.
Panamanian Canal West In King. He and his widow, ly Cantina, Licores meet a fate similar to their sisThis consideration is a re dian Employees directed by concessions to those who de Extranjeros y del país. ter Clubs, as it does not seem sult of the re presentations of chat farseeing veteran Jamai manded parliamentary rule Tienda bien surtida as if we have a Club here to Usi the Panama Canal West Incan, Mr. Whyte, who stilled the rebellious cries si Abarrotes en general give the Independiente la adian Employees Association. has worked unceasingly for completely that the next ur hard gallop.
moecheaded by that indefatigable years in the protection and ad dising, led by Ruiz Zorrilla PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA meriadeader Samuel Whyte. As avancement of the many thous1886. collapsed.
The next outburst, in 1902, set consequence of these represen ands of Silver Employees on 30OTH.
vel tations Mr. Whyte has receive the Zone.
was the first of what may be zovernment to allow an elec ed valuable information from It is a pity that at a time called Spain modern troub Ition.
Washington which disclosc like this when Best West Indian les. Angered by loss of the At that election the Repuband labourers Baked are war in Cuba, the liberals chose licana and the Socialists jointhat the Congressional Com fermers tid mittee are unusually favour heading for much discomiar industrial disputes at home od forces for liberation and Berlin unable to the passing of the Billeure, depreciation and discri as an excuse for strikes, flors greed to seize the governBread under which a Pension will be mination on the part of gove and revolt in Barcelona aatment the first opportunity. At Buns provided for all aged alien en ermental segregational de Saragossa. Weyler, who had the polls they won forty of Biscuits Cakes JO ployees of the Panama Canal, crees, resulting in distressing! been called The Butcher ir Spain fifty provinces from the majority of whom creatment by Industrial and Cuba, was sent to put down the Royalists. Two days later The People Bakery West Indians.
Commercial entities there are the young revolt, end he did Alfonso fled the country and Bex 179. Lim on An incident has, however, Ino independent minded group so.
the republic was proclaimed.
arisen in which an old emplu of our leasing men who will The government, with the yee of the Canal Zone, dismis come forward and sponsor the ascension of Alfonso XIII to sed service since 1934, Intercets of our downtrodden the throne almost at hand.
W2 booked for repatriation and workers. Why cannot we find made concessions to the lite on an application being made such an amalgamation among rals to ouiet the situation. Ent for a stay of this order pend our many fraternal and other discontent remained.
ing th eformal adoption of the Organizations? representati The World War period, American Surgeon Dentist Pension Bill, he has been toiie from each could cortainly from 1914 to 1919, sai the by the Zone Officials that is form a Committee for the pre growth of new forces in Spain From loycla University, New Orleans, the Bill even pssses, it will not tection of the coloured eles and saw those forces testing be applicable to him as it ment in this Coustry by plae their strength. The infantry Offers his Professional Services After April Lic would only be retrospective Executive as also the Indue organized. Strikes were calles. tefore the Government committees of defense were for three vears prior to the 1st. in his new Up to Date Dental Clinic date on which it becomes of nial chiefs the principal disal and in every case were put fective, but that he hundredstages from which the peo down by the army. The clear Located next to the A! American Cables allere would be at his credit ple suffer.
ege between civil and milita Poprosentations from such a cy forces was harp and th: of powerful group Hir. DANIEL ZELERON would not fail to carry grea!
In 1923 situation canic Abogado y weight in the read justment to a head. Miguel Primo de When General John Per what is declared to be the dresof such Congressional decreea Rivera, Captain General of thing, generalissimo of the Ame siest uniform ever owned by an Notario Públice and Communisal and IndusCatalonia, rebelled, seized pow cican Army, made his histor American officer.
trial rulings as may be con er end soon took over the trip to France at the head of th He carried a full dress blue sidered detrimental to the best reins in Spain. The whole moj American Expeditionary Force in uniform characterized by the War interests of the coloured comvement was carried out with the World War, he was clothed in Department as a General Grant, Oficina: Altos Pasmunity not only of the Pro military precision, and Alfon modest khaki, but when he sailed designed to meet. General cual Ingianna vince but of the Republi. Wil so goon gave it his blessing for England recently as the per own idea as to military formaliCome one not come forward This regime lasted eight yearssonal representative of President. Made by a Washington tiilor and take this thought under before the worest forced the Roosevelt the coronation of at a cost of 600 dollars, the unicnside. ation?
King George, he took with him form is on the model of an aumy dark blue full dress dating from the War between the States. The Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back knee lengthhigh collared coat de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
dress carries gold embroidered pak Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofileaves along the collar and cuffs, This bill must be paid at our office four gold stars on each sleeve and cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th. of the month gold epaulets on the shoulders.
de cada mes Down the front are 12 gold butBe so good as to comply with this request and do not tons on each side arranged in se Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which ries of four.
de tener que cortar su servicis.
We would much regret to take.
It is thought that for one at least the United States could not be laughed at for appearing in outré apparel at a foreight poten tate state affair.
are CO Dr. MEDAL Jr.
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