
ay June 5th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page THE VOGUE a new ring buil soch ents as Hood downe richte Win letter of the JOHN ROGERS e 36 Murders Daily, Record ares at relor His Lord Shine Bras still raging in their contorturGood for Pack or Draft Comerciante Detallista RUMOUR IN 193. Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Official Circles ctiado y Notario Público Lawyer Notary Public With much regret we hear the rumour that the politirks cal enemies of our very ge.
Leicecina contigua a la Office: Adjoining to the City nial Comandante of Police Ladies and Gents Tailoring Public Library are at work against him.
Biblioteca English Spoken It is alleged that one of For Style Character the complaints made against ner Judge of the Limón District Court him is that the Bishop reand Good Taste.
sidence might have been sav ed and our late Vicar Apostolic rescued if quick action If you want the experience of AICA REGRETS DEATH OF had been taken. But those wearing a real smart outfit, come BISHOP WOLLGARTEN of us who witnessed the first along to smokings are convinced that demic of Jamaica, the to Costa Rica, and as Vicar great loss to the Church and considering the rapidity with one which the fire spread throComm. Thomas Emmet, personally acquainted with ughout the building nothing Save Phich appears in ano the late Bishop, take this could have been done.
LIMON cargumn, as also the fo opportunity of adding my It must be remembered. to be from the Rev. Glads personal expression of con that the lumber on this build son will, we are condolence to the people of Li ing was very old from the Ladies say he is adept at making be greatly appre mon on the loss of a mutual time of Mr. Beck Schult, y all our readers pai Friend and Father CHIN those, wh, by reanearly forty years ago, and Coats, Costumes, Breeches, Etc.
Sincerely yours, that it was lately treated to heir religious connec a fresh coat of paint. While ere closely associatGladston Wilson, the police were endeavourI our late and much Secretary. ing to locate water the fire d Bishop and Vicar did its work. Several persons lic.
went into the premises but The 3, 000, 000, 000 dollars This might indicate that is had to get out quicker than spent last year on education one out of every 100 of the residence. námien, Jamaica, es Spanish Orphans Offered they went in. We are assur in the United States Wasa as population had committed nothing compared with the crime, but the fact is that ma TA May 25, 1937.
Homes Here cost of crime, declared Cap ny committed more than one.
ogelio Gutiérrez Ross tain Patrick Kelly, a not There is however no discount La Voz del Atlan residents in this country have Draft Mule For Sale ed Criminal investigator oi ing the fact that these figures offered the government Washington. He asserted the dislose a state of affairs which Sir: Valencia to take care of 200 Fine Big Mule, 56 cost was five times that of demands much serious thougha orphan who have been madeinches in Height, Tame. cather startling.
education, and the record is by all who are interested in herewith at the destitute by the future of the Great Repu 13, 342 murders were report public.
amet, Vicar Apostolic rate country.
ed, which represents 36 a day naiea, an expression The orphans will be cared or one every 40 minutes. The sorrow and sympathy in the homes of private fari Apply. NATION, total crimen aggregated José chion Ng Catholics here relati lies just as if they were their Bcx 137. Limón.
1, 333, 526 or an average of!
he death of Monseñorowa offspring. This is sertain 3, 65 per day, 125 per hour 71 irten, Vicar Apostoly a most humanitarian distoor one every two and one halt Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, imon.
sition of these subjects of the minutes. Taken in their Artículos de Ferretería y passing is certainly a Sparish Republic.
iled by one of these that he pective classes there were Eléctricos; todo se encuentra was so endangered by the 7, 881 sex crimes, 55, 660 rob en este establecimiento.
melting of the zinc that he berics, 47, 534 cases of aggra had to run for his life. We vated assault 278, 823 cases of PRECIOS DE SITUACION fail to see what the Police burglary, 716, 674 of larceny LIMON could have accomplished. and 213, 712 auto thefts.
atas der the circumstances; filTrods veremos sus problemas manufactureros Análisis au mide toda clase. Investigaciones científicas sobre su probar: manufac urrro y control de calidad. Especialización en les, especialmente en la seda, sus problemas, su producción was enveloped and totaily It is noted that His Britantations of Costa Rican ithout proamiento, ele. etc. Escribanos dando completos detalles con umed in forty.
About the other compla formally visited President Corresponding increase in our im nic Majesty Minister has inducts so as to obtain a cor est ben American Research Laboratories int, we cannot say much tes and the Minister of For portations from his country.
except. that, if it be true, we sobed192 Lexington Avenue New York, hope the President and his ign Affairs, Lic. dca Tobias He says Japan can take inad com Minister of Gobernacion will Zuñiga Montufar, with a view mense quantities of cotton and of withdrawing ilar to the creden abaca as soon as these can be be lenient, having regard to the fact of tities cials of ex King Edward and obtained in commercial quan Universal Broker; In negociations Red of Montreal, CaGeorge VI.
It is clear to everyone who due them of insubordina30OTH. sve written the Cham knows anything of the trade tion;this is known to be reThe Japanese Minister. Se mmerce enquiring as. that Best Saichiro Koshida, with: his Secretary, Mr. Minora Iza Baked fering he Banan: market ohe entire izdustry has teen wa, are on a visit to us.
Berlin Rica to purchase and made possible only by the fi The Minister is here to Bread ur fruit on a lacge scanancial backing of the United GUACIMO GUAPILES ascertain the true status of Buns e United States and Fruit Company: and anything our increased commercial re Biscuits Cakes They have asked to to prejudice the operations of Cantina, Licores. bulied with a list of all this great benefactor of Costa 1ztionship with his country Extranjeros y del país. He advocates free trading. The. People Bakery dent producers and Rica would only meet with Tienda bien surtida mong all nations and has pro Box 179. Limón tion, who have no oblista urch opposition. Indeed it mised to increase the imporAbarroles en general with would be ingratitude to even or relationship with thiurk of entertaining such a PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA They may enter into proposition at this time.
Hasta para evitar que haya rrás gente sin trabajo debemos comprar sorted to in more advanced countries than ours.
Colonel Arias is a most congenial and affable Officer of En planillas de obreros y empleados the Law; considerate and del Hospital y del Asilo se distribuyen sympathetic to all unfortu.
nate offenders, yet stern in Miles de colones cada mes Slecimie to. de Licores, Tierda y Abarrotes the execution of duties. We consequently hope the comCompre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL El más surtido en Matina plaints, if considered to be properly founded, will be y ayude a evitar que haya judged by a censure rather más crisis y necesidades.
than a harsh condemnation Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Tes POCIENTIFICAMENTE started the entire building IN DIPLOMATIC CIRCLES liveli.
we dis Eguita Banana Company criminals do need corporeai sovereign, His Majesty King TEpossibility of their en proposton is entirely futile as nor LUIS WA CHONG when Home ATIOy her Company LOTERIA NACIONAL lan OP LEE LUNG ropre ack bd cws KS aki cachi


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