
The Atlantic Vaice BISHOP RESIDENCE KINGSTON JAMAICA BW May 24, 1937 War! And Rumours of War!
Sr. Rogelio Gutiérrez Ross Director La Voz del Atlántico Devoted to the interests of the peope of the Atlantic zone Limon.
Editor English Section: NATION Dear Sir: It was with deep regret that learnt of the Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 5th. June 1937 No. 47 sudden and tragic deah of our dear friend, Bishop Wol garten.
Only a few months ago, we had the happiness of his company during our Centenary Celebrations. His Lordship at once endeared himsef to us all by his dignified simplicity and nobility of heari. Al the time, our only regret was that his The Revolution in Spain has bombs dropped from airplanes are reported to have sailed from visit was so short and we hoped to welcome him been regarded as the spark by! and shortly after the German Italy during the past couple of back again for a longer sojourn.
what to Europe may be envelop cruiser Deutschland suffered days for service with the natio.
It was therefore, with great sorrow that we edia another catastrophe more like experience from come Rus nalist party.
received the news of his untimely demise and as.
disastrous, perhaps, than the siam planes. In retaliation for General Mola tragic death, as sure you that the Rev. Futhers, Brothers, Sisters world has ever seen. All sorts this several of the German units the result of an airplane accident, and the entire Caiholic community here share in intrigues have been engineered bombarded the open and unfor is regarded a very serious loss to your gief on the loss of such a lovable Shepherd toward this end, but the experientified port of Almeria, killing and the nationalists especially as he as wa. The Ri. Rev. Carlos Wollgarfen.
ce of the Great Powers in the wounding scores of innocent peo not only was in supreme command We desire hereby to record our deepest symhorrors of War and Bloodshed has ple and demolishing many how of the operations in the Basque pathy with the people of Limon and ine entire Re.
kept the more stable ones from mes. These acts caused the gre territory, but also directed all public of Costa Rca on the great loss they have Terticipating in this awful thing. atest alarm for the Peace of Eu their military movements in vasustained and join with you in fervent prayer that Mines have been set by which a rope, but by the conferences pro rious other important sectors. His God «may grant him eternal rest and let perpeDritish Torpedo Destroyer was moted by England and France the place has been filled by General Jual lighi shine upon him; Camaged; Torpedo Boats have spark has been extinguished until Fidel Davila, who was head of been sent to Spanish waters by another incident arises: the party Technical Board.
Very sincerely yours, intriguing nations to foment tro Mussolini expressed himself as The General remains will be Thomas Emmet tible with foreign shiper. Much ready and willing to side with interred today at Pamplona with mitchief has been done by Ger Germany in whatever steps she military honours.
Til. Bishop of Tuscamia and Vicar Apostolic many and Italy to aggravate cir decided to take, but Hitler knows constances for provoking a war. better than to do anything which All these have, however, been would directly embroil him at echoed down and the worst avoid this juncture, ed, but a very dangerous circums anxiety has again been produced OF LABOURERS tance has recently arisen, cne by the large increase which he no Tine Minister of Jiealth is on Tuesday last the Contract plated. In order also to facilitate which may precipitate the dread. has ordered should be made to the again denoting mur atten wich the National Company, re the preparation and curing of ed var if the least mistake be Cerman units now in the Medition to the matter of hospi cently established for the the fibre, the necessary plant made in diplomatic conferences. terrean, and also in view of the ltal care of the labourers ploitation of the Abaca or Sisal will be constructed in the vici: At Italian warship was hit by facts that 2, 500 more volunteers egaged in work on Banana Industry, submitted to the gov. nities of the larger plantations.
farms, in consequence of the ernment for the purpose of sa In addition to the production tilought that only faners feguarding their investment and of thelr own fibre the Company who own a minimum of ten future operations, wa, formerly will be willing to make contracts pu Wuer, with private agricalturists for the will be eligible to send their mento and the Manager of the purchase of all their products; li spite of the solemn pro the poor washerwomen can labourers to hospital. What Company. It will be presented to those who are disposed to take miss of our Presidost, Lic. be seen wending their way then is to be done to the Congress at an early session for up this new industry should We under therefore get in touch with the 18 nded Leon Cortes, to secure tagging the fluid and draw smaii cultivator who also final approval uz adequate supply of this ing it to their different hor es pays his tax in proportion taid that the only change Company Secretary, Mr. Fran which has been made in the cisco de Gutierrez, San Jose, pocs fluid, and the increas to carry out their duties la to the bigger man?
ed efforts of our Municipal conection with this all pipes The Minister is also arrangtorns, as subinitted, wa, the pe who will gladly afford them al Bozd to augment the present were evidently left by mista ing that no one who e ms will remain in force, this riod during which the Contract information.
wa As these new operations wil than supply by installing a rew ke in full flow all the day and in private life more reduced from filty to thirty undoubtedly be of great assis Pump, Limon still suffers very night last Monday, with the 500 colones per annum shall years.
tance to our economic badly result that on Tuesday the be given free hospitai treat As we mentioned in earlier is tions and will also be the means Something very peculiar is half day supply was very ment, while rose eaming saes, the Company will be plac o: a large number of our people heyever happening: the small scanty, much having been 500 colones or less will be ing 500 hectareas in this zone obtaining permanent and lucra anant of water which comes allowed to run to waste the pre treated as pauper patients under cultivation of the plant tive employment, we do hope no tuus is locked off at mid vious day. The idea seemed The basis on which payine and will be erecting an up to dificulties will be encountere. ixfto most pipes, though the to be that of washing cut nts shall be made has not date and fully equipped Factory to prevent an early start being e are a few favoured ones the reservoir so as to tale, in been finally arranged, but in this city for the manufacture made and we wish them every whose supply is continued a new and fresh supply of these are the suggestions of of the various article contem success.
till a later period. To these clean clear water before the the Minister for the pe tocapparently favoured points river got in flood.
Ition of the Pauper Furds.
although much OSPITAUZATION The Abaca or Sisal Exploiting Co.
exWater! Water! Water! hectarea of his per excuted by the Minister of Fo condi The Trade Agreement with United States UNITED FRUIT Co.
WAMBURG AMERIKA LINE CORDILLERA Our Minister of Foreign AIfairs, Lic. don Lico Jimenez, has persisted in demitting his posiSERVICIO DE VAPORES tion in consequence of this Tariff Reform. As stated in our Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK last issue, when Congress, in dis con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA cussing the terms of the agreenuent, called on him for expla LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS nations regarding certain items, SALDRA DE LIMON he refused to attended before EUROPEOS AMERICANOS that Body and verbally resigned bis high office, but this was reVAPORES SALIDAS fusea acceptance by the President and his Executive Coun cil. As he was however determined to leave, he Junio QUIRIGUA subsequently EUROPA handed in a written resiznation PETEN Junio 13 wuch has been accepted.
JUNIO 19 Among the many and impor VERAGUA Junio 20 tant statements contained in his letter of resignation don Lico say. is contract for a trade agreement with the representa tives of the American govern Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United mens was suberibed to during Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
AGENCIA COSTA RICA my absence at the Buenos Aires Conference, therefore had no TELEFONO 3156 Teléfono 2086 Avenida Central opportunity of discussing the ca. TO page 10)
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    EnglandFranceGermanyHitlerItalyLeón CortésMussoliniPresidentes de Costa RicaSpain

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